Cross platform fallout


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
As I've previously mentioned, (in a rather whimsical fashion on april fools day, which may or may not have helped my credibility... :look:) I've been working on porting fallout 2 to different platforms. I've not got it running anywhere incredibly exotic yet, but it does now run reasonably well on linux, so I think it's about time for a release.

Here's the linux build. I built it on opensuse 11.4 (gcc 4.5.1/sdl 1.2.14/glibc 2.11.3) but I've no idea what backward/forwards/sideways/any other sort of compatibility is like.

Also, for completeness, here's the completely sdl-ified windows version. It requires sdl 1.2.14 and the msvc 2010 runtime.

Edit: I've taken down the downloads for now, because it's had more than enough testing, and a few sites have picked this up recently and are construing it as something it's currently not; i.e. a viable way to play fallout. If you want to play fallout on linux, use wine. You'll find it quite helpful if you ever want to leave arroyo. Thanks to everyone who did any testing for me though. :)

These should be considered very beta-ish. Don't try using either for serious gameplay. They aren't compatible with sfall, or any mods that need the city limits patch, and are probably buggy as eck. (They are compatible with standard fallout savegames, at least.) I would appreciate any bug reports if people do feel like testing though. I'm especially interested in if anyone else on linux gets a half second lag on the sound output. I've got no idea where that's coming from, and half suspect it's the fault of the vm I was running in.

Even if it were working perfectly, there's still little of use here; fallout already runs pretty well via wine if you really want to play on linux. That being the case, the next step will be trying to get it working somewhere other than x86. I can't give a timeline for that, because I've no idea how long it'll take, or even if I'll get bored and wander off before finishing. (I did manage to break with tradition and meet my release target for this one though, even if I did only give it 3 days ago. :P) Also, I'm mostly working on this for fun rather than trying to get something perfect out, so even if I do get it 'working' someplace exotic don't hold your breath for it being any better than qemu.
Amazing stuff :clap:
Having the same sound lag issue with linux but I'm also running in a VM at this point (It's quite responsive otherwise). I've got a spare hard drive lying around so I might try a native linux install later on.
oh amazing stuff TImeslip, gonna test it right now

as for "somewhere other than x86" ... hope you got my pm ealier this week
First of all, it's really cool waht you have done here :ok: :ok: :ok:

Now the testing part. I have tested your executable on ubuntu 10.10 and 10.04. Overall it seems to work great and I didn't see any sound lag that you mentioned in the readme. The only problem I have experienced is that when I tried to watch the whole intro movie, it segfaulted. Anyway, if I just skip it, everything seems to work just fine.
Here is console output if you are interested: .

PS: is there a way to launch it in fullscreen? Do you plan to port sfall too?
Question re: the "something other than x86" comment:

Are you looking at smartphone / tablet or console (i.e. Wii) versions?
Given how easy it is to hook up an external HDD to a Wii and launch homebrew, this was my first thought ;)
hakimio said:
Overall it seems to work great and I didn't see any sound lag that you mentioned in the readme.
Yay. :)

In the meantime, playing with various things to try and fix sound in my vm, I now have no sound at all even after changing things back to how they were before I started... :P

hakimio said:
The only problem I have experienced is that when I tried to watch the whole intro movie, it segfaulted.
Not so yay. :|

I don't think I've tried waiting all the way through a movie; it doesn't do anything much different when it finishes naturally to when you click through it. Saying that, the movie player is seriously nasty. There's several chunks of polymorphic code in there, (only one of which actually appears to be used by the movies included with fallout, thank goodness,) and I have to admit to not being able to make heads or tails of it. (If anyone ever finds out who wrote this, tell them I owe them a beer. :P) I'll see if I can repeat/track down the crash.

Edit: ok, I see. It's not right at the end of the movie, just one particular frame a certain distance in. The windows build crashes too, so it may be hitting one of the other blocks of polymorphic code or something.

hakimio said:
PS: is there a way to launch it in fullscreen?
Not at the moment, sorry; it didn't play well with my vm. I'll have a native linux install available tomorrow, so I'll fix that and the play with the sound some more.

Edit: done. Redownload and use the -fullscreen command line option. Should really have been something in fallout.cfg, but I'm feeling lazy today. Sound works ok on my native machine too, so I'm blaming that one on the vm.

hakimio said:
Do you plan to port sfall too?
If I get things working well enough to warrent it. Unlike fullscreen, that most certainly isn't a 'tomorrow' thing though.

agris said:
Are you looking at smartphone / tablet or console (i.e. Wii) versions?
Given how easy it is to hook up an external HDD to a Wii and launch homebrew, this was my first thought ;)
ARM is my first choice. The matching endieness and pointer size greatly cuts down on the going-horribly-wrong potential. For a similar one-step-at-a-time reason, it'll be arm/linux first, and things like android afterwards.

As amusing as the thought of someone trying to control fallout with a wii motion controller is, that was one I hadn't considered. I see it does have an sdl port though, and fallout is already powerpc friendly, so I guess the (remote) possibility is there.
Timeslip said:
ARM is my first choice. The matching endieness and pointer size greatly cuts down on the going-horribly-wrong potential. For a similar one-step-at-a-time reason, it'll be arm/linux first, and things like android afterwards.

That has made my day, I hope one day I will be able to play Fallout on my android.. Good work with porting to Linux and good luck with future releases :clap:
Android got SDL port as well (you can play Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale/Planescape Torment with gemBR as well OpenTTD, Free Heroes 2 and aDosBox all using it on Android) ... I am looking forward to play F2 on my phone as well, if BG1 plays flawlessy (no slowdowns etc) I assume F2 could be working perfect as well
tested fo2 on ubuntu 11.04, copy the master and critter dats, and the data/sound/music folder and then make fallout2.cfg like this



when launching fo2 got Couldn't find/load text fonts

Any help??
m0z4rt88 said:
when launching fo2 got Couldn't find/load text fonts

Any help??

Have you read the included README?
copy fallout2.cfg, the master and critter dats, and the data/sound/music folder across to somewhere with a lower case path that contains no non-ascii characters.
Just make sure that the path to your fallout install dir does NOT contain any upper case or non-ascii characters. It works just fine for me in ubuntu 11.04.

EDIT: here is my fallout.cfg -> .
Hello, Timeslip! Just heard of your project, I will try it anyway, thank you for your work.

Have you ever heard of Pocket Fallout? This is the project of creating a (portable as I know) engine for Fallout data on Windows Mobile. I tried it few years ago, now it is much more complete, as I see. Maybe it will be useful for your work. Maybe you can co-operate with PF developer. (I'm not a programmer, so I don't know certainly.) The site of PF project is

Thank you again! Good luck! Sorry for my bad English.
I've gotten slightly sidetracked by fable 3 at the moment, so I wont be working on this for another week or so.

Seriously, sooo much crap to wade through. I'm sure the only reason lionhead didn't implement some scheme whereby a big burly man with a crowbar stands behind you at all times and bashes you over the head if you look like you're trying to mod it is that they couldn't find enough people big and burly enough. When it saves a savegame, it creates checksums for each file, encrypts those checksums, writes out the length of the files+checksums to another file, checksums that length and then encrypts that checksum...

Also, I feel like I hate GFWL more than usual today.
Debian Linux said:
One more question. What do you think about opening the source of your engine?
My engine? I think you're misunderstanding what this is. There's no engine of my own involved.