

One thing I think this worth exploring is the creation of new critters on this page. So how about a list of interesting critter ideas.

While I enjoyed the critters in Fallout 1, I thought the additions in Fallout 2 were a bit thin. The aliens were kind of fun to look at but I think the immature, mature, tough deathclaw distinctions were a bit silly. I did like the variety of rats (pig, mole) and can't remember if it was tactics or FO2 that gave us giant rats. Pretty sure it was Tactics that gave us new and interesting cockroaches (which I thought were, well, swell).

I have been thinking that what we need in role play is critters. New, interesting critters. I mean what is role play without fun critters.

SO I'd like to hear your suggestions. Someone said something about the graboids. We've seen Shrillers and Gimmerlings. Anyone have any other thoughts for cool critters they would like to see?

I am thinking about a giant mutant bullfrog from this next one. I don't think you Euros have bullfrogs but even non-mutant Bullfrogs are pretty nasty. I hear that they are poisonous and are hell on dogs that bite them. What I am thinking of for this next encounter might be something like -

A MoonFrog- A bullfrog, about 4 feet long and 2 wide, that croaks, spits a light acid, is somewhat translucent, has a long whip of a tongue, sharp raws of multiple teeth and powerful jaws, jumps remarkable feet and only comes out at night. On the positive side, it's skin tends to burn under light (sunlight is lethal and fire light is uncomfortable) It also has, as preferred food -

Mutant Prairie Dogs- These are big Prairie Dogs that live in vast tunnel complexes and have a bad habit of tunneling under people on the surface and dragging them down for dinner. Worse yet, they are social creatures that tend to work in packs. While Prairie Dogs breed like crazy, they only burrow in soft dirt. Their tunnel complex are also used as shelters by Moonfrogs. Oh and Prairie Dogs have a habit for carrying Bubonic Plague so most people try to avoid them, and definitely avoid eating them.
Re: critters for lone wanderers

welsh said:
While I enjoyed the critters in Fallout 1, I thought the additions in Fallout 2 were a bit thin. The aliens were kind of fun to look at but I think the immature, mature, tough deathclaw distinctions were a bit silly. I did like the variety of rats (pig, mole) and can't remember if it was tactics or FO2 that gave us giant rats. Pretty sure it was Tactics that gave us new and interesting cockroaches (which I thought were, well, swell).

Fallout and/or Fallout 2 gave us rats, pig rats, mole rats, mutated rats, mutated pig rats, mutated mole rats, scorpions, radscorpions, ants, mantis, silver geckos, golden geckos, fire geckos, wild dogs, wolves, deathclaws, aliens and... ah yes, wild brahmin.

The cockroaches were a new and nice addition given to us by Fallout Tactics (the game you love to hate). I don't know the exact names, but there were three sizes: small ones that just nibbled on your feet, bigger ones that could spit in your eyes and I remember one giant bug in the Preoria mission. Fallout Tactics also introduced some sort of wasp (yellow, flying critter that was able to sting). The rats in Fallout Tactics (probably the giant rats you're referring to) were pretty lame if you ask me (bad graphics and animations). I did like the baby deathclaws, though.

'MoonFrogs' sounds cool. Don't know about those 'Mutant Prairie Dogs', though.
yes, love the cockroaches

I liked those nasty wasps. They were the best part of the Beast Lords, along with those exploding insects they carried.

But most of the critters get snuffed out pretty fast. Rats, rad scorpions, most cockroaches, the salamanders, the geckos. Most of it was, see critter, shoot critter. Kind of boring.

What I am talking about, especially for the Role Play posts, are more interesting critters. Critters that do things differently and cleverly and which have more story to them.

Ok, Gimmerlings- this isn't rocket science- Basically these were the outproduct a pre-war genetic and fertility experiment in which women were given genetically modified fertility medication to give multiple off-spring. But these off-spring developed natural mutations and escaped into underground tunnels. Overtime they became light sensitive and the mutatations progressed. Also most Gimmerlings are female- so what do we have? a cannibalistic humonoid light sensitive beastie.

Shrillers- these critters howl nasty at night in a screech that drives the prey insane, then they attack. How to kill, at range (but they are really fast and tend to circle rather than attack), and through significant concentration so they don't break your sanity. Kind of like Sirens, the sound is what gets you. How to kill them= well they have to stop moving to screech, and when they do, its an opportunity for dogs to get them.

