The Drunken Writer/Hobo, ala Mickey Rourke/Charles Bukowski from Barfly
Suffering from terrible luck in life and an inability to see anything very clearly due to a limited visual range stemming from constant alcoholism, Mr Hobo took this job as a courier to pay off some outstanding rent and somehow winds up on an unwanted revenge mission through New Vegas. Hopefully by the end he'll at least get a free drink out of it.
S 6
P 4
E 5
C 9
I 7
A 7
L 2
Whilst he can't hope to rely on gambling as a source of cash or enjoyment, whatever he lacks in combat ability is made up for by an inherent charm and strong moral code - apart from his blatant Winona Ryder-rivaling kleptomania. Granted he only steals from 'bad people' or people he doesn't like, he will always support the underdog, and most importantly of all he never does drugs. Just drinks a lot.
He will turn many casinos (and bartenders with dodgy moustaches) hostile.
Ideal companions: Cass (obviously) and Rex
Traits: Kamikaze, Wild Wasteland
Perks: Night Person (he sleeps during the day), Nerd Rage (the closer he is to getting knocked out, the stronger he'll become), Party Boy (alcoholism? What alcoholism?), Quantum Chemist (Nuka-Cola always goes good with bourbon)
Tagged Skills: Stealing, Unarmed, Speech
plus any other appropriate Traits/Perks as yet unannounced

Suffering from terrible luck in life and an inability to see anything very clearly due to a limited visual range stemming from constant alcoholism, Mr Hobo took this job as a courier to pay off some outstanding rent and somehow winds up on an unwanted revenge mission through New Vegas. Hopefully by the end he'll at least get a free drink out of it.
S 6
P 4
E 5
C 9
I 7
A 7
L 2
Whilst he can't hope to rely on gambling as a source of cash or enjoyment, whatever he lacks in combat ability is made up for by an inherent charm and strong moral code - apart from his blatant Winona Ryder-rivaling kleptomania. Granted he only steals from 'bad people' or people he doesn't like, he will always support the underdog, and most importantly of all he never does drugs. Just drinks a lot.
He will turn many casinos (and bartenders with dodgy moustaches) hostile.
Ideal companions: Cass (obviously) and Rex
Traits: Kamikaze, Wild Wasteland
Perks: Night Person (he sleeps during the day), Nerd Rage (the closer he is to getting knocked out, the stronger he'll become), Party Boy (alcoholism? What alcoholism?), Quantum Chemist (Nuka-Cola always goes good with bourbon)
Tagged Skills: Stealing, Unarmed, Speech
plus any other appropriate Traits/Perks as yet unannounced