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Sduibek said:
That being said, that author really needs to read "Eats, Shoot & Leaves". Their application of sentence structure and punctuation is terrible.

It's translated from Spanish, which has a slightly different structure and rhythm. It was also dictated by a blind man, so I don't know if he was in 100% charge of punctuation in the first place.
Per said:
Sduibek said:
That being said, that author really needs to read "Eats, Shoot & Leaves". Their application of sentence structure and punctuation is terrible.

It's translated from Spanish, which has a slightly different structure and rhythm. It was also dictated by a blind man, so I don't know if he was in 100% charge of punctuation in the first place.
Oh wow. Well ignore what I said then :o

Oh wait you probably do that anyway. Ha!

btw as the writer of the Nearly Ultimate Guides, you probably feel pretty awesome and amazing all the time. What does that feel like? Also, do you work on mods? I forget.

Fartmonkey said:
Sometimes I get the notion that there's an entire industry dedicated to deliberately rebooting and raping old movies and cartoons just so they can rerelease the originals and tap into the whole nostalgia business.
Sounds legit.

I guess at least younger generations get introduced to the cool old stuff :shrug: