Crash bug in Killap's patch

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Killap informed us that the most recent version of his unofficial Fallout 2 patch was found to have a rather nasty crash bug. NMA's versions of the patches have been updated, if you have been using the old version you are advised to upgrade, and if you own a site that hosts the patch, please update from NMA's versions.

Links: Killap's Patch release Final A (UK), Killap's Patch release Final B (UK), Killap's Patch release Final A (US), Killap's Patch release Final B (US), Patch thread at NMA Forum
What is the crash bug, Brother None? I had some crashes with Fallout 2 using the recent kilap on the beggining (gltiching before ending creation of my char), Is that one?
Crash would have occurred when entering Vault City.

Never heard about the character creation issue...

Thanks again Brother None!
I think I experienced that crash. I was black screening when entering Vault City. I copied the wind audio tracks from the disc to the appropriate folder and all was fixed.
blackEagle said:
I think I experienced that crash. I was black screening when entering Vault City. I copied the wind audio tracks from the disc to the appropriate folder and all was fixed.

Interesting. The problem I found was in the actual map file itself...

Just trying to be helpful
Not really OT, but anyway. I just started playing Fallout 2 under Win XP and suffered from lots of crashes. After installing this update I've played for 10-15 hours without one crash! Great stuff! Keep up the good work :)