cosplay help

There isn't a huge cosplay community here, though I know a few people have put together vault suits. If nobody comes up with much else that's to your liking, you may have some luck looking around on tumblr or Deviantart and directly asking the creators of any you think turned out well.

I know my last ex and I hit every labor supply outfitter within ten miles of us without being able to find anything too satisfactory, but she was an exacting perfectionist when it came to cosplay. We ended up digging around in fabric store patterns until we found a suitable design and then picking up a couple of bolts of cloth in blue and yellow to suit our tastes and some embellishments from the hardware store.

Should anyone happen along with any better advice, though, just one question to narrow things down, OP: were you looking to do a more form-fitting suit like in the original series and the F4 trailer, or were you looking for the utilitarian canvas/leather tyoe from the F3 generation?
The problem is the vault suits were made out of spandex.
And spandex is not used that much these days...
Of course if you go the Bethesda way, you can just get normal blue jumpsuits and you're good to go.
But where's the fun in that?!