Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

After 7 hours?

I don't care about the corridors really, it's just that they are the same and too many skinjobs, not a lot of variety. I expect more from Crysis on that point.
Not consolified version, but if that's the only way to go i guess it's either that or nothing.
What bugs me about the low res textures is that, for some reason, many objects that you'll be looking at hundreds of times during the game, like enemies and certain doors, have low textures. I mean, what the fuck? They make a random coffee machine look great, but whenever I see a Ceph close up, it's a blurry mess.
It took a while, but now that the Aliens and US Marines are engaged, the game is getting exciting - I didn't dig these Crynet dickheads. Game is very good, but is definitely inferior to Crysis 1, like Predator 2 was very good but definitely inferior do Predator 1.
Woah, Predator 2 was utter crap compared to the first one.
Hope you've just picked the bad comparation...
No it wasn't. It wasn't nearly as good, but I'd hardly call it 'utter crap' - that should be reserved for all the subsequent titles in the franchise, IMO.
PainlessDocM said:
Gary Busey
He was also great in Point Break! "Utah! Get me two!" :lol:

SkuLL said:
Atomkilla said:
Woah, Predator 2 was utter crap compared to the first one.
Hope you've just picked the bad comparation...

No it wasn't. It wasn't nearly as good, but I'd hardly call it 'utter crap' - that should be reserved for all the subsequent titles in the franchise, IMO.

This. When Danny Gloves called the predator "you pussy" in the face, the movie was saved. :D
Makenshi said:
SkuLL said:
Atomkilla said:
Woah, Predator 2 was utter crap compared to the first one.
Hope you've just picked the bad comparation...

No it wasn't. It wasn't nearly as good, but I'd hardly call it 'utter crap' - that should be reserved for all the subsequent titles in the franchise, IMO.

This. When Danny Gloves called the predator "you pussy" in the face, the movie was saved. :D

The film had big potential, and some of the scenes were good, but overall approach is kind of naive, if you ask me.
Sure, Danny is ok in the film, and I liked the character a lot, it's just that he is the only character who is interesting. Even Predator seemed dumbed down.
All in all, it would be a lot better, if it hadn't spawned those fucking sequels SkuLL mentioned.
So anyway, I just played through first 2 missions and got this to say.

It's still pretty darn fun. Lots of horrible things from beta/demo have been fixed, the game runs smoother, the fighting is pretty exciting. The motion blur is a LOT less overwhelming and annoying, though it may be cause there's no DX10/11 support. A few silly things still there, like some indestructible items, or AI being stupid at times. Although, seems like they hotfixed the unbreakable Crytek sign with the patch :lol:

Nothing like 1, but still damn good. Though I hear the campaign is only ~10hrs long, that's kind of lame.
So far this Alcatraz guy didn't speak a single word, and I don't like mute protagonists. Imagine GTA Vice City with a mute Tommy Vercetti? The game wouldn't be 1/4 of what it was.

He's quite vocal in the novelization, which is actually the first good video game novel I've read (and first one written by a Hugo Award winner, Peter Watts). I haven't played the game, but I like the story from the book (which fills lots of holes from the game).
I'm pretty advanced in the game (maybe near the end already?), and he never spoke a word. Guess it's because he's been described as almost dead in side the suit, but still...

And speaking about bugs: watch out for that Central Station battle with the pinger (huge mecha), there's an attrocious bug there, you fall outside of the scenario and keep floating in the dark, seeing the buildings far above (reminded me of similar bugs in Couter Strike)

Had to reload, and reload = instant zero nanocatalyst (also a bug)
First mission, game crashed. Ok, reload it. Works fine. Second mission start, crash. Wtf?! I patched it and it detected my specs as extreme but i lowered them to high...anybody experiencing this kind of a sudden crash to windows?

Intro is awesome but feels a lot like a showreel for a 3D studio.

Feels linear like bull because you get very fast to the objective with just stealth but it's in Manhattan Area so whatever i guess, it has to be confined. I'm only in the second mission though, so the only alternate road i took was the sewer because i can't jump and grab on that many places, only the ones that look like they are from the tutorial. Variability, something they need.
My biggest issue with blur is that i don't see the enemy, i have to look in the mini map now. (AND NO BUTTON FOR A WHOLE MAP?!)
Because when they shoot everything goes into my face, splat of blur/blood and whatever else and i cannot comprehend what the hell happened.
Controls are changed too much, Nanosuit is a little OP now because it gains faster recharge and spends its energy much lesser. And by the time you begin to discern v over f you can get killed so much.

All in all i finished the first mission only, but it's going at the same speed as Warhead. Too fast for my taste being played Crysis original but well see how it goes.

Also, the story? Kill Prophet so we can continue?
Damn....they must be desperate.
Just finished it. Wait until you do and you'll see how weak the plot and, worst, the general end game feeling are, in comparison to Crysis 1...

Shit, when I remember all the desperation aboard the carrier and compare to this...
LinkPain said:
First mission, game crashed. Ok, reload it. Works fine. Second mission start, crash. Wtf?! I patched it and it detected my specs as extreme but i lowered them to high...anybody experiencing this kind of a sudden crash to windows?

Not at all, running v1.1 on medium settings aka "very high"

Feels linear like bull because you get very fast to the objective with just stealth but it's in Manhattan Area so whatever i guess, it has to be confined.

You could beat most of Crysis 1 by crawling around in the bushes w/ stealth mode on. *Shrug*. Still, wtf happened to "prone" button? But yeah it does feel too linear, but mostly because of the way the maps are designed. For example, that mission on rooftops gives you no option to try and break through the streets, etc. If you jump down you auto-die even though you don't take enough damage.

My biggest issue with blur is that i don't see the enemy, i have to look in the mini map now. (AND NO BUTTON FOR A WHOLE MAP?!)
Because when they shoot everything goes into my face, splat of blur/blood and whatever else and i cannot comprehend what the hell happened.

I dunno, I found it to be bearable in this final release. It IS hard to spot the enemies for me, too, but I think it's because they blend with the surroundings (gray suits on gray concrete bleh).

Controls are changed too much, Nanosuit is a little OP now because it gains faster recharge and spends its energy much lesser. And by the time you begin to discern v over f you can get killed so much.

I did kinda like the original wheel, too. The way it's now the 'modes' are more like 'abilities', which is a bit lame... I completely disagree that it's OP though; it does charge really fast, but depletes even faster, and enemies can still sometimes see through your camouflage...
Al right, here's my review (ok it's not mine but suits me perfectly, it contains my thoughts exactly). You don't want spoilers, stay away or save it for later:

[spoiler:28bc8d38cf]STORY: 7/10
Reference: Far Cry 2 gets a zero, Mass Effect 1 gets an 12 or something.

As most reviews have said, the first 3 hours or so are rather slow. Well, if you disregard the opening cut scene, the sub level, etc. then yes that true. Except you know, the kill prophet. They basically give him a few lines, you randomly get the suit, etc. No explanation and the fact that he gives you the suit in that room with crappy tools causes massive continuity errors later on when Hargreaves wants it.

Oh yea, no explanation or prologue to how the aliens got there, so I hope you played Crysis 1. They just ARE there.

You keep going on your path in a reasonably open area that's something of a mix between the openness of Bad Company 2 and the later parts of any STALKER game. Its fun, you can mess around, etc. At this point I was pretty hooked and went on to play for 5 hours straight or something like that (only stopped because my back was killing me). You get the Gould's lab, he tries to feel emotional about prophet dying (there's been almost zero connection between the two so far). Some stuff happens, and suddenly you're following Hargreaves.

Now after having him guide my pretty much by the hand for about 10 minutes, it hit me: OMG its just Far Cry 1. Remember? You've got Doyle or whoever guiding you around. Oh well, there's no way they'd pull a Far Cry 1 on you.

Blah blah blah. Some stuff happens, you find out that the suit is basically hax and can make anti-biotics or some such that recode the genetics of the alien virus or whatever.

Anyway, some stuff happens, a lot of the cool things you thought you'd see (i.e. tidal wave in new-york) you only get to see for a few seconds and are NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN. You go on some sort of rampage taking out alien... spires or whatever they are called.