Other nasties? Well in a role play people should be creative, so I think creating new creatures might be good.
An apparently insignificant discrepancy between the wording in the Statutes at Large and the wording in some editions of the U.S. Code with respect to a provision of the Internal Revenue Code (specifically, the words "any papers" in the first sentence of § 6104(a)(1)(A) is described by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in the case of Tax Analysts v. Internal Revenue Serv., 214 F.3d 179 (D.C. Cir. 2000), in footnote 1, at [1]. According to the Court, some versions of the U.S. Code show the text as "any paper" while the Statutes at Large version shows the text as "any papers".
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641–692 Trusts & estates: definitions, income tax on same & beneficiaries
701–777 Partnerships: definitions, treatment of entities and members, special rules (Subchapter K)
801–858 Insurance companies: special rules, definitions
851–860 Regulated investment companies (mutual funds) and Real Estate Investment Trusts
861–865 Source of income (for international tax)
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That sounds great

If you have a file in Word, you might be able to send that to me via email and I will see if there can be any posting here, if you like.
new monsters-

What I had been thinking about was either one of two creatures for the event coming up, but figure to leave it for Syphon since he's got this going.

One was something called a Trog, it's a giant that looks kind of like a cross between a ghoul and a mutant but actually is neither. They suffer perverse mutations and appear ghoulish due to long exposure to the sun. Not terribly bright creatures, they are massive and strong as well as remarkably quick and agile. They are deadly with thrown and melee weapons.

The other creatures were Banders, these are quite miserable creatures that are basically in a state of structural collapse due to a terrible disease which basically degenerates them. They are often seen as wrapped in bandages or in casts to help them sustain their forms. Generally seen as outcasts, they keep to themselves and prey on people for materials and food in desolate ghost towns. Generally they are not preyed upon by other creatures as their illness is infectious. Don't touch em!

Anyway, don't be reluctant to make up something new and interesting. My feelings are that the Fallout creature list is a bit too small and confined.
New Critter-

CarrionCallers- Carrion Callers are kind of a mutant form cross of Raven and Vulture. No one really knows where they come from- either some freak science experiment gone awry or a process of natural evolution.

Carrioncallers are called that because they usually feast on carrion and that they usually "caw" like crows, and thus people think their call is a call of death. It has been believed that Carrion Callers carry the souls of the dead to the afterlife, or they pull the living soul into seperate eatable peaces. Some believe that Carrioncallers are agents of the devil himself.

But rarely will a carrion caller attack a larger creature, but would rather feed on carcasses or smaller creatures. Spend too much time in a desert and you will find a carrioncaller circling you, which often works out to a travelers advantage. Carrion callers tend to circle and get close before coming in to eat, thus allowing a stationary man to kill the creature and eat it. Also remarkable, Carrioncallers taste like fish (to those few people who have eaten fish).

The most interesting thing about Carrioncallers is their early growth. Normally female carrioncallers suffer greatly in laying eggs. The female Carrioncaller will lay up to 18 eggs, but the cost is usually significant weakness and blood loss. Carrioncaller eggs are also surprisingly hard, almost like small stones, and are impenetrable to the pecking of other creatures or the jaws of other wasteland critters. In fact many carrioncallers never escape the eggs they are laid in, although the shells are more penetrable from the inside.

Once hatched the surviving carrioncallers usually consume their mother, who has either died shortly after laying eggs or is incapable of defense. Once finished with their parent, they usually turn on each other or flee. While accomplished fliers, carrioncallers are also accomplished runners. In fact most learn to fly only after learning to run. Through the process of running they tend to flap their wings, thus giving them lift, and thereby teaching them flight.

End result- if there is something to any of the Hindisikhist religious sect- that we tend to be reincarnated in the current life, only the most despicable people come back as carrioncallers.

Basicly a huge bear with wings and the ability to tunnel underground.

They have arms as long as they are tall, with (when theyre old enough) armpit hairs that have been matted and tangled enough with the hair on their arms and legs to form crude wings. Their arms have extremly sharp claws.

They, when not attacking in packs, tend to appear clumsy and akward. But once they spot prey, they attack. They posses a strong base inteligence and often dig tunnels that are extra shallow, so who walks over them falls in. They also run ramarkably fast (brotherhood scouts that have encounterd them say they can almost catch a hummer going at full speed) however they fly very slow, only going fast when diving onto a target. They dive down, then pull up and fly into the pre, hitting hard enough to knock the wind out of a deathclaw.

