Creating my firts map, looking for help


First time out of the vault
I have played Fallout Tactics time ago, but now that im back to the game, i want to use the modding tools to create new maps and possible new mor or missions. But im starting with the tile drawing and im having some problems, like for creating roofs, and selecting properly the height for tiles.
Please check the screenshoot and tell me what i need to know, and what to fix...

It is almost done. Just some twist with the editor and you will be allright.

1. Grab all the walls and move them a little bit down to make them go above the floor tiles. Move the entities like the door and the desks to the right place after.
2. Put also a cap (very low wall tile) above the door
3. Put any tile you want (roof tiles, floor tiles, grass tiles, objects tiles, anything) above the building as a roof or as another floor.
4. Ctrl+O or "Tool" in the menu, then "New Occlusion Data". That will make your roof pop.
5. Each time to change something, do the "New Occlusion Data" option again to update the roofs.

That's it! Have fun with the editor!
Using that tool worked better for roofs, now i hope there is faster way to walls and roofs layout, becasue doing it by each tile will take some time for bigger buildings, btw i have sent a message to you regards a mod idea..
You can select several tiles you want using shift, then when you place them, it will randomly choose another tile in the list you have selected. So you wont have to keep choosing the nxt wall/tile, same can be done with ground tiles.
You can "select" a tile more than once with shift, so that it will be picked more often too.

Use click and drag when making walls with this method, and you will see, how it generates the wall based on the tiles you have selected with shift.

A handy feature :)
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Great solution, thanks for help, still need to improve my drag and hold skill, becuase some times i do mistake into different tile widths, that cause duplicate of wall layout, etc. And a big question, ASAP, how to delete tiles easy way, can i select them all??
Just hold ALT key and make a tile selection in the screen. You will be able to get tiles from all levels at the same time. You then delete them using CTRL+DEL or simple CTRL+X.

CTRL + arrow keys to move tiles horizontally or CTRL + PgDn or PgUp to move tiles vertically are really really useful features. I use them all the time.

I was not able to try that handy feature of selecting more than one tile with shift to apply them randomly. Does it work with FT Improver? Can't seem to make it work. Does the yellow square go above more than one tile?
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Mainly this is a tool that redo FT Tools.exe to something that can be used to add your own ammo, armor and many other things. I used it a lot and always use it to modify/create maps. I also use it to play the game. (

I was just trying to understand how multi-selection of tiles and randomly placed tiles really work. I can't find a way to get this feature to work. You hold shift when you select a tile and try to select another tile? I do not work for me....
Above were the tiles are selected, it has 'Tiles selected for placement = 0' If its working this should show the amount you have selected. just did quick test, its working using Ft improver and without, and you can just hold shift down when selecting.

@salvador, before using alt to drag select the walls/tiles you want to delete, go into View tab and toggle 'only show tiles on current level' without this on you will select everything that falls withint the box.

EDIT: capslock isnt effecting selction. Both of my shift keys work.
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Great. Post here too if you attempt to start working with triggers. I can give you some pointers on that too!
I'll give you a hint,as an expert FOT mapper: Use ctrl+c and ctrl+v to make the work easier.

This worked 4 me to make a huge city,but with no furnitures because the editor is bad and the tiles will overlapping if I put a dresser on a height of 0 on a desert tile.