Creating the ultimate Slayer

slicer17, I'm really hating you right now for turning my question into a flamewar.
Back to the topic, I tought that HtH Evade (at least in FO2) gives a bonus not if your slots are empty, but weilding unarmed items such as power fists, at least thats what it said on Per's guide.
Description of HtH evade
If both item slots are empty, it grants a bonus to AC of 1/8 the characters unarmed skill.
And for some reason I loaded and tested and found that equipping both or one slot with unarmed weapons still kills the bonus AC. 'Sides, I don't remember that being the case in FO2 but even if it was, this is FOT and in said game both slots must be empty to get the bonus. So like I said you'd be going a full and pointless circle (well, actually not completely pointless-unarmed skill of more than 88 will have made up the AC loss and started into an actual gain) by sacrificing AC to boost damage but then sacrificing abilty to do damage to gain AC. Augmented gives you better damage, but if you want to fight completely unarmed then that's your call.
No worries and no hard feelings, of course. :) We were a bit left wondering where you were coming from at first. Your idea for a main character would work if it was a leader with some melee skills, otherwise it was fine but didn't quite fit here.
I'm currently running v1.27, created a char for multiplayer to test HtH evade, but it doesn't seem to work, nor with HtH items equiped, nor with the empty slots, bummer.
Here's what I meant earlier:
HtH Evade: Strictly better than Dodger for Unarmed experts. Note that you can use unarmed weaponry such as the Power Fist with this perk, i.e. your weapon slots don't literally have to be empty (that perk description had me fooled).
From Per's FO2 Walk.
Hey Sonic, it's been awhile since your last post, but what the hell.

I haven't played Tactics in aaaagges, but I feel my mouse hand getting twitchy for it again reading these posts.

I started writing a hth faq but I never ended up finishing it, you can view it in all it's glory - including a section on why hth evade sucks - here:

I ended up making it to the first mutant mission (St. Louis?) before I got bored/frustrated.