Fire weapons (they are VERY hairy)

They have a VERY thick hide and their inner layer of hair naturaly tangles to the point that it acts as a natural kevlar. When no large or gauss guns are avalible, use ANY type of incendary weapon such as grenades, then aim for the burnt patch of fur, as it has been weakend. When using big guns, keep hiting the same area, as that will make penertrating the hair easier. When possible, use gauss weaponry, as its natural heat from its speed as well as its speed itself allows it to penetrate all but the thickest bloodwing furs.
new critters

OK, frankly I think the idea of a flying bear that tunnels underground and is vulnerable to fire weapons is just to plain silly.

New creatures-
Tar Spiders-
Basically these are long legged spiders, much like the Daddy Long Legs, that tends to live in areas of quick sand, poisonous wastes, etc. The creature is very light weight, and can actually walk across water and soft bodies without sinking. The spider is rather nasty and fast, but not very clever. It kills by waiting for someone to get trapped in the mud, scurries over the water, and injects a venom into the person. The venom paralyzes but doesn't kill the person. Then the creature goes about, leach like, sucking out the body's fluids for digestion.

Nastier beasts you will not find. Abominations are the out come of genetic experiments mixed with the FEV virus creating all sorts of nasty creatures which should never have otherwise existed. As part of a weapons research program launched before the war, these creautres first appeared just before the bombs were dropped. Many still exist and some are being made as survivors revive ancient projects.
It is hard to call these creatures anything else as they are so damn ugly and don't really fit any preconceived forms. Abominations often appear as a mismatch or tentacles, teeth, claws, eyes and body parts, but generally have a common character trait. They seem really pissed off and are interested in consumption. Abominations range in intelligence from very smart to absurdly stupid, have a varied number of attacks and weakeness.

Andys- Following experiments by the US government in which US soldiers were exposed to nuclear blasts and in which civilians were given LSD, the government decided to begin a project in which humans would be "hard wired" to withstand various psyhcological stresses either due to nuclear attack or exposure to mind-altering drugs. The hope was to create a group of military and civilian personnel that could withstand an attack against the US, even after their bodies had died.
Surgical implents were given to the minds of civilian and military subjects, with various degrees. At the extreme, individual were mostly turned into robotic machines, in other cases the minds of the individuals were fused with various hardware that would allow the mind to continue to function after death. Problems soon arose however as the human mind had trouble adapting to the different stimulas. Most of the cases committed suicide or died as a consequence of the experiments. Continued study was rumored to exist up through and during the war.
Oh, here is what an abomination could look like it one of its more twisted forms.

I really like the hardwired bio-mechanical baddy idea. However they would be locked in the same r&d facilities which created them, and they would still need sustenance to survive. Also, their numbers would be small due to suicidal tendances, lack of sustenance, and destruction by internal military defenses, if they broke free of their prisons.

I think a good picture of Andy's would be from the movie "Virus".
Glad you liked the idea. Actually the Andy has been introduced already in Lone Wanderers above. But I was just giving some guidance to how it might be developed.

Probably most of such units either destroyed themselves or where destroyed over time as their human hosts died. However, should a faction be interested in creating advanced soldiers, it might have resurrected the idea and tried to implement it.

In Lone Wanderers that's what we have run into as one of our characters got kidnapped by an Andy whose human host is dead. The robotic part has either (1) not figured that out yet, or (2) doesn't understand what that means. Because it has its own power system (miniture micro cells- like watch batteries) in its brain and a larger power system in its body it might continue to run, even while the body begins the process of death and decay.
I had this small idea a while back for a creature. Mainly because at the moment it fitted well into a Fan fiction I started to write some time ago. (One of the principal characters encounters these creatures).

Now, I never did come up with a name for these little critters but I suppose a fitting one would be Sirens, which I will use for this post.

A little info...

Sirens are small humanoid creatures which inhabit the harshest areas of the wastes. They can often be found in more rocky terrain where they take shelter away from highly populated areas.

Similar in size to the Gimmerlings which Welsh introduced earlier in the RP. Physically, these creatures are quite harmless and would be little to no match for most normal humans or other preditory animals.

However, they seduce their pray in a more manipulative way.

Like certain animals, they work in small packs and hunt weak and where ever possible, isolated people/animals.

The way in which they seduce in a matter of speaking their victims is a little more interesting (or silly, which ever you prefer).

