

Ok I have got an interseting thing you should all read it is about the Port arthur massacures. and how the guy charged could not of done the shooting because he was a retard by IQ standards.

People belive he was setup by the australian Gov so they could enforce new gun laws. below is the main factor he could not of done it.

The gunman rose from his chair at one of the tables in the Broad Arrow Cafe,removed the AR15 and spare magazine from a sports bag, immediately killing Mr Yee Ng with a shot to the upper neck,and Miss Chung with a shot to the head. Swivelling on the spot and firing from the right hip, the gunman fired at Mr Sargent who was wounded in the head, then killed Miss Scott with a shot to the head. The gunman continued through the Broad Arrow, next killing Mr Nightingale with a shot to the upper neck and Mr Bennet with a shot to the upper neck, with the latter bullet passing straight through and hitting Mr Ray Sharpe in the head with fatal results. Next Mr Kevin Sharpe was killed by a shot to the head and was also hit in the arm, with shrapnel and bone fragments from the second intermediatestrike on Mr Kevin Sharpe then apparently wounding Mr Broome, and possibly Mr and Mrs Fidler.
Still firing from the hip the gunman swivelled and killed Mr Mills and Mr Kistan with single shots to the head, with shrapnel and skull fragments from those shots apparently wounding Mrs Walker, Mrs Law, and Mrs Barker. Again the gunman turned, shooting and wounding Mr Colyer in the neck, before swivelling and killing Mr Howard with a shot to the head. Next he shot Mrs Howard in the neck and head with fatal effect. The gunman turned back, killing Miss Loughton with a shot to the head, and wounding Mrs Loughton in the back. Moving towards the rear of the building the gunman shot Mr Elliot in the head, causing serious injuries.

The above sequence is the best the forensic scientists could deduce from the crime scene and there may be small variations, but in the final analysis they matter little. What does matter is that at this precise juncture the gunman had killed twelve victims and wounded a further ten in 15 seconds flat, using only 17 rounds fired from the right hip. Such a staggering performance is on a par with the best combat shooters in the world, and two retired counter-terrorist marksmen ruefully admitted they would be hard pressed to equal such awesome speed and accuracy. Both agreed that attributing such aperformance to an intellectually-impaired invalid with an IQ of 66 and severely limited cognitive functions, amounts to nothing less than certifiable insanity on the part of Bryant's accusers. In military terms a fatal shot to the upper neck counts as a head shot,so for all practical purposes those who died during the first 15 seconds were killed by head shots fired with lethal accuracy from the gunman's hip.
Next the very professional gunman moved towards the area of the souvenir shop and killed Nicole Burgess with a shot to the head, then shot Mrs Elizabeth Howard through the chest and arm with fatal consequences.Swivelling around, the gunman killed Mr Lever with a shot to the head, and killed Mrs Neander with another shot to the head. Temporarily distracted, he fired back into the cafe area and wounded Mr Crosswell.Turning again he shot Mr Winter twice, killing him with a shot to the head. On his way back to the souvenir area the gunman wounded MrOlson, then proceeded to the kill-zone near the locked door where he killed Mr Jary, Pauline Masters, and Mr Nash, all of them with single shots to the head.
At this stage the gunman had killed twenty and wounded another twelve with a total of 29 rounds.

Amazing isnt it?
If any of you have an interesting conspiracys please post them.


:retarded: :retarded: :retarded: :retarded: :retarded: :retarded:
Please do some detailed research on theories of interest, think about the evidence and authors, then possibly consider posting.
But don't you think it is amazing a man with an IQ of 66 and harldy any experience in shooting manages to headshot 12 people in 15 seconds.

Does that seem strange to you?

