The new Kane and Lynch, Dog Days, is pretty fun in co-op. I've been going though campaign with a friend on Hard, it's pretty tough but it's very fun.
MrBumble said:Saints Row 2 Coop is one of the funniest coop game ever...if you don't mind the terrible bugs.
Ausdoerrt said:Oh please, SS2 was utterly boring and uninspired, with repetitive levels. I'd suggest First and Second encounter instead.
SkuLL said:How does Baldur's Gate 2 co-op even work? I loved that game (finished it again recently), but I can't imagine what it's like playing it with someone else - what of all the dialogues, shop keepers and pausing in combat - don't you have to wait for the other player a lot?
Fights might be cool, but they're hardly the main part of the game and they're over so quickly... I'm genuinely interested in this idea of co-op and what it would feel like.