Eventually you learn that the Cell military leader (not Hargreaves) wants to kill you because you killed a lot of his guys. You foil his trap, some stuff happens, and of course, Hargreaves tricks you and tries to steal your suit. Oh, btw, you only TRIES to take it with some crazy gear designed specifically for the job. Remember prophet? Yea he did it with one scalpel. Continuity people!

Anyway, you'd think that he'd just kill you when he fails to get it, but no. He basically goes "oh, ok. I was wrong. Here's what you need to finish the aliens". AND YOU GO ALONG WITH THIS. Seriously, wtf.

Uhhh..... then some more stuff happens, and... uh.... yea there's absolutely nothing memorable about the ending. It feels slapped to the game, and like the original crysis, is extremely linear (remember paradise lost? Yea. Its like that but with only 1 path instead of 2. And its half the width). Eventually you fight the FINAL BOSS, which is really just 4 normal aliens that have cloaking and 100x more health (it has to be that high, they can take dozens of shotgun slugs to the face). You kill them. You jump into the alien core.

Then you "die".

Then the spire sends out some sort of energy wave which kills all the aliens, and you get to talk to prophet and he says "man" a lot. Basically that the aliens have always been here (man), and that they build everywhere (man). Then your suit re-boots for the 47th time in the game and you magically come back to life. But then there's this German guy who talks to you over the com, who was never mentioned anywhere else in the game. He says his name too fast to hear it, says he's at your service and asks for your name. You say "Im prophet" (in prophets voice).


Yes, im not kidding. Thats it. We waited THREE AND A HALF YEARS for that. Im not so much angry as I am disappointed. I dont know how, but the first Crysis actually had a BETTER plot than Crysis 2 did by the end.

The ending to Crysis 2 which you could see from about 50% through the game really made no impact on me at all. It was just "Meh". Prophet... lives? I dont know. He shot himself, but now he's alive inside the suit.

The fact that by the end of my plot summary I couldn't remember many points at all is NOT A GOOD THING. Meanwhile I can remember almost every line of dialogue from Crysis 1. How does this work?

Summary: Get rid of Richard Morgan.

GAMEPLAY: 6-8/10
Reference: Mass Effect 2 gets a 2 or 3. STALKER: Clear Sky gets an 8 (dont have perfect 0's or 10's for game play in an FPS).

Well, its been relatively unchanged. The suit feels really dumbed down, which is what a lot of you feared. Its not terrible, but you eventually forget you even have the suit and it feels more like a semi-cheat / assist mode. Getting shot at? Just pop armor and dont care for about 30 seconds. Bored? Dont want to fight? Just cloak past them.

The gun part is pretty standard, but they kept in the customization. However, it feels basically useless here. What you end up with is an assault rifle with the assault scope and a silencer. Thats all you need for 99% of the game. Vs. Cell you just unclock -> headshot -> cloak. Alcatraz has somehow learned the mystic art of never missing when crouched, and EVEN IN AN EARTHQUAKE your scope wont move. Its just a camera shake effect, unlike Crysis in which is just shook the crap out of everything.

In any event its just headshots vs. cell and endless melee vs. ceph. Get up close in cloak, pop armor, mash 'V' until it dies. Repeat. Unless you get bored - which I did.

By about 80% through the game the combat has grown so monotonous that you really just want to skip as much as possible. Basically just unlock via the nanosuit upgrade thing the upgrade that makes sprinting use far less energy. Get that, use cloak. You cant loose. Run in cloak (it lasts WAAYYY too long in sprint), hide in bush for 3 seconds to regen energy, repeat.

On the subject of cloaking: If you have a silencer, you can fire a few shots WHILE IN CLOAK. Yes, be afraid, they removed rule #1 of using cloak from Crysis.

In any event, you can skip about 80% of the enemies if you really feel like it (I didnt until near the end). However, the other 20% are considered bosses, in which you MUST kill all of them to continue. Now, in Crysis 1 there were only 3 real bosses: Kyong, the alien hunter, and the alien mother ship. If you disregarded Kyong, who could be killed just by melee spam, the bosses were genuinely tough. They took a good 5-10 minutes to kill and felt rewarding after doing so.