The sirens have a faint ability to intercept thought. A little like mind reading, they are able to capture direct thoughts of humans and more difficulty, animals. Once the sirens have picked up on the thoughts, they then exploit them to their own advantage by sending the pray false thoughts which can cause delusions and hallucinations.
By doing this, the sirens can then take advantage of the weakened state of the prey to make a kill.

A problem of their technique is that strong minded or strong willed people will often not be effected by the Sirens attempts to induce their minds which is why those who are weak, unstable are perfect pray. Like Jeeva as he was crossing the desert or even Caleb during his worst moments.
They were already seeing things, were weak in mind and body so the Sirens would be able to use that to their advantage.

One other little point. Sirens are also greatly effective when attacking at night when people sleep. They can effect dreams making poeople act upon what they see as they dream as though it was reallity.

An example maybe…

Say a man was roaming the desert and was lost. He had lost all hope of finding his caravan and could think about nothing but his family who would probably still be waiting for him. The sirens would use these thought to make the man really think he was seeing his family, that they were with him and talking to him. This would distract the poor sole of the fact that he’s being lead like a lam to the slaughter house and about to get whacked from behind by a bunch of midget gnomes.

Another example and a maybe more understandable one would be if one of our fair caravan people were to fall behind. If whilst he was trying to find his way back, the Sirens might find him, pick from his thoughts his situation and if possible (strength of mind factor) use those thoughts to their advantage. For instance, lead the guy after a false caravan trail ,making him believe that he can see the caravan in front when actually he’s walking blindly into their territory where their waiting for him.


So, whats every one think?

This was just an idea more than anything, one that never really got finished. This could be modyfied to suite a situation and the critters changed. Also a name would be cool as i doubt many would remember or even know of what a Siren is with the exception of ghouls that is.

It fitted well for my RP where the character was pretty much on his last legs, dehydrated and allready dillusional. One thought kept passing through his mind and that was of his wife. The sirens managed to make him see his wife. At this point the guy was so shocked that he didn't see what was coming and the ineveteble happened.

heh heh, i was also going to have these appear in a more humourus fic where the sirens appear to be two little dwarfs who argue between them selfs and try to have one of the characters follow him. He then moves off during the night talking to these little dwarfs when infact he's just walking off into the night muttering to him self. Well, untill his compagnions awake and crack him one with wooden bat.

My god, i'm still talking (Typing). Maybe it's the cafine? Yea, maybe...
Cool idea Roque. Like it.
Maybe Gunslinger could have used this.

To be honest, this was one of the weaknesses of Fallout, too many creatures that were fairly uninteresting. Most of this was "OHHH I see humans I make physical attack." I see no reasons to limit ourselves in this to such simplifications.
Anyone want to implement a "screamer" type critter. Although not technically living, they are small combat drones that are part of a bases defense system.

They don't move very fast, but sometimes may have small weapons be it melee or ranged. Like the Andy's, their production could have been restarted by technically advance factions such as the Brotherhood.
The Dire-

Imagine a wolf the size of a pony, as intelligent as a dolphin and as aggressive as a Great White Shark. Result, a four legged wolf that often match a deathclaw.

The Dire (plural- singular is simple a Dire) are actually pre-war mutations enhanced with FEV. Prior to the war, the Dire evolved in part due to the re-introduction of wolves into various parts of North America. These wolves eventually fought and dominated other packs of wild dogs, often killing the weaker while mating with the more aggressive and powerful. Furthermore, like most wolves, these creatures often feed as scavengers, and in the process ate considerable amounts of human created, bio-genetically altered foods. These additives, over time, led to more intelligent, aggressive and stronger wolves. When the FEV virus was released, traces of virus enhanced these wolves even further.

The Dire are pack hunters, social creatures that usually live in packs of 8-12. These are led by an alpha male and its mate as well as one or two generations of off-spring. Male Dire will challenge the alpha male for leadership of the pack or will, if defeated, seek to form their own pack.

Highly intelligent, these animals will rarely attack humans having come to understand that they vulnerable to human ranged weapons. That said, they will target lone isolated humans and, if hungry or aggressive enough, will attack larger groups.

Happily for mankind, Dire don't live very long. It is a rare Dire that lives more than eight years. Frequently packs will clash over territory and will fight until one or the other pack is destroyed.

Lastly the howl of the Dire is distinctive and often used as a signalling device during the hunt.