Media apologists desperately trying to protect their obscene “lone nut” legend will scream foul at this point and claim that flukes happen. No they do not. About seven months ago a trained Israeli soldier went beserk in Hebron and fired a complete thirty-shot magazine of ammunition from an identical Colt AR15 into a crowd of Palestinians at the same range. His thirty high velocity bullets injured nine and killed no-one at all. This Israeli example helps to drive home the absolute lunacy of crafted media insinuations that Martin Bryant was a registered invalid who suddenly metamorphosed into the lethal equivalent of a fully trained and highly disciplined US Navy SEAL

The professional shooter in Tasmania presented us with a final display of his unquestioned prowess when tourist Linda White and her boyfriend Mick approached Seascape Cottage on the Port Arthur road in a small four-wheel drive vehicle, shortly after the massacre in the Broad Arrow Cafe. Both saw the shooter aim and Linda White felt the wind of the first round as it passed her cheek and shattered the driver’s window next to her head. The shooter corrected his aim and the second round hit Linda White in the arm, just to the right of the heart target area. The third round killed the engine and stopped the vehicle.

In this his ultimate demonstration of combat shooting skill the shooter fired one sighting shot at a fast-moving target of unknown speed from an unsupported freestanding firing position, the most difficult of all; instantly and accurately compensated for vehicle speed and weapon recoil with the same blinding speed as the computer gun sight on an F14 Tomcat, then disabled both driver and vehicle with shots two and three. This man might have been an indispensable asset stopping speeding car-bombers in Beirut, but his professional skills were far too conspicuous for Port Arthur.
No... check the other Aussies! Even lower IQs and much better shooting skills! ;)

It's actually pretty strange, but on the other hand it would explain why mostly idiots go to the army.
Serifan said:
But don't you think it is amazing a man with an IQ of 66 and harldy any experience in shooting manages to headshot 9 people in 15 seconds.
Actually a man can lie in IQ tests, or he can be a savant, witch increases his skills and abilities (with fire arms), so much so that a man can memorize a whole book from cover to cover in an hour, from word to word, but he cannot even understand the essence of the text, cause his brains just don't work that way.

Serifan said:
Does that seem strange to you?
In the time of miracles everything seems strange. No one would have made airplanes 500 years ago, but to day they do them every day.
But airplanes are not built by retards with an IQ of 66.
They rather tend to become US presidents. :)
Huh what has airplanes got to do with shooting accuracy.

also please see below for another fun fact

So Bryant the patsy was firmly in place and Seascape was swiftly surrounded by armed police from Tasmania and Victoria, most of whom must have been very puzzled as the siege continued through the night. If we are to believe media reports (difficult, I know) Martin Bryant fired 250 rounds during the siege period but hit nothing at all, which is exactly what one would expect of someone whose prior experience was limited to a Webley Osprey air rifle.

So I guy who just shot 32 people at a rate 2 dead to 1 injured, Fired 250 shots not one hitting a target. If the professional shooter had fired 250 rounds from Seascape Cottage during the siege, his awesome killed-to-injured ratio would have resulted in a police funeral cortege stretching from the Tasman Peninsula to Hobart.
I believe Osama hadn't crashed his birdy into the Sydney Opera House, Malky, so I fail to see the relevance of your post.

Serifan, surely it's "conspiracies" that you mean?
This man was likely just an extremely adept target shooter, most likely born with such potential. His IQ is 66. Mine more than doubles that, yet I cannot perform such a feat as that which he managed to pull off. The argument that "He couldn't possibly have performed such a feat... he's retarded!" is so flawed as to be laughable.

Born ability in specialized areas is nearly always completely independent of the IQ (which frankly isn't even an accurate or reliable measure of pure mental ability in the first place). If only those with high IQ scores can possible be adept in any area, even those independent of high-level mental function... that statement stands alone in its absurdity. The Defense's idea of arguing the impossibility of the defendant being the culprit due to possessing below average IQ in tested areas, all but one of which have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CRIME is nothing but the result of ingrained, petulant arrogance.

"No person deemed inferior to myself by an impractical and irrelevant arbiter possibly could have exceeded my own (lack of) ability so dramatically!"

The fact that you say this man is retarded, which state is usually defined by a lack of verbal and mathematical ability, and sometimes other deficiencies, may have been "balanced out" by hyperdevelopment of his spatial reasoning centers- thus explaining his incredible accuracy and rapid target accquisition. He may also have possessed very rapid reflexes, but that isn't a critical element in explaining this. But it does help explain the speed of target acquisition.

This "retard' may well have been a genius in his own, "non-measurable by standardized tests" way. Not measurable until now, that is. Maybe this was the universe's own, indirect way of showing this man wasn't useless at all?

There are just some people born with natural talents that, at first glance, seem like they should be completely impossible. Such gifts are nearly always counterbalanced by proportionate lack in a seperate, often unrelated area.

There are those who are born with enhanced abilities in what seems to be all area, but this is balanced by the "pressure cooker" effect that they feel their whole lives, the need to live up to their incredible potential. To live up to the expectations of others.

This man went through no such thing. Nobody ever had any expectations of him. Might that have caused his buried abilities to surface in such a violent way? It's more than possible.

Media apologists desperately trying to protect their obscene “lone nut” legend will scream foul at this point and claim that flukes happen. No they do not.
There's the arrogance I was referring to. Thank you for the example, Serifan.

About seven months ago a trained Israeli soldier went berserk in Hebron and fired a complete thirty-shot magazine of ammunition from an identical Colt AR15 into a crowd of Palestinians at the same range. His thirty high velocity bullets injured nine and killed no-one at all.
Notice the circumstances described? He went berserk. Berserk implies frenetic. Frenetic implies he was overcome by violent emotion. Thus he was firing wildly into the crowd without aiming, likely just pulling the trigger as quickly as he could.

Naturally, he inflicted no serious damage and he only even managed to hit with 30% of his shots. Hardly the hallmark of a "trained soldier", especially at such a close range.

This "trained soldier" forgot all of his training in an instant- yet the person quoted is assuming that his performance is the benchmark. Likely due to a lack of knowledge of the situation. Yet due to a deep-seated intellectual arrogance and sense of superiority, they wail about how no "retard" possibly could have managed to perform such an act due to their lifelong education in the utter uselessness of the percieved "inferiors". They are ones to be pitied, not feared due to the fact that some of them might be able to exceed your, and society's expectations so dramatically.

Serifan said:
So I guy who just shot 32 people at a rate 2 dead to 1 injured, Fired 250 shots not one hitting a target.

He went into a literal "zone". He killed. And killed. And killed some more. And then once the rush was gone, he quite literally "became his normal self again". This has been documented as happening in wars, where completely green soldiers somehow become crazed, or super-efficient killing machines (or both).
Often when faced with life-or-death situations, but not always. It always wears off afterward, and they often have next to no recollection of the events- IF they survive. The masterful soldier that was inside them emerged for a fleeting moment, not expecting to survive the ordeal.

Vox said:
On the other hand it would explain why mostly idiots go to the army.
You had better be joking. There are no more "idiots" in the modern Army than in the general populace, they are simply more visible due to the fact that they might be issued guns. Oh God! They might kill us all unless we reinforce society's lack of expectations of them!

Oh shit, we never thought about the fact that they might be MORE likely to kill us because nobody ever thought they were worth anything. Contrary to popular belief, people don't snap for no reason. There's ALWAYS a reason, and it's usually been reinforced for that person's WHOLE LIFE. Therefore they're willing to hurt others, or even take their lives in a misguided attempt to make others feel what they've felt.

(No, I'm not referring to emos there, however much they may pretend to identify. They happen to be nothing more than spoiled, misguided fools who pretend that their lives are terrible and unfortunate. This due to the fact that they've never actually experienced such conditions and quite possibly never will. That's a whole 'nother topic, though.)

You are an idiot savant sharpshooter extraordinaire. You get a 50 bonus to small weapons but you can't raise your IN above 4.
Vox said:
It's actually pretty strange, but on the other hand it would explain why mostly idiots go to the army.
Vox said:
But airplanes are not built by retards with an IQ of 66.
They rather tend to become US presidents. :)
Strike three for trolling. Banzored.
This may surprise you, but you have to watch what you say when you just got heavily warned.

