CPU coolers

I recently fried my P 200 MMX because I ran it for 2 weeks without any cooling at all :D
It's awesome, DOS works sometimes but starting windows produces all kinds of interesting features, usually general protection faults and stuff.

Testes has spoken. Long live Testes.
>I recently fried my P 200
>MMX because I ran it
>for 2 weeks without any
>cooling at all :D
>It's awesome, DOS works sometimes but
>starting windows produces all kinds
>of interesting features, usually general
>protection faults and stuff.

I don't know if "features" is the right word here... :)


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>I don't know if "features" is
>the right word here... :)

Of course it is. You know the Microsoft slogan, "That's not a bug. It's a feature."

Testes has spoken. Long live Testes.
>You disabled the high temperature alert

On my P 200 which is from 1996?
It's not like I really care, it's only my abandonware box. Now it's running a 133 cpu instead.
>>You disabled the high temperature alert
>On my P 200 which is
>from 1996?
>It's not like I really care,
>it's only my abandonware box.
>Now it's running a 133
>cpu instead.

Those machines make REALLY good DOOM boxes so you can play DOOM networked with your friends. Try putting DOOM Legacy on there and have fun (www.newdoom.com/doomlegacy/), because you have have up to 32 players at once.


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