Crispy Gamer, UGO, GamePro preview Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
For more 4-hours hands-on previews. Crispy Gamer.<blockquote>I'm under the shadow of a wrecked freeway overpass propped up by tilting concrete pylons. The road, maybe two stories up, comes to an abrupt halt. The husk of a ruined bus teeters on the edge. There's got to be something good up there, I think. Picking my way across the landscape, I eventually come to the spot where the ramp meets the earth. My suspicions were correct: The elevated stretch of freeway has been claimed by survivors. Barricades have been propped up along its length, transforming the interrupted roadway into a defensible position. There are a ton of obstacles between me and my goal, where imaginary treasure awaits.

Navigating around the burnt shells of cars, I come eye to eye with my first survivor -- a leather-clad villain straight out of "Mad Max." The Renegade comes at me swinging a pool cue. (Apparently the guy isn't happy to see me. His friend, somewhere off in the distance, drives the message home by taking pot shots at me with a sniper rifle.) It takes a little trial and error to effectively clean house. With judicious use of save files, I try to maximize my effectiveness as a killing machine. On one go, I use too many stimpacks to heal bullet wounds. Another time, I wander too close to a burning vehicle: The thing blows up in my face, leaving my lifeless body sprawled across the asphalt. And then there's the guy with the Flamer. It takes several attempts to snuff the guy before he gets within range. I kill them all, adding their sniper rifle and flamethrowers to my arsenal.</blockquote>UGO Games Blog.<blockquote>It was there that I discovered that a young boy had been chasing me for quite awhile. This young lad had quite the sob story. I’ll bore you with the details, but there’s some mess going on in his local town. His father is missing, giant “creatures” have killed everyone, and he has nowhere else to go to. Sheesh, I guess I’ll just have to step up and be the reluctant hero (note the sarcasm, reluctance at it’s best!).

Once I got to the boy’s southern town, the skittering noises all around me quickly clued me in to the current state of affairs. Giant ants were all around. But these were no normal giant ants, these puppies were breathing fire at me and doing quite the number on my health. After finding the boy’s father in the family house, I stumbled across a rather odd key that belonged to the shack outside. And it was in that shack that the mystery began to unravel.

The decrepit little building was nearly immaculate inside. Inside was a computer, a bunch of chemistry doo-dads, and an empty chamber meant to house a robot. A little investigating quickly revealed the computer’s password, and a scan of the hard drive clued me into a greater scheme at work. Somebody has been doing some kind of experiment with the local giant ant population. And they’re doing it down in the nearby subway station. </blockquote>GamePro.<blockquote>But enough with the preliminaries. The real question is, how does Fallout 3 play? That's the best news of all: controller in hand, Fallout 3 feels smooth, responsive, and highly intuitive, even for a jaded shooter veteran like myself. I played primarily from the first-person camera view, switching to the third-person view only in certain outdoor scenes. Though Fallout 3 is first and foremost an RPG, the gunplay-heavy combat quickly grabbed my attention. Using the standard first-person view, I blasted away at enemy mutants, cannibals, and squatters. The results were mixed - accuracy counts big when shooting - until I tried out the V.A.T.S. targeting system. With one button press, I stopped time and repeatedly targeted an enemy raider's head for maximum damage. The V.A.T.S. targeting allows you to cripple enemy limbs with surgical precision, a benefit that becomes apparent once you start fighting the mutated insects and beasts that plague Fallout 3's nuke-blasted wastelands.</blockquote>
Brother None said:
I blasted away at enemy mutants, cannibals, and squatters. </blockquote>
I wonder if "cannibals" refers to The Family? People can't seem to make up their minds if they're cannibals or wannabe vampires.
Well, since there's a spot in the menus (for the PC, mind) which has "Corpses Eaten" listed along "Rads" or radiation level or whatever, I'd say it's a safe bet that these will be actual cannibals. Which fits quite a bit better than the Family, really.
What I am surprised about in these previews is just how short some of them are. A few are very intuitive, like that one written as a journal, but... despite the negativity, I'm still stoked to play this game and if I had 4 whole hours with it, I think I could discover, or at least write about, more of the smaller details since the same things are constantly brought up anyway. I kind of don't like the fact that it's giving it away, but at the same time, I'm getting my 'Fallout Fix' from these stories until the game comes out. I mean, maybe Beth won't allow them from even saying, but you'd think someone would at least describe more of the kinds of things found on raiders and caches besides, "I found a gun. I found ammo." A couple hinted at some oddball items finally, which was cool, but not much. Has anyone even drank a bunch of Nuka Cola yet? Hmmm...

One thing I like is how you can get meat and stuff from the animals/creatures. It appears everything has something to give up. I think that offers up a little more replay/reason for killing those things than just offing them as an annoyance. You kind of feel like you're really hunting something for food, or for prize. Like the gecko pelts. I always thought that was a lot of fun. Makes me wonder if you can get something more interesting on the larger creatures, like the Yao Gui, but that's probably just wishful thinking.
It takes a little trial and error to effectively clean house. With judicious use of save files, I try to maximize my effectiveness as a killing machine.

