Creative thinking question


First time out of the vault
A friend of mine asked this question on another forum I go to. It is from a test designed to gauge the ability to think logically quickly while under pressure. He had to take the test when in the Navy SEALs. I keep getting smart ass replies on the Codex and DAC, so I decided to give NMA a try. They can't seem to figure it out.

There are no tricks. The answer is a color. You need all the information given. Just think logically. Here it is:

If a triangle is red
and a circle is yellow
what color is a trapezoid?

I couldn't get it. My friend was the only one out of the 50 guys to take the test to figure it out so it isn't too easy. When you give an answer explain how you came to the conclusion or your answer doesn't count.

No Guessing Allowed.
Since a trapezoid is just composed of triangles I would assume it would be red, since by the statements given all triangles are red. There's no other information given that would make me think differently - circles are yellow, but that wouldn't have any impact on a trapezoid.

Edit: Unless you're meant to assume that squares are blue, since you say that all the information is relevant, in which case a trapezoid would be purple or part red/part blue. Three primary colors, three primary shapes.

Edit 2: \/ What is 6x7? How many roads must a man walk down? Eh, I give up.
Does the number 42 mean anything to you?

Edit: Montez, I thought that too, but it didn't seem to make any sense to me... but now that you say it... mmh... by the way, circles can be inscribed (don't know if this is correct) in trapezoids? Does that make them both yellow and red? Am I saying something extremely dumb?


Edit2: blue is correct also because red, 3 letters + triangle, 8 = 11 and yellow, 6 + circle, 6 = 12 and trapezoid, 9 + blue, 4 = 13. See? It's a conspiracy! Wait, what about pink? Oh, damn, it!

Montez said:
Edit: Unless you're meant to assume that squares are blue, since you say that all the information is relevant, in which case a trapezoid would be purple or part red/part blue. Three primary colors, three primary shapes.

Hey, what do you know! The first reply on NMA is correct! Congratulations! I'm happy someone got it. :lol:
Hey, you should have waited longer for the answer, to let someone else reply supidly, just like me...

Btw, Montez, 42 is referred to "The hitchhiker's guide...".
If there's anything I suck at it's logic. I'm a much more an abstract, illogical thinker. That that as you will. :P

If the third shape was a square this would be easy: the color is blue. But the trapezoid would imply a 'cross' between square and triangle, so purple would be my best guess too.

But hell, since I suck at logic I submit orange because the syllables in the third part are 8 vs 7 in the first two, and 7+7-8 is 6, and on a primary (hence the three primary shapes) color wheel the sixth position is orange, when starting from yellow. :look:
Elric said:
Btw, Montez, 42 is referred to "The hitchhiker's guide...".

I know, the two question I asked were from the mice speculating on what the "ultimate question" was. Just trying to be goofy.

And thanks Jiujitsu, that was fun, though I was pretty afraid that I was going to be embarrasingly incorrect.
Err... a square can be deconstructed into triangles.

The question is a poor one, considering that "logically" you can arrive at other answers, just as valid.
Kotario said:
The question is a poor one, considering that "logically" you can arrive at other answers, just as valid.

Not true. When you're given a question that says or implies that you have to use all the information given, then the answer has to logically fit with all the information. You can't just take and use one piece of information, which is what I did at first: Everything must be used and fitted together. Therefore there is no other answer unless you can find one that logically fits in with the circle statement.
Yea, people on the other forums are arguing the same thing. You need to justify the circle and there really is no better way.
Elric said:
Edit: Montez, I thought that too, but it didn't seem to make any sense to me... but now that you say it... mmh... by the way, circles can be inscribed (don't know if this is correct) in trapezoids? Does that make them both yellow and red? Am I saying something extremely dumb?

I suck at this, but I'll try to explain the logic anyway.

1) Triangle - Red
2) Circle - Yellow
3) Trapezoid - ???

So the most obvious thing is to find a relationship between the three givens. A circle has no obvious relation to a trapezoid. If you were to slice up a trapezoid though, you could make it into triangles. So you could say that a trapezoid is made of triangles, and since triangles are red a trapezoid must be red.

1) Triangle - Red
2) Circle - Yellow
3) Trapezoid - Red

But that doesn't seem to make sense. Where does the circle fit in? So you look at the relationships again.
Triangle, Circle, Trapezoid. The first thing that comes to mind is that two are basic shapes and one is a complex shape. So what basic shapes is a trapezoid made of? It can't be just triangles, because then the color would be red and we've already decided that thar doesn't make sense. How about a square and one or more triangles then? A square is considered a basic shape. You could argue that a square is just two or more triangles, but then it's commonly known that people refer to circle, square, triangle as the basic shapes. Can't hurt to try.

1) Triangle - Red
2) Circle - Yellow
3) Square - ???
4) Trapezoid - ???

So now to the colors: Red, Yellow, ???, ???.... The most obvious thing to do would be to assume that since the shapes went basic, basic, complex, that the colors do the same thing. Therefore the color of the square would be a basic color, and the trapezoid would be a complex color. If you have any experience with art, you know that the answer is blue right away, because Red, Yellow and Blue are the primary colors. Otherwise you might just have to guess until you came up with a color that couldn't be made by combining other simple colors. Either way, the answer is blue. So the trapezoid must be blue+red=purple.

1) Triangle - Red
2) Circle - Yellow
3) Square - Blue
4) Trapezoid - Purple

It all fits logically, it's simple, and everything is taken into account, so that must be the answer.

It's the same thing as a math series, where you are given a sequence of numbers and asked to deduce the next in the series. There are all sorts of complex or ridiculous theories you could come up with to provide a potential answer, but the answer that is wanted, or is the most desirable, is the one that solves the problem simply and clearly. Anyone can argue as much as they want about there being an infinite amount of solutions or whatever else, but there is almost always just one answer that is both simple and clear.
Great explanation. I'm going to quote you on the Codex and DAC in hopes they shut off about it. :lol:
Ah great, now I feel like I have to go to both those sites and see what "interesting" things they have to say about me.
Dude. Swahilli-speaking people can't even afford a potato, much less know what it is.

"Potato" it is.