As for that conspiracy....egad, what a bunch of strawmen and poor reasoning put together.

Before the article itself there's a lot of dribble which essentially says 'conspiracy!' but has no bearing whatsoever on the shooting itself.
The article itself then starts out trying to establish 'precedent' by citing a completely unrelated and very different situation where a conclusion previously reached in a shooting case was later rebuked. The *only* thing that ties these two cases together being that the writer has investigated both of them and came to the conclusion that both shootings were conspiracies. Somehow, though, this man has never shown his 'evidence' in front of a court.
Again, this has no bearing on this incident whatsoever.

Then he goes on on weather patterns on tapes. Showing an overcast sky must obviously mean that the weather is different from the supposedly sunny but cloudy day.
Anyone who's ever experienced a sunny but cloudy day knows that clouds at times obscure the sun, hence creating the look of an overcast sky. The bit about the obscured package he's carrying being too short is also doubtful. It's obscured, how can you then accurately tell it's length? The fact that no photographs are shown with this article also cast serious doubt on its validity.
He then claims that there being three people living and acting on the tape is 'scientific' evidence that the tape is false. This is an abuse of the word scientific if I ever saw one.
He completely ignores any other possibility, such as the shooting having occurred in a very small span of time, the people still being outside when the shooter runs out and hence watching in awe while he runs away. This is only one other possible explanation. Scientific my ass.
He then posts the straw man that the police might give a certain explanation (that it was a re-enactment), then proceeds to cut down this explanation even though the police themselves never offered this explanation in the first place. His rebuttal to this explanation is also laughable, since it's quite possible that an actor was used for the re-enactment instead of the shooter himself. In fact, that would be logical.

Then lastly, there's the very short and stupid 'argument' that a man with an IQ of 66 (source?) should not be able to shoot 20 people with a high-powered, automatic rifle. I wonder why not. After all, in a crowded room, people all around you, it's not that hard to hit a lot of people. And if aiming upwards from the hip, one would expect most of those hits to be in the area of the head.
you raise some good points ken but please see below another fact.

On 27 March 1996 Terry Hill and assistant Greg Peck were working at “Guns and Ammo” in New Town, Tasmania, when the door opened and a tall man with long blonde hair walked in carrying a package wrapped in a towel. Known to Terry Hill only as Martin, the man muttered that “something was wrong with it” and promptly handed the package muzzle-first across the counter. When Terry Hill unwrapped the towel he found that “it” was an AR10 assault rifle fitted with a clip containing 15 live rounds of high velocity .308 (7.62-mm NATO) ammunition. Horrified, Hill removed the clip and worked the action, at which point another live round ejected from the breech. “Martin” had calmly walked into the store with a fully-loaded and unsafe assault weapon, blissfully unaware he had done anything wrong. His actions that morning demonstrated with chilling clarity that “Martin” had absolutely no idea how to load, cock, aim, fire, or unload, assault weapons of any kind.

This guy did not have a clue how to use a machine gun. I suggest you read the whole thing in the link I gave. It has some interesting facts.
Serifan said:
you raise some good points ken but please see below another fact.

On 27 March 1996 Terry Hill and assistant Greg Peck were working at “Guns and Ammo” in New Town, Tasmania, when the door opened and a tall man with long blonde hair walked in carrying a package wrapped in a towel. Known to Terry Hill only as Martin, the man muttered that “something was wrong with it” and promptly handed the package muzzle-first across the counter. When Terry Hill unwrapped the towel he found that “it” was an AR10 assault rifle fitted with a clip containing 15 live rounds of high velocity .308 (7.62-mm NATO) ammunition. Horrified, Hill removed the clip and worked the action, at which point another live round ejected from the breech. “Martin” had calmly walked into the store with a fully-loaded and unsafe assault weapon, blissfully unaware he had done anything wrong. His actions that morning demonstrated with chilling clarity that “Martin” had absolutely no idea how to load, cock, aim, fire, or unload, assault weapons of any kind.

