CRPG's that need to be played


Vault Senior Citizen

Im having some problems to enjoy new released games. I figured maybe I missed a game that shouldn't be missed.

I love the CRPG games the most. So i wondered what CRPG games do the Fallout communetie like more the Fallout alone

As for me I really enjoyed Planescape torment and arcanum

what are your favorite CRPG games ?
Anachronox is really good. The interface and gameplay are very console-ish, but everything else makes up for it. Probably the only game I've played that made me laugh, too - the flinger-bot scene is priceless.

Vampire: Bloodlines is great, pick it up if your computer can handle it. I don't know what the general consensus is here on it, but I loved it.

ToEE could've been the best D&D rpg, as is though it's more a straight combat game. Still worth picking up though.

If you can stand the aged graphics, Wasteland is an awesome game.

Those are about the only ones I replay frequently besides Fallout 1/2, PS:T, and Arcanum.
I know I will get flamed for this but........................

I really did enjoy Baldur's Gate.

I enjoyed BG2/TOB for what it was, the fact that it had real-time combat and dialogue choices really meant nothing makes me see it more as Diablo with a much better story than an rpg though. Bioware games all fit in that category pretty much, in that they're much more focused on action and a linear story than anything else. I think they're fun for the most part, but as rpg's they're pretty dissapointing and unsatisying to me.
It really depends on what you are looking for.
I enjoy playing games because I enjoy discovering the plot and seeing it develop. The same reason that I enjoy reading books and seeing movies. Playing games allows you to take a more active part in the plot line, whether it is an RPG or an FPS. In a game you become a certain character and you guide him/her through the trials and tribulations of that particular world. RPGs by definition allow you to be and even more integral part of the plot line, even allowing you to affect the outcome of the whole plot depending on the game.

We have all talked to death how FO allows you to be anything or anybody as you explore the game, but that doesn't mean that other RPGs aren't enjoyable just because they do not have the same level of freedom. It all depends on your expectations and interests.

I enjoyed BG because it had a fairly well developed, immersive plot line, and D&D was how I discovered RPGs in the first place. I know that ultimately it was linear, but it did have a LOT of side quests and different characters you could meet. While none of those ultimately affected the final outcome of the game, they did flesh out the plot and add to, at least my own, enjoyment.

Either way.... I recommend BG.

I also highly recommend Jagged Alliance 2. Although not truly an RPG but rather a strategy game, it had a lot of RPG elements and was a hell of a lot of fun to play.

Another I would recommend would be Chrono Trigger. That one is a very old Super NES game which you can now find online to download. Dated graphics, but a huge game universe with multiple outcomes depending on what you do in the game. It is widely considered to be one of those pioneer games which affected all RPGs following.
Montez said:
Anachronox is really good. The interface and gameplay are very console-ish, but everything else makes up for it. Probably the only game I've played that made me laugh, too - the flinger-bot scene is priceless.

Vampire: Bloodlines is great, pick it up if your computer can handle it. I don't know what the general consensus is here on it, but I loved it.

ToEE could've been the best D&D rpg, as is though it's more a straight combat game. Still worth picking up though.

If you can stand the aged graphics, Wasteland is an awesome game.

Those are about the only ones I replay frequently besides Fallout 1/2, PS:T, and Arcanum.

Bloody hell, EVERY game you listed would have been on my list too. Good choices there montez :). The only other game I've played several times through in recent times would be Might & Magic 6. While it's essentially just a hack and slash its mighty addictive. Not sure if it qualifies as an RPG in the strictest sense but its bloody fun.
if you havent played at least some of the ultimas and might&magics... you really dont have much experience with CRPGs.

old-style honorable mentions are:

wizardry series
kings quest series <too bad they were text based>
SSI Gold Box Games
Bards Tale

i think thats about it for the old standards...

did i forget any?
I recommend you Arcanum, Baldur's Gate series, Morrowid + expansions (if you download some great plug ins), Ultima VII (use Exult for playing it), Ultima IX now that there is machines for moving it, Neverwinter Nights if you like multiplayer, Vampire Bloodlines if you have a powerful computer and I'd recommend you, also, The Fall when the developers solve the bugs and release the english version, actually they released german, french and spanish.

I have the spanish release but the publisher went to bankrupt (Puntosoft) and now we have not more support with a game full of serious bugs.

Another great games, but not truly CRPG's, System Shock 2 and Deus Ex I.

I heard from allot of people that the Ultima games are nice, but isn't it a online game with a montly fee ?
Ultima 1-9 are single player games, Ultima Online is something completely different.
oke tnx I will check them out.

I dont know much about the ultima serie. What do you guys think of the ultima series ?
If you're stubborn enough to get it running on a modern computer, you'll be rewarded with an exquisite experience of gameplay. And the graphics isn't even that bad (at least from Ultima VII up)

Oracle said:
I heard from allot of people that the Ultima games are nice, but isn't it a online game with a montly fee ?

Heh, doesn't that illustrate a certain point Rosh's made? ;)
Very linear, but I really enjoyed Betrayal at Krondor as far as story goes. Both Return to Krondor and Betrayal at Antara were HORRIBLE though.

Also loved Autoduel back in the day, along with the old school Text Box/6 player party games like Wizardry, Might and Magic, Bard's Tale, etc..
As far as the Ultima games go Ultima 7 and Ultima 7 part 2 are my favourites (I must admit I didn't play 1-4, though), and they remain some of my favourite games of all time to this day. As Ciberfuckwit wrote, you can use exult for playing those in xp.

I also enjoyed the Baldurs Gate games, and pretty much agree with everything gonzo13 said about them. You should definitely try those out.

A couple of other classics, that should be easily obtainable by browsing a couple of abandonware sites, are Lands Of Lore and Darklands.

That's all I can think of right now, but with all the other suggestions so far, you should have enough to last you at least half a year.