Well, it seems they get at least one aspect of oldschool game design - rpg gamers love hitting F9.
I cook up a slab of the stuff by combining one slice of mole rat meat with a tube of glue. Sounds disgusting, but I'm low on health -- I choke down the patty and make my way out of the tunnels.

This guy is immersed TO THE MAX !

My Fallout 3 experience continues. Fresh from the Vault I've been exploring the wasteland, killing and looting with glee.

Coincidentally, both parts so far amount to the guy stumbling upon Fallout3's inhabitants and immediately bashing their brains in.

Hovering five feet off the ground is an overgrown bee, mutated to the size of an owl. He's buzzing mad and intent on puncturing me with a barrage of airborne barbs. I pull up VATS[...]

... and I bash its brains in.

Navigating around the burnt shells of cars, I come eye to eye with my first survivor -- a leather-clad villain straight out of "Mad Max." The Renegade comes at me swinging a pool cue.

That pool cue is about to get stuck in his brains !

And then there's the guy with the Flamer.

... and his brains are about to be bashed in !

At the farm I overhear two survivors discussing an oasis to the north. Not so friendly, they insist on killing me for eavesdropping.

... and I bash their brains in !

Down on the tracks, I am immediately beset upon by more Renegades who pick at me with firearms. When they're feeling brave they run up close to whack me, but with VATS,

I bash their brains in.

Rounding a corner I'm met with another nasty surprise: a giant mole rat. The hideous thing charges;

I bash its brains in.

[...] Ryan Briggs. He's got a swagger to him, and he's not like the rest of the thugs I've been fighting. This guy looks like he's in charge.

All right, someone of interest ! Now we can finally talk -

The camera follows the bullet in slow motion as it extends from my barrel, through the darkness and into Briggs' unsuspecting back. My second salvo does the same. It's not long before Ryan Briggs is facedown in the dirt.

Oh for crying out loud.

There are a ton of obstacles between me and my goal, where imaginary treasure awaits.


I circle the thing trying to find a way to get in, and find none. There's got to be treasure here somewhere, I think to myself. I broaden my search, checking the improvised bunkers the Renegades have propped up on the broken street. I come out empty-handed. There's not a treasure chest to be found. No gold. No jewels.

As you can see, even if Fallout3 does possess RPG qualities worthy of its predecessors, it doesn't matter anymore.

Those qualities, if they exist, will be entirely lost on the current generation of gamers who were raised to judge an RPG on the merits of bludgeoning everything in sight and getting phat lewt from "bosses".
How does the glue help in any way? I'm confused. The Crispy Gamer guy sounds like he needs to lay off the trigger and talk to the NPCs.
Tycn, you do realize that most gaming journalists nowadays are fresh out of 2004 and have never played Fallout? They go "LOL WHATS THAT?" when questioned about it.
nice spamming, shihonage.

why are you getting so upset about how a braindead game journalist plays the game?
Gentlemen said:
Tycn, you do realize that most gaming journalists nowadays are fresh out of 2004 and have never played Fallout? They go "LOL WHATS THAT?" when questioned about it.
Still, one expects a journalist to know at least something about the history of the game they're writing about. At least enough to realise that Fallout and Bioshock have next to nothing in common.

aenemic said:
why are you getting so upset about how a braindead game journalist plays the game?
I guess the worse the journalist, the higher the chance that the badness of the previews can be attributed to the journalist rather than the game. After all, we are hoping for the better.
Tycn said:
At least enough to realise that Fallout and Bioshock have next to nothing in common.

BioShock and Fallout are both set in retro-50s futuristic dystopias with a heavy pinch of 30s architectural (art deco) inspiration. They have nothing in common as games, but visually and in setting they're close cousins - BioShock obviously inspired by Fallout.
True, they both share the dystopian retro-50s theme, but the the light hearted atmosphere in Fallout in contrast to the seriousness in Bioshock is what sets them apart in my book. But then again, I can hardly disagree with a journalist's attempt to convey the Fallout world to the 'average gamer'.
Tycn said:
True, they both share the dystopian retro-50s theme, but the the light hearted atmosphere in Fallout in contrast to the seriousness in Bioshock is what sets them apart in my book.

Both BioShock and Fallout use dark irony as an undertone to the pure gloom, whether it be BioShock's ammo vending machines or Fallout's Vault Boy.

I wouldn't call either light hearted.
Maybe it was the fact that I happened to experience Fallout eleven years its prime that shaped my perception that Fallout is a lot more light hearted than Bioshock.

Anyway, I stand corrected. I can't claim to have experienced either game to the fullest, or even close.
The constant action doesn't bother me so much, it seems the same as wondering the wasteland in the prior games. We do know there are non combative guys in the wasteland as well.

I wonder if the guys discussing an oaisis to the north can be befriended after seeing you, similar to the guy at minefield who you can either make piece with or kill...

Yeah, I wish Beth wouldn't be so concerned about surprising people, at this point, I would probably buy the strategy guide if it came out before the game, just for some friggin info.....
shihonage said:
Those qualities, if they exist, will be entirely lost on the current generation of gamers who were raised to judge an RPG on the merits of bludgeoning everything in sight and getting phat lewt from "bosses".

Hey, shihonage - are you older than 35?