Star Paladin
Right, my bad. I'll go check out their website for a download.
If I were to make a Fallout game, I'd set it in Oregon in 2275, five years before the events of New Vegas take place. The main character would be an NCR soldier sent to infiltrate Salem--the state's capital. The city of Salem would be... well, wonderful. Inside the gates it would be as if the war never happened; vendors would be selling their wares, people would be smiling--the buildings would lack the signs of damage the rest of the waste seemed to have accumulated.
But just because everything looks good at first doesn't mean there's nothing wrong There would be power armored soldiers wandering the streets. occasionally you'd see signs of a battle--a charred wall here, a blood stain here. Camera's would be everywhere--it would give off a "big brother is always watching" feel to it.
The NCR wants Salem's resources, to anex it into their empire. The game would start with the player entering the city with this mission in mind. The tutorial would have you try out a few guns from a local store, ask the citizens--all of which seem a little too friendly--about the city. Basically go in as an NCR spy and act the part of a tourist, gain information, and return to the NCR with the Intel so they can decide how to proceed.
Turns out, the leader of the city--more a less a synth--knows who you are. You're 'invited' to the dinner at her stronghold and, upon meeting her, would be given the impression that she's not really that bad. She'd be polite, knowledgeable, and if you took the right skills and perks very forthcoming. Just for flavor I'd add in some "hacked" things, so that she'd subtly call you out if you have, say, 100 speech and try to convince her to talk, or other perks/stats you shouldn't have yet and try to use on her.
If you're responses pleases her, she'd let you go on your marry way with a warning about the NCR, as well as an 'optional' quest to do which links into Salem's Reputation. If you anger her, are disrespectful, or attempt to kill her she would have you personally removed from the city walls and lock you out for the majority of the game. Regardless of what you do she'll keep in touch--whether to offer help or mock you--and you'll run into the rebels. The people who know what's going on in Salem, who know the dark and dirty secrets it keeps hidden. They'll want you to spread the message, to get as many people together to storm the city.
The reputation and Karma systems would play a big role in this, and whether or not your helping the rebels build up and army to fight off Salem or helping Salem "assimilate" the various people of the state the final battle will take in the city itself. The big kplayer in this game would be cybernetics; the rebels would refuse them completely, while Salem makes them mandatory for every citizen. If you sided with Salem you'd have to at least have one installed. Install them when siding with the rebels and you'd have to take the independent or NCR route, where you'd either keep in contact with the NCR via Radio to get your missions or forsake all of them and take control.
I liked that in Vegas.
If you take only one implant you'd be... well, fucked. During the final battle every citizen and power armored troop would be fighting either with or against you, each one acting in perfect unison. Their minds would be more a less "shut off" as the Salem AI takes control of their implants and forces them to attack you. If you sided with Salem, the ending slide shows your character living happily in the city walls, another citizen of the now much larger empire.
If you hoarded them like the power hungry Gamer you probably are, Salem's leader will comment on how similar the two of you are. Because she sees so much of herself in you, she lets you keep your free will, and she grooms you as the next leader of Salem.
If you sided against them, then you'd be severely limited depending on how mechanical you are. One or two implants and your character will occasionally do things on their own at the final battle, like mess up your aim or turn the gun to yourself. or maybe just stop reacting completely, but nothing that would make it impossible to win.
If you collected the implants, to the point that you are more a less a mirror image to Salem's leader, it would be deceptively easy to reach her Throughout the battle in the she'll constantly compare the two of you; this would be a bit of meta gaming, as the dialogue would be made to imply she was once someone elses character. She'd mention things like dying and reloading--comparing it to the feeling of mass deja vu or even clairvoyance. In some instances she'd ask if you still feel like yourself, or if you think of her whenever you see your reflection. She'll always herself in you when your like this, regardless of what you've done, and as such won't try to stop your approach via your implants. She wants to test herself against someone who's chosen a similar path.
When you finally meet her, regardless of how enhanced you are, she'll mention the outcome of some of your quests--both major and minor--ask you if you think you did the right choice, and depending on whether or not you were an asshole she'll either express sadness that you're her enemy, a cold disdain that something like you could exist, or a "we've all done things we regret" mentality. if you did a bit of both.
And at the end of the speech she'll ask if you felt like you've done this already, before starting the final boss fight. She;d be suited up in a unique suit of power armor and armed with an MEC Gauss Minigun. If you said all the right things to her in the past, and was more a less a saint she'll be much more liable to miss. Like she said, she doesn't want to fight you--and it would show in her hesitation to harm you.
Neutral and Evil would be the punishing battles. Her attacks would be VATS aided and you'd need to find cover quickly unless you wanted to be blown to bits within the first minute. If you sided with her and went NCR while dying she'll tell you that you've made a mistake, and that your choice in allegiance has already existed and brought about the end of the world once. If you stayed true to NCR all along she'll commend your loyalty, misguided as it is, and ask if the future of the wasteland under NCR will look anything like what she's built in Salem.
If you went straight Independent she'll ask you to stay true to her vision, and keep Salem a beacon for a better future for the Wasteland. Unless you're evil, anyway, in which case she'll lament the fact that she wasn't able to protect her vision from falling under the control of a monster.
And with the Rebels, she'll simply stare out across the wasteland before finally asking if her vision of a better wasteland was really that wrong.
There'd be variations of these based on Karma, of course, but that's the gist of it. Ending slides would play with Ron Perlman's sweet sweet voice detailing what happened to everyone after the events of the game, the credits would roll, and the game would end.
I'd also throw some insult to Fallout 3 and 4 somewhere in the game the same way Cabbage House did to NV. Because apparently I'm as petty as Bethesda.