This guy did not have a clue how to use a machine gun. I suggest you read the whole thing in the link I gave. It has some interesting facts.
Ehm, what?
No, that's not what it proves at all. It proves that Bryant was unaware perhaps of firearm safety precautions, it doesn't show at all that he doesn't know how to load, cock, aim, fire or unload assault weapons.
In fact, it shows that he does know how to load the weapon since no weapon is ever given out pre-loaded.
hahaha fuck I didn't think when I saw that, He must of know how to load because there was bullets in it. but then again I could say that he was given the guy like that all loaded.

Also have you fired a machine gun before? I can't understand how he managed to hit that many people in the head in that space of time. psyop soldier or lone gunman I don't care who you are that is fucking amazing.
Sander said:
No, that's not what it proves at all. It proves that Bryant was unaware perhaps of firearm safety precautions, it doesn't show at all that he doesn't know how to load, cock, aim, fire or unload assault weapons.
In fact, it shows that he does know how to load the weapon since no weapon is ever given out pre-loaded.
Indeed it does... very astute observation. And I've got some final points to add in that vein.

“Martin” had calmly walked into the store with a fully-loaded and unsafe assault weapon, blissfully unaware he had done anything wrong.
Due to the fact that Bryant did not know how to clear the breech of the rifle after a jam, the assumption is made that he therefore must not know how to perform any action related to the operation of the rifle. Notice the usage of "blissfully unaware": this is a classic example of the "polite insults" often used when denigrating percieved inferiors.

"Blissfully" implies he walked in happily, but he clearly wasn't, due to the fact that he muttered about the fact that "something was wrong with it".
Muttering implies either frustration, secrecy, or both. Clearly frustration in this account, as there was no need for secrecy in a gun shop. This implies he had fired the weapon already, because a round was jammed in the breech- He would not have known something was "wrong with it" unless he'd tried to fire!

So he made a conscious attempt to figure out what had gone wrong, but he couldn't figure out what happened and went back to the shop in frustration. If he fit the cultural stereotype of a mental inferior who walked around blissfully unaware of everything, he couldn't possibly have mumbled an expression of frustration because he's so blissfully unaware.

So in that case, I must ask: If he didn't perform any actions related to the rifle, just who did? It's a clear logical flaw.

Once again, learned prejudice reared its head by destroying all ability to use logic, and thus come to the obvious conclusion: This retard can, and he did use this rifle.


Also: Using an AR-10 rifle is actually good practice for using an AR-15. The internal and external structure of the rifles are very similar, with some upsizing in parts of the AR-10. Also, the AR-10 has a heavier bullet, and thus more recoil. Training yourself to manage the recoil characteristics of a heavier weapon means that lighter weapons of the same type become much easier to manage. It's like weight training, or like skill synergy.

The differences between the profiles of the AR-10's .308 cal bullet and the AR-15's .223 wouldn't have mattered at the ranges he was firing at. The performance characteristics would have been so close as to not matter at all.
If he had practiced with the AR-10, this could help explain his inability to hit police at longer ranges with the AR-15, either because he:
A. Hadn't trained enough, or at all, at longer ranges.
B. If he had, the differences between the profiles of the two calibers threw off his shots.
C. Panic resulted in him going berserk like the Israeli soldier described earlier.
Or any combination of the three.

Serifan said:
psyop soldier or lone gunman I don't care who you are that is fucking amazing.
Hell yeah it is- And that's the crux of the whole problem!

It's all an argument between people who say he couldn't possibly have managed to do this because of things completely unrelated to the feat, and those who accept the possibility that something amazing like that CAN happen, and in this case, it DID. It all comes down to how cynical you are, and society as a whole has gotten pretty damned cynical.

So I guess the whole point of all of this is that...

The only way to learn the truth is to analyze the evidence presented by all sides of an argument, to analyze the WAYS said evidence is being presented by them- then find and fill in the holes.
After that, you should have the truth- or at very least a close approximation of it.

