oxidize said:
MIB88 said:
If you add your new ammo and weapons to specific critters on maps, then those critters will have the new weapons and ammo with the stats you want. That is a pretty tedious task, though. It means going through every critter on every map, finding and deleting the old weapons and ammo and re-adding to them any new spare ammunition and the modified weapon to their inventories.
is this done in mapper? how exactly?
1) Open the map you want in the mapper,
2) press F2 to toggle to critter palette,
3) select the critter you want,
4) press E or EDIT,
5) open the critter's inventory (View Inventory),
6) drop the weapons and ammo much like you would in normal gameplay,
7) close the inventory screen,
8) click Add Inventory,
9) add the weapons and ammo you want,
10) close the screen,
11) close the critter edit screen,
12) press F1 to toggle to items palette,
13) select the weapons and ammo you dropped with the cursor one at a time,
14) click delete to delete the item
15) repeat until all items are deleted
Alternatively, when you've finished step 4, you can click the "Clear Inventory" button to remove ALL items from this critter's inventory, and then you have to add all of what the critter had with the Add Inventory button. So make sure to check what critters have before you delete their stuff
You will need to perform the same operations for all containers (bookcases, lockers, etc.). You select containers when you're in the items palette (F1).