Ugly John
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

kids ... think about it next time
Elissar said:Sounds like one of the ICQ pranks Bullock used to pull....
"hey look, I am sexually active!"
(JHawk111420) Hey whats up, a/s/l?
(Lady Renegade) more than you want, I'm sure :)
(JHawk111420) ill take that as a challenge ;-)
(Lady Renegade) take it any way you want sweetie
(JHawk111420) k, how old are ya?
(Lady Renegade) probably too old for you, but let's pretend I'm 20 ;)
(JHawk111420) k, what do ya look like?
(Lady Renegade) before or after I'm dressed up?
(JHawk111420) both :-D
(Lady Renegade) well......after I'm dressed up, I have long sexy red hair, nails painted red to match the slinky dress I have on, stiletto heels, pouty lips, green eyes, boobs out to here, and a smile that stops
(JHawk111420) and before your dressed up?
(Lady Renegade) before I'm dressed up, I'm bald and wearing boxers...sometimes my weenie is peeking out
(Lady Renegade) hello?
(Lady Renegade) hello?
(Lady Renegade) hello ....
MadDog -[TO said:-]technically... I met my gf online... at least, she was in my high school, and my best friend introduced on in a 3way chat. We've been together for almost 5 years now... but we can proudly say "we met in a chat room"
Warped314 said:Sex with letters is STUPID.
megatron said:j/k, cybering is OMG sooooo gay. get a mail-order bride you freaks.
that was the FUFME system somewhat not work safe, but easily explainable.