Corrupting saves in Fallout 1


First time out of the vault
I installed Fallout 1 once again and started another adventure. All went fine and smooth until I got to the Mutie's military base. I killed all muties outside of the base and went in. I saved the game after I killed the first three enemies (they are just next to entrance). Now all saves I do after that are corrupting. If I kill all enemies on the first level and save my game and then try to load it Fallout crashesh to the desktop. This is real annoying.

I have Windows 2000 so I had to install the game manually. I have updated it to version 1.1. I tried to re-install Fallout and copy old saves but it didn't help. Even if I load an older save and then go to the military base saves are getting corrupted.

I'm thinking about getting some old harddrive and installing Windows 98 to it, maybe the game would work better with that. The problem occurs only in the military base but I think that Win2K causes the problem.

I already tried search but no-one seems to have the same problem. Sorry for my not-so-good English. :roll:
Juhani, from your name I can tell that you are an asian... Indonesian maybe?
Well, if you have Win98 Second Edition, use that instead for gaming purpose. It's more trouble free for gaming.
At last I managed to destroy the military base, it wasn't easy because I couldn't save or load during the infiltration. It would be very nice to get Fallout 3 but maybe even nicer to get Fallout 1 & 2 without any fatal bugs or problems with newer operating systems. :wink:

Thanks to all who replied. I like Netherlands too, I'm planning a trip to Amsterdam in the future. 8)
Now I can't get down to the third level of Master's Vault. I can go to the second level without any problems but if I try to get to the third level game just crashes. So I can't kill Master. :evil:
I just got an old 2 gt hd and installed Windows 98 SE to it. Then I installed Fallout, updated it and copied old saves. I tried to use elevator to get down to Master's Vault's third floor but game crashed just like in Win2K. :cry:

This is interesting. Probably my copy of Fallout 1 is corrupted or something. I'll lend Fallout 1 from my friend tomorrow, his copy should be fully working one. I hope I'll get this great game fully working. It would be annoying if I couldn't complete the game.
My friend's copy of Fallout is a working one (it's not really a copy, it's original). Mine is a copy from original, and it's version 1.0 (said in the readme.txt) but my friend's Fallout is 1.2 (also said in the readme.txt)! I thought that there was only 1.1 version of Fallout. I haven't seen 1.2 patch anywhere. Maybe my Fallout is European version and my friend's Fallout is US-version. I don't know, this is confusing, but I don't care anymore because now I have a fully working Fallout. 8)
Juhani said:
Now I can't get down to the third level of Master's Vault. I can go to the second level without any problems but if I try to get to the third level game just crashes. So I can't kill Master. :evil:
Go talk to Morpheus, he will take you to The Master. Maybe that works.