In Crysis 2, however, you will be endlessly spammed with bosses. The pinger IS the highest level boss in the game (other than the end-game cloak guys), but can be defeated in about 30 seconds. Get 3-4 C4, cloak behind it, throw it on his back, cloak away. Explode. Done. Repeat. Whatever. The other semi-bosses, which are the heavies, are remotely challenging the first time. After that you realize they will die to about 5 shots to the head. There's also some 'elites' which are basically just buffed normal aliens with 5x HP and immunity to stealth kills. In any event, just melee the face to win.

So the gameplay is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, the early stuff is pretty fun (i.e. 8/10), but on the other hand, the stuff gets old by the end of the game and you just end up cloaking past all of the action (i.e. 6/10, if that).

Reference: Crysis 1 gets 10/10*, NavyFIELD gets 3/10

*Crysis 1 gets 10/10 because of how insane it was when it came out. There was nothing that could touch it for at least a year.

Yes. Graphics. Crytek. These are basically the same words. However, Crysis 2 seems to be somewhat of a deviation. The graphics are GOOD, but Low rez textures, floating crap, and physics bugs really drag it down a notch (each comment is a pic! click them! Its not just one pic, its 3!). The lighting can be insanely impressive (see first level), but in other cases completely crappy (see area after turning off power generations - black is really easy to render). The textures range from insane (see first person model, guns, certain NPC's), to somewhat sub-part (see 1st comment), and the models are generally ok.

The performance is about 20-30% higher than what you'd expect. I came into Crysis 2 expecting that on max (extreme) i'd get around 25-35fps. What I didnt expect was the 45-90 that I did get. It runs great, but thats probably because there really isnt that much on screen.

Basically, C2 would have blown minds in early/mid-2009. Now its just a pretty good looking game.

SEQUEL-ness: 3/10
Reference: STALKER: Clear Sky is around 8, KOTOR 2 is around -4.

As Crysis 2 is a sequel (see '2'), you've got to at least look at what it did to reference back. This is something that was insanely important for me. You (crytek) left me at a cliffhanger for 3 and a half years, and I wanted answers. What happens at the island? Whats up with prophet? What about the star thats light years away? How did the aliens change to much from C1 to C2? What happened to NK?

Well. They basically answer one of those. Sort of. The only thing they say is that at the island was basically a test for the nanosuit.... aaaannnddd thats it. There's some stuff about prophet and the aliens merging but thats given all of one sentence, if that.

Nomad? Never heard of him. Helena? Psycho (he shows up in one picture in a flashback, so does nomad maybe). This, THIS has to be the biggest disappointment. 3 and a HALF YEARS, and we get basically no answers. Hell, one the main characters kill himself in the first 15 minutes.

Crytek has to do something about this, but I know they wont. Which is sad. Although nomad didnt say much, I wanted to know what happened.

Other references are made though, such as the mine-elevator, which is redone with Strickland and Alcatraz almost to a tee. There's a few others things which I cant remember now, but its not much. When they meant re-boot, I have no idea what they meant. You would have needed to play Crysis 1 for about half of Crysis 2 to have made sense, but it explains nothing from Crysis 1.

And really, why did the aliens change? There has to be some reason OTHER than 'because we felt like it'. The Crysis 2 aliens kind of suck. They are reasonably unoriginal and generally pretty annoying to fight against. The Crysis 1 aliens were original, fun to fight, and just plain cool.[/spoiler:28bc8d38cf]

I'll just add two things about the suit:

1) Stealth is fine, I actually desired it to be the way it is now since when I played Crysis 1, back in 2009, and couldn't move 3 feet without stopping to recharge the suit, it was annoying. So yay for longer stealth.

2) The nanovision, on the other hand, is a bitch. I consumes energy faster than Crysis 1's stealth, WTF! Darkvision is the kind of thing which should never be a liability, since it's so specific to only 2 or 3 tiny small parts of the game. It simply cannot be combined with cloak mode, energy depletes in seconds, and that's a real shame, because cloack + thermal vision = predator, and predator = ima feels like 1337 beast
A lot of what seems like continuity errors to you are pretty well explained in the novelization (which I read as a fan of the author, not of the game). Yeah, I know, the game shouldn't need the novel to explain it, just saying. I'll post these later today.