Dark Star One

yeah, comparing an MMO space sim to a single player only space sim is an extremely smart thing to do...
Homeless said:
You guys have obviously not heard of Infinity.

Darkstar One is bullcrap compared to Infinity: The Quest for Earth. Please go and drool all over it, it'll be another 2 years or so before it gets released in it's final version.

SuAside said:
yeah, comparing an MMO space sim to a single player only space sim is an extremely smart thing to do...

Besides, Infinity isn't even a finished product by any measurement. So far all I see is a lot of promises that have yet to be implemented and properly tested. Granted, the engine they've (he?) coded looks impressive - but that's about it.

And haven't you heard, Elite IV is in development too. Inifinity will be bullcrap compared to that (forthcoming) shining gem.