creating a character similar to yourself...

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Sex: male(I think. Let me check. Yup)
Age: Lost count
Str: 4
Per: 7
End: 8
Cha. 3
Int: 99
Agi: 6
Lck: -5

Traits:Oblivious, annoying.
Tags:speech,shrubber (the most useful skill),unarmed
Bloody mess i was taking on a lesser degree, how many relatively painful accidents seem to happen to the people around when really they shouldn't have hurt so much or been so painful

Eg, about a couple of months ago i was just running, i slipped slightly (not fell) and i could barely walk for 3 days and had to stop Judo for the next month or so

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It's only cheating if you get caught
Bloody mess i was taking on a lesser degree, how many relatively painful accidents seem to happen to the people around when really they shouldn't have hurt so much or been so painful

Eg, about a couple of months ago i was just running, i slipped slightly (not fell) and i could barely walk for 3 days and had to stop Judo for the next month or so

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It's only cheating if you get caught
playing with yourself

hey, if you guys were to create a character that exactly mimicked you, what char traits and skills would you have? i tried the game out with myself and i really sucked. :D

my char traits were: sex appeal and one handed.
skills: speech, sm guns, barter.
i had high intelligence and charisma, but everything else was about average and it took me forever to even kill ants!

- myron's lab girl
RE: playing with yourself

I've tried on several occasions.

Here's my char: high int; low str, end and chr; moderate agi, per and luck.
Traits: Chem Resistant, Good Natured.
Skills: Speech, Repair, Science.

I passed the Temple Trials on my 3rd attempt by running away from the ants and finally smooth talking Cameron. A group of Wild Ones ambushed and killed me on my way to Klamath. :P Obviously I'm not "Chosen One" material. LOL
RE: playing with yourself

haha i did this too and i think i went for a hig int and a high agilty. i think my traits where fast shot and gifted.i complete the game