Culture of Fear


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Has the United States become a culture of fear? Where we are subtly encouraged to spy on those who look "suspicious?" Is calling the police when a dark-skinned man places a box next to a trash can paranoia or cause for reasonable alarm?

[url= said:[/url]]Culture of Fear: Poetry Professor Becomes Terror Suspect
By Kazim Ali, New America Media. Posted April 24, 2007.

A poetry professor in a small college in the Northeast decides to recycle old manuscripts and becomes an object of suspicion. On April 19, after a day of teaching classes at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania, I went out to my car and grabbed a box of old poetry manuscripts from the front seat of my little white Beetle, carried it across the street and put it next to the trashcan outside Wright Hall. The poems were from poetry contests I had been judging and the box was heavy. I had previously left my recycling boxes there and they were always picked up and taken away by the trash department.

A young man from ROTC was watching me as I got into my car and drove away. I thought he was looking at my car, which has black flower decals and sometimes inspires strange looks. I later discovered that I, in my dark skin, am sometimes not even a person to the people who look at me. Instead, in spite of my peacefulness, my committed opposition to all aggression and war, I am a threat by my very existence, a threat just living in the world as a Muslim body.

Upon my departure, he called the local police department and told them a man of Middle Eastern descent driving a heavily decaled white Beetle with out of state plates and no campus parking sticker had just placed a box next to the trash can. My car has NY plates, but he got the rest of it wrong. I have two stickers on my car. One is my highly visible faculty parking sticker and the other, which I just don't have the heart to take off these days, says, "Kerry/Edwards: For a Stronger America."

Because of my recycling, the bomb squad came, then the state police. Because of my recycling, buildings were evacuated, classes were canceled, the campus was closed. No. Not because of my recycling. Because of my dark body. No. Not even that. Because of his fear. Because of the way he saw me. Because of the culture of fear, mistrust, hatred and suspicion that is carefully cultivated in the media, by the government, by people who claim to want to keep us "safe."

These are the days of orange alerts, school lock-downs, and endless war. We are preparing for it, training for it, looking for it, and so, of course, in the most innocuous instances -- a professor wanting to hurry home, hefting his box of discarded poetry -- we find it.

That man in the parking lot didn't even see me. He saw my darkness. He saw my Middle Eastern descent. This is ironic because though my grandfathers came from Egypt, I am Indian, a South Asian, and could never be mistaken for a Middle Eastern man by anyone who had ever met one.

One of my colleagues was in the gathering crowd, trying to figure out what had happened. She heard my description -- a Middle Eastern man driving a white Beetle with out of state plates -- and knew immediately they were talking about me and realized that the box must have been manuscripts I was discarding. She approached them and told them I was a professor on the faculty there. Immediately the campus police officer said, "What country is he from?"

"What country is he from?!" she yelled, indignant.

"Ma'am, you are associated with the suspect. You need to step away and lower your voice," he told her.

At some length, several of my faculty colleagues were able to get through to the police and get me on a cell phone where I explained to the university president and then to the state police that the box contained old poetry manuscripts that needed to be recycled. The police officer told me that in the current climate I needed to be more careful about how I behaved. "When I recycle?" I asked.

The university president appreciated my distress about the situation but denied that the call had anything to do with my race or ethnic background. The spokesperson of the university called it an "honest mistake," not referring to the young man from ROTC giving in to his worst instincts and calling the police but referring to me who made the mistake of being dark-skinned and putting my recycling next to the trashcan.

The university's bizarrely minimal statement lets everyone know that the "suspicious package" beside the trashcan ended up being, indeed, trash. It goes on to say, "We appreciate your cooperation during the incident and remind everyone that safety is a joint effort by all members of the campus community."

What does that community mean to me, a person who has to walk by the ROTC offices every day on my way to my own office just down the hall -- who was watched, noted and reported, all in a day's work? Today, we gave in willingly and wholeheartedly to a culture of fear and blaming and profiling. It is deemed perfectly appropriate behavior to spy on one another and police one another and report on one another. Such behaviors exist most strongly in closed, undemocratic and fascist societies.

The university report does not mention the root cause of the alarm. That package became "suspicious" because of who was holding it, who put it down, who drove away. Me.

It was poetry, I kept insisting to the state policeman who was questioning me on the phone. It was poetry I was putting out to be recycled.

My body exists politically in a way I cannot prevent. For a moment today, without even knowing it, driving away from campus in my little Beetle, exhausted after a day of teaching, listening to Justin Timberlake on the radio, I ceased to be a person when a man I had never met looked straight through me and saw the violence in his own heart.
Tannhauser said:
Has the United States become a culture of fear? Where we are subtly encouraged to spy on those who look "suspicious?" Is calling the police when a dark-skinned man places a box next to a trash can paranoia or cause for reasonable alarm?
I think that it belongs to the same class of deviation as trying to ban adult-only media, violent computer games, AD&D and other things that are "suspicious" to communists.
Of course we are living in a culture of fear - communist media do everything to make people afraid and to submit to authorities.
Also, fear sells - people like to scared by news, etc.
Ulrich Beck have some interesting thoughts about the subject, something he call risk society

Risk Society is a social theory which describes the production and management of risks in modern society. The term was first used by German sociologist Ulrich Beck. Beck focussed on the role of the mass media in revealing risks and describing the competing scientific and political interests in their management.