No single viewpoint is ever entirely true... in this case, it's been tainted by bias of the kind that would deny the world being round, just because they've been told it was flat for their entire lives.
Serifan said:
But don't you think it is amazing a man with an IQ of 66 and harldy any experience in shooting manages to headshot 12 people in 15 seconds.
Does that seem strange to you?
Idiot Savant?

it's quite possible.

as for the special forces angle. the one bullet accuracy is largely dependant on the training. SEALs, USMC, and so on are often told to spray and depend on suppressive fire. the french GIGN on the other hand have a doctrine of one shot, one kill. this they train to the max.

Serifan said:
So I guy who just shot 32 people at a rate 2 dead to 1 injured, Fired 250 shots not one hitting a target. If the professional shooter had fired 250 rounds from Seascape Cottage during the siege, his awesome killed-to-injured ratio would have resulted in a police funeral cortege stretching from the Tasman Peninsula to Hobart.
all his other shots were at close range... a siege doesnt happen at close range. and i suppose the cops were wearing bulletproof vests and helmets that are able to stop the 5.56mm bullet.

Serifan said:
On 27 March 1996 Terry Hill and assistant Greg Peck were working at “Guns and Ammo” in New Town, Tasmania, when the door opened and a tall man with long blonde hair walked in carrying a package wrapped in a towel. Known to Terry Hill only as Martin, the man muttered that “something was wrong with it” and promptly handed the package muzzle-first across the counter. When Terry Hill unwrapped the towel he found that “it” was an AR10 assault rifle fitted with a clip containing 15 live rounds of high velocity .308 (7.62-mm NATO) ammunition. Horrified, Hill removed the clip and worked the action, at which point another live round ejected from the breech. “Martin” had calmly walked into the store with a fully-loaded and unsafe assault weapon, blissfully unaware he had done anything wrong. His actions that morning demonstrated with chilling clarity that “Martin” had absolutely no idea how to load, cock, aim, fire, or unload, assault weapons of any kind.
'unsafe' is like saying a cocked 1911 is 'unsafe'. it just looks that way to random people, but it's not. if the safety is on, you can play baseball with it and it wont fire. how is it unsafe?

quite possibly a round was jammed or the firing pin was damaged, making the gun unable to shoot. not being able to fix it himself, he went to a gunshop, so what.

sure, he fluncs modern basic gun safety, but in essence his gun was safe enough with just the safety on.

i see a lot of people at the range panicking when a gun gets jammed or fails to unload. usually they hand the gun to someone else to unjam it or see what's wrong. it's a normal reaction i think if you believe you dont know enough about it, you hand it to someone who does.

Serifan said:
Also have you fired a machine gun before?
a machine gun is another classification.

this was an assault rifle or a carbine.

Serifan said:
I can't understand how he managed to hit that many people in the head in that space of time.
from the hip? yeah, it's a very nice feat of skill.

Serifan said:
psyop soldier or lone gunman I don't care who you are that is fucking amazing.
euhm, you obviously have no clue whatsoever about PsyOps... i guess you mean special ops or perhaps even black ops?
euhm, you obviously have no clue whatsoever about PsyOps... i guess you mean special ops or perhaps even black ops

Well the guy said that this was probably a psyop. which in effect gave us the gun laws we have today.
All of the hard evidence at Port Arthur bears the distinctive trademark of a planned “psyop”, meaning an operation designed to psychologically manipulate the belief mechanisms of a group of people or a nation for geopolitical or military reasons.

In the immediate aftermath of the Port Arthur massacre, politicians developed collective verbal diarrhoea in the House of Representatives as they joined the feeding frenzy designed to undermine Australian national security by removing defensive weapons from the hands of the public.

There is now also convincing hard evidence that the gun control proposals accepted by Police Ministers in May1996 were prepared before the massacre, by an ideological senior bureaucrat with United Nations connections.

Please read the above because I could not explain it with my writing.