Custom PA for Vic


Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Iirc there's no custom Vic PA appearance. I'd love to change that. I wanted to modify the existing like it was done with Sulik & cassidy (copypaste the head, add some custom sign on armor, maybe a gear to indicate mechanic background, I'd also add a toolbelt but I'm afraid it's beyond me not to make it look like crap).

I am however too stupid to find a good tutorial on how to edit frames.. can anybody link me one?

I also wanted to make a 2nd mod - replacing Vic's model with black dude's model - main problem however is that it would require a LOT more work than just PA (iirc black dude is just metal armor right now.. so it would be leather jacket + leather armor + combat armor + power armor, ouch.. four times the work = thousands of frames to edit...)


what animations are a must for an NPC? I guess ladder-climbing animation for instance is not necessary because NPC don't do it.
Doesn't Vic do the thing where as an idle animation he takes off his helmet and wipes off sweat? He's just a bit more smart than some of the others and likes to keep it on for combat.
Yea he does and imho it doesn't look that good (along with his awkward walking style). Up to one's aesthetic ofc but I'd rather have him in a well made custom PA, since it's an eyecandy.
Building New Critters for Fallout

This tutorial will hopefully assist people in building new critters for the original Fallouts. Instead of making new critters in 3D, animating and rendering them, I will demonstrate how to edit the original critter artwork, and build new Fallout critters. *An earlier version of is tutorial can also be found at the 'New animations 2' thread - (Fallout General Modding). Click the spoiler for the tutorial.

To build new Fallout critters you will need:

1.Frame Animator 2.70 – (This creates the image files, and animates the FRM’s. This has the Fallout color palette file).

2.Photoshop – (This is used to edit the actual image files). Mr.Baldie Photoshop Action

3.Titanium Frm Browser 1.3 – (This software allows the viewing of the critter FRM’s).


1.Grab all of the files related to the two critters you want to combine – (you will need to use a program to open the critter.DAT file in Fallout 2 – check the NMA files section) – the various critters can be found in the art/critter folder. Ex. Leather Armor Male = (HMLTHR) and Blue Jump Suit = (HMJMPS).


2.Place them into two separate folders. Allocate a folder for each individual FRM (Fallout frame) and name them correspondingly. Ex: HMJMPSAA.frm into HMJMPSAA folder. Create a folder and name it “Images”, copy that folder into every HMJMPS folder… (This folder will hold all of the individual images).


3.Run the FrameAnimator and ‘Open Project’ (Ctrl+o) – now select the first individual critter FRM - ex: HMJMPSAA.frm (the idle critter in the Blue Jumpsuit). Press ‘Save Project’ (Ctrl+s) and save the Project file (*FPR) and BMP files into the “Images” folder. Each individual frame will now be saved into the images folder. Each image will have its correct frame offset numbers and alpha color (blue), so when you load them back into the FrameAnimator the critter should be in its correct position - (The FrameAnimator can be a bit buggy, I prefer not to close the program while I finish the editing the frames in PS, and after the images have been adjusted I just reload the project file and make the finished FRM).

*Open the HMJMPSAA.frm

*The FRM - HMJMPSAA.frm (the idle critter in the Blue Jumpsuit).

*The saved project. The folder with the BMP images and HMJMPSAA.frm

*The individual BMP images for HMJMPSAA.frm (Total = 72 frames)


4.Complete the same process for each FRM that will require editing – do the same for the other critters FRM’s (i.e. Leather Armor – HMLTHRAA)


5.Open the folders of both critters with the same animations (HMJMPSAA + HMLTH2AA) and place them side by side. It’s important to check to see if both critters have the same number of animations in their individual sequences. If one has more, then you might need to remove or add an extra frame to balance the equation…as well check to see that the sequences are the same, sometimes they are not – the critical factor is to ensure that the critters animations are the same, otherwise the editing process will become more difficult.

*Both the Blue Jump Suit = (HMJMPS) and Leather Armor Male = (HMLTHR) BMP's.


6.Open Photoshop, and load the new ‘Mr. Baldie’ action. Do this by opening the Actions panel, and selecting the button on the right hand side – (Load Actions…), now the ‘Mr. Baldie’ action will be in your Actions panel. The action can be found here - Mr.Baldie Photoshop Action

It has 4 stages –

1: Import Image. (It copies one critter over onto the other critters image file).

2: Masking. (After you made a selection (critter head) you press this action and it will mask the area you have selected.

3: Save FRM. (This will flatten the image and save the image with the Fallout color palette, but will not close the file – in case you need to restore the original image).

4: Quick Grab Index. (It is designed for selecting and coping the critter - it is useful if you need to copy a part of an index image onto another image; often the head).

*The Photoshop actions.


7.Now double click on the Jumpsuit critter first, and then quickly double click on the corresponding Leather critter. Both will open in Photoshop (if not check their properties to see if PS will open BMP’s). Make sure that the Leather critter is the last image opened. Select the “Import Image” action and press the play action button…the Leather critter will be copied over to the Jumpsuit critter…if you are lucky the critters will align perfectly, otherwise de-select and move the top layer into its proper position (it’s best to judge this by aligning the feet and shoulders). Now select the area on the top critter that you want to mask (keep), the lasso tool is the best option here (L) – ex: The Bald head from the Leather critter onto the Blue Jumpsuit critter. Make any small adjustments – blend the pixels if necessary, and finally select the ‘Save FRM’ action and press the play action button.

*Imported Leather Critter.

*Selecting the head with the lasso tool.

*Masking the Leather Critter's body.


8. Go through each and every frame in the animation – and reload the finished images into the FrameAnimator. Run through each frame and each direction to check the animation, and if all is well save the FRM with a new name. If any frame is slightly out of position them make the necessary adjustment to reposition. It’s a good idea to check both the original and the new critter FRM’s to see how well they compare with the Titanium Frm Browser. *Please don't forget to save the FRM.

*The new Bald Blue Jumpsuit critter.



If none of that makes sense...then critter building isn't for you. :P [/spoiler:9a296f17dd]
Okay guys, I decided to try and make a proper "black dude" mod for Vic.

Reason: while I respect the original "custom armors" mod author and his work, I think custom Vic models (leather, combat and especially metal) look really awful. Contrary to Sulik and Vic, which look awesome.

However, taking into consideration that Vic is pretty much impossible to copypaste-fix (since he uses a different body model - he's phat...), there's not much a modder can do rather than re-drawing it from scratch, which is beyond most of modders, obviously.

So... The next best looking & unique model is the black dude, and it shouldn't be too hard to customize, some recoloring of face and hands in combat/leather/jacket armor shouldn't take too long, and a custom PA is what I'm aiming at (decided to give him black gears painted on armor as customalization - sorry, out of original ideas, it will be hard anyway :p)

The only problem is "naked" model. Since it's a bigger amount of recoloring needed. Perhaps I should take the easy way and use a jumpsuit black dude which iirc is already made.

Oh, and there will be rifle and pistol animations only.. soz, Making knife animations for a char that's completely horrible with knives is sort of beyond me :p

If anyone is willing to help me with custom armor PA appearance (after I'm done with the head), I'd be glad. copypasting is easy, but the custom features, that I'd have to draw myself, and that won't be easy.
I am aware of the painfully boring copypaste work. And a million projects that were dumped after a week :D

But hey, I always liked NPCs. With most bugs fixed (notably the level 6 bug) within RP, I can finally enjoy some team action... well, almost, Vic's appearance annoys me to hell :D Along with his bugged AI. I will try to alter his sequence with FUCK and see if that does anything good.

So there's a good chance every time I play FO2 I will add a few frames to the mod. :P
DForge said:
So there's a good chance every time I play FO2 I will add a few frames to the mod. :P

So you will have to play FO2 30,000 times to complete a full critter... :P
I am still hoping for a green haired girly hero.

Just wanted to drop that line. Maybe someone wants to do it, some fine day. :p
By the way: instead of painfully copying the files into folders use this batch file:

@Echo Off
For %%J in (C:\Users\Pierre\Desktop\Fallout2\Vic\Black\*.*) Do (
MD %%~dpnJ
move %%J %%~dpnJ)

Of course replace the path for your directory

it will automatically create folders from filenames and put the files into newly created folders. Neat.

You can update the modding wiki with this info, pixote ^^
Lexx said:
I am still hoping for a green haired girly hero.

Just wanted to drop that line. Maybe someone wants to do it, some fine day. :p

Weren't some guy(s) making new 3d models for Fonline?
Well, but 3d models still arent the same as 2d critters. They will never look perfectly 1:1 and using them additionally in Fallout 2 will look off. You can only use either 3d models or 2d critters, both together looks meh.