The term "risk society" is not intended to imply an increase of risk in society, but rather a society that is organized in response to risks. 'It is a society increasingly preoccupied with the future (and also with safety), which generates the notion of risk' (Giddens 1999: 3) Risk can be defined in the risk society as a systematic way of dealing with hazards and insecurities induced and introduced by modernization itself (Beck 1992: 21).
Let me tell you a little story, then. When I was younger, I sometimes got mistaken for either an inuit (eskimo living in Greenland etc.) or an Italian or a Spanish boy or man. I just laughed at it, and then I realized that a long way down the lineone of my descendants were, in fact, Spanish. (and that's why I have dark skin, more dark skin than most Danes, anyway).

When I got older however, more and more Danes seemed to look at me suspiciosly, because og my dark skin, I just chuckled inside.
However, since a certain event in 2001, I too, have had strange & suspicious looks as the culture of fear (also) has lowered itself onto Europe.

I can therefore say that I stand totally by this college professor and back him 112% in his complaints about the way he has been treated in this case.

And yes, the young man frrom ROTC did not see a college professor, he saw a person wit dark skin place a box on the pavement. And because he didn't know the difference between a man from the the Middle East and a man from India, he made the wrong assumption that this man's actions were a danger to society i.e. by placing a box on the sidewalk or pavement.

What's interesting to me is that the young man from ROTC didn't even notice the faculty sticker on mr. Ali's car. He just seemed to have noticed only the color of the man, nothing else.

And that is indeed contributing to the culture of fear and a reaction to the culture of fear.
People are certainly a lot more afraid than they need to be or perhaps they simply hate the person involved and want to punish them legitimately. Regardless that incident was just a sad mistake from an overreaction.

I remember at my old job I was once cleaning out the parking lot late at night and found an old, brown briefcase. Since people dump unwanted things there all the time I thought nothing of it and opened it. I wasn't surprised to find it empty since no one would throw away a briefcase with anything valuable inside. I took it and put it in the dumpster. Later that evening I learned (not long before the end of my shift) a supervisor found it and had the police come over to check it. The trooper didn't find it suspicous at all and opened it, but only after heading a safe distance from everyone just in case he was wrong.

The Vault Dweller
Because of my recycling, the bomb squad came, then the state police. Because of my recycling, buildings were evacuated, classes were canceled, the campus was closed. No. Not because of my recycling. Because of my dark body. No. Not even that. Because of his fear. Because of the way he saw me. Because of the culture of fear, mistrust, hatred and suspicion that is carefully cultivated in the media, by the government, by people who claim to want to keep us "safe."
If the author had included a paragraph about religious tolerence, and perhaps a graphically described "tear rolling down cheek" moment then this would have met almost all of my relevant standards for cliche.

Not that I disagree with the message (ie. asian (non oriental) appearance being synonymous with terrorist/religious extremist to many people), but the over emotive, Kirk. Style. Delivery. Degrades that message somewhat.

The incidental, indignant friend does not help, just makes it seem more contrived.

Yet, for all this, I have no overt reason to distrust this article, only the rather obvious "unbiased viewpoint" (non aggression, education, "culture" (poetry, diverse background)) so much in evidence made it seem less than genuine.

Hhmm. Stereotypes, very effective.

Also, coincidentally:

aries369 said:
Let me tell you a little story, then. When I was younger, I sometimes got mistaken for either an inuit (eskimo living in Greenland etc.) or an Italian or a Spanish boy or man. I just laughed at it, and then I realized that a long way down the lineone of my descendants were, in fact, Spanish. (and that's why I have dark skin, more dark skin than most Danes, anyway).
I also just discovered that my ancestors were (or rather, may have been (I was never into geneology)) Spanish
Big T said:
Yet, for all this, I have no overt reason to distrust this article, only the rather obvious "unbiased viewpoint" (non aggression, education, "culture" (poetry, diverse background)) so much in evidence made it seem less than genuine.
He does mess up about the car. First he says that it attracts stares because of black flower decals, then later says he only has two stickers on it, a facility parking one and a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker.
Tannhauser said:
Big T said:
Yet, for all this, I have no overt reason to distrust this article, only the rather obvious "unbiased viewpoint" (non aggression, education, "culture" (poetry, diverse background)) so much in evidence made it seem less than genuine.
He does mess up about the car. First he says that it attracts stares because of black flower decals, then later says he only has two stickers on it, a facility parking one and a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker.
I noticed that, but assumed I'd misread. Strange. Black flower decals were never part of the Kerry/Edwards campaign, were they?
with stickers he meant things that identify him as a local instead of the NY plates. the decals are more part of the paintjob than being actual 'stickers'.

anyway, this whole scare stuff is such bullshit.

sometimes i wonder though: how much of it is manipulated and calculated for propaganda purposes and how much is simply due to the sensationhungry media that blows things out of proportions to get better ratings.
Has the United States become a culture of fear?.....Not fear but greed and paranoia....paranoia is what got us in the the war in the first place our far reaching intelligence bureau THOUGHT! their was weapons of mass destruction.....well bush their wasn't.....but their was fuel......and if we become a culture of fear now their didn't seem to be any before 9/11 afraid everyone seemed to live in denial that nothing would happen to me we are a super power....ohhhhhh! be bad America...don't get me wrong i love my country but we can use new leadership.....i suggest get rid of the mutties (illegal aliens) :twisted: