Creative thinking question

Uh, he kills himself because he's a secret agent, escaping a base raided by aliens, and had recieved the order to kill himself in order to avoid important info being seized by an alien brain-scan if he didn't hear anybody on the 1337 spy network radio?
Ooh. I just saw the answer.

I don't think you can guess it outright without asking some yes/no questions first. So go ahead and ask (I think I should be able to answer them).
not caring to wait to hear the answer to the radio one... I googled it and read the answer. It's complete bs. Basically, it's a chance for you to make up your own answer because the one they give is less logical than anything proposed here.
SimpleMinded is right, lateral thinking riddles fucking suck. It is with great pleasure that I reveal the (unbelievably moronic) solution to this one and ruin the pleasure of guessing for everybody:

The man is a radio DJ. He left a record playing at the radio station and went home to kill his wife, figuring he had an alibi. As he was returning to the station, he turned on the radio, and when he heard nothing, he realized the record wasn't playing anymore and his alibi was ruined, so he shot himself.
Ratty said:
The man is a radio DJ. He left a record playing at the radio station and went home to kill his wife, figuring he had an alibi. As he was returning to the station, he turned on the radio, and when he heard nothing, he realized the record wasn't playing anymore and his alibi was ruined, so he shot himself.

That explanation is just as likely as any other.

This riddle is very very badly constructed.
calculon00 said:
Per, you are so right, which is why I stand by the answer I gave for the firing squad one.
Montez said:
he hears the gunshot on the tape, but when he pressed play the suicide note started from the beginning so someone else must have pressed rewind.
Yeah, you got it.
If you look at my answer, but substitute "rewound" for "finished", which is what I actually meant, then you would have already come to that conclusion (some tape recorders rewind when they finish, so if you left it recording (say, after you killed yourself), then it would rewind itself). As for the strange substitution of words: well, I was prolly drunk. And shit.
ok, something i don't get about the navy riddle.

if the internal logic of the riddle states that it's possible to take a complex shape which is derived from a composition of 2 of the 3 primary shapes and arrive at a color, then shouldn't the logic of the riddle offer some kind of possibility for an associated color for a complex shape derived from the primary shapes of say, the triangle and the circle? but what shape is made from a triangle and a circle, and what possible color would be associated with it?

i think what makes the riddle silly is that the inclusion of the circle undermines the notion of the answer being a composition of the RGY primary colors based upon shape. i can make some kind of rote association between 3 primary shapes and 3 primary colors, but in these spontaneous recollections, i've only experienced combinations of the primary colors, not the primary shapes. Combination isn't a quality that exists for the primary shapes.
I didn't even know there were primary shapes. I do know that a triangle, square and circle are regular polygons with three, four and infinite sides respectively. So all we need to do is explain how 3, 4 and infinity make a perfect threesome.
Ashmo said:
That explanation is just as likely as any other.

This riddle is very very badly constructed.

I guess the trick to riddles like that are they just give you a chance to create whatever scenario you like and don't really have a set right answer.
No to everyone. The answer is really stupid and I told you that it's impossible. AND THE ANSWER IS......

The man is a DJ. He just murdered his wife and is running from the crime. He taped a recording of his talk show, but it didn't play, therefore, his alibi is blown, so he kills himself.

I know it's out there, but I couldn't help but see if anyone could figure it out.

Ratty you spoiled my fun.....oh bother! I just noticed after I typed the answer. I never said it was a good riddle.... :wink: