CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

I'm disappointed they aren't referencing Pentex much.
White Wolf Guy said:On the subject of Bloodlines, one of the first things that happened when the news hit was that Activision called us and said, “can you tell us why this game is selling so well on Steam still?” And we say because it’s awesome, and because you’re the only modern day, proper, adult, gritty vampire game. Go figure.
I just read some new interview and immediately lost any and all interest. Direct Quote: "The story will be a linear one with the illusion of choice, but the story will still go in the same direction no matter what is said and done. So don't look to be able to join any of the various ones out there to change things up besides the gifts you'll have at your disposal in the game."
So, yeah, not interested anymore. Link to the interview http://aggrogamer.com/article/5841/E3-2017-Interview--Werewolf-The-Apocalypse.
And two more:
Guess, we won't be getting a good werewolf game anymore, whatever.
Bump trailer