Day After Tomorrow


New Post-Apoc film coming out this summer. Not sure what to think of this. Heavy on the special effects, low on plot? Have you seen the trailers?

Check out the web page. Some of the concept art and photography is available. See New York hit by tidal waves (or Deep Impact 2).
Day After Tomorrow isn't really post-apoc, it's a Disaster-film, a la Deep Impact, Armageddon, etc.
Ok, this could be a great movie, IMO it will all come down to the stories of the small people caught in this disaster, how they will be told, and how well the actors will play their parts. Special effects can't make a movie good on their own, it all comes down to old fashioned acting.
Your Highness, hast thou not had enough zombies for a while? 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, The House of the Dead....? ;)
Silencer said:
Your Highness, hast thou not had enough zombies for a while? 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, The House of the Dead....? ;)

The Haunted Mansion...?

Had to do it...
...dawn of the dead?

resident evil and house of the dead was a bit shit mebbe. Need more OLD SKOLLERZ zombie movies.
The Original Dawn of the Dead is one of my Favorite movies of all time. And it just so happens that they're currently making a 2 disc special edition version of DotD. Its gonna be amazing.
Shaun of the Dead is a good giggle, too. Although when (if?) it's coming out in the US, I don't know.

welsh said:
New Post-Apoc film coming out this summer. Not sure what to think of this. Heavy on the special effects, low on plot?
I should have thought so, seeing as it's the same guy that brought us Independance Day at the helm.
Maybe they will get some good ideas from the profiles from the site. Those five question, in the given context really make you think about what you really want out of life.
c0ldst33ltrs4u, I don't know if you've been told this, but damnit everytime I see your avatar I just picture it jumping onto a koopa or something...*BLING* Extra Mans!

Mohrg :twisted:
I loved the original Dawn of the Dead also, but parts of the sequel ticked me off. I won't spoil it for someone else. I will ask one question though. "Why don't they think a movie would be interesting if the people were smart?"
If the people were smart the movie would end much faster, and then what?On the other hand if you have a bunch of dumb SOB who seem unable to tell their right hand from their left, then you have a movie that keeps you on the edge, wondering what stupid thing they are going to do next. It's the "No! Don't go in there!" feeling, that is the whole beauty of it.
Intellecutial drama, forever the realm of literature, doesn't seem to work that well in movies. Damn the stupid masses which spend their money for action films with stupid characters, never-mind we are all part of those stupid masses.

Anyway, the only thing that really annoyed me about the new Dawn of the Dead was the pointless nudity. Other than that, it was okay, nothing specaticular, but worth the price of admission.

As for the original topic, Day After Tomorrow, it seems to be too early to tell the quality of the film. So far the information has been too vague to make a firm impression.