Dead Space 1/2

I just finished this game and quite liked it. Parts of it were dumb, some gameplay sequences were annoying, I didn't like the story much and it wasn't very scary but I always wanted a decent Aliens type survival experience and this game certainly delivered that.

BTW, I thought it was common knowledge that PC controls for this game sucked?
maximaz said:
BTW, I thought it was common knowledge that PC controls for this game sucked?

Not to me, I still don't know what's so bad about them, unless you use in game v. sync. I can't imagine how controls could be better on a console with gamepad.
I just hope Dead Space 2 will be playable. The first one was so horribly boring I never bothered to play it for long. Uninteresting gameplay coped with loads of cliche flicks killed the game for me.

Besides, after a time it went into shooting festival with 15 monsters attacking you at the same time. Dead Space 2 needs more thought put into gameplay. Less enemies, less uber-weapons and more *atmosphere*, instead of random scares.
Ravager69 said:
I just hope Dead Space 2 will be playable. The first one was so horribly boring I never bothered to play it for long. Uninteresting gameplay coped with loads of cliche flicks killed the game for me.

Besides, after a time it went into shooting festival with 15 monsters attacking you at the same time. Dead Space 2 needs more thought put into gameplay. Less enemies, less uber-weapons and more *atmosphere*, instead of random scares.

Agreed, jump-scares are not fun, they don't make atmosphere, they're just boring. Which jump-scares was about all I found most of the time. That and I have to agree on the weapons, when even the very first weapon can clear the whole game, with next to no problems, it just feels a bit cheap.
Dead Space sure has a great atmosphere. Unfortunately, the "push-the-button-makes-monsters-appear" gameplay kills it in my opinion.
Meh, i kinda.. liked it.
Ok that the story aint *that* good, a bit cliché and all, and the controls where a bit "clumsy" but i wouldn't expect less from hanging around in the space with a magnetic suit. Overall i enjoyed the game; liked the persue for the players lover, the messing with our minds, the easter eggs (such as the first letter in each chapter), the hidden messages in other language.

Bottom line the game had potential, the only thing lacking was actually the story. As for the gameplay/controls, i didn't think them as an issue, really.

Astiaks said:
Hoxie said:
Same for RE5 for a good part, still had plenty of ammo for most guns, health was never too severe an issue outside of the bad luck hits once in a while, Hard mode felt more like Medium.

RE took a different direction after RE4 so one couldn't expect more from RE5. And yeah, survival horror games aren't what they used to be. I still think that the best survival horror games i played were "Nocturne" and "Blair Witch Project: Rustin Parr". Although ammo wasn't very scarce in both games, the atmosphere was sure creepy. Damn, Terminal Reality should have made a Nocturne 2 instead of Ghost Busters and Blood Rayne! Can't really blame them though, kiddies these days are more into EPIC ACTION GAMEZORZZZZ!!!!

I'll just say what i've posted before on other forums:

Impressions on RE5
I havent played RE5 yet, although i plan to buy the gold version for PS3.

From what i've seen it's the worst RE ever made (if we don't count with those first gun survivors). I mean the game lost all it's essence, where's the game that made me so scared that i wasn't able to play alone? Music, camera angles, zombies, survival horror, all gone. Now it's just pure arcade gameplay & arcade music. Bosses that look more of final fantasy, huge as hell, lava all around and stuff, i mean, wtf?

RE was based on a possible scenario of a medical error, always sticked to a "possible to happen" scene. Now we have super humans, bosses with nothing to compare to humanoid bodies, etc. RE has turned into a lame franchise, a bubblegum game just for the masses.

RE1, RE2 & CV ftw.

On what RE i liked the most:
Resident Evil 1 (first one, directors cut or even the remake)

I choose this one mainly because of the feel/concept/essence it had. It was a very deep game and the puzzles were the best. The BGM and FX were just excellent and really would capture your attention. The "stopped cameras" also did add an extra push to the feel of the game. Who could ever forget that Hunter running after us after we got back to the mansion? The hunters from RE3 are babies compared to the ones of RE1; i remember using colt phyton just to finish them off real fast.

Although RE1 has the best ambience and overall score in my opinion, the game fails in replay value but i believe it's because it was a real old game. I took like 10~20h to finish it the first time (back then i had no pc or internet for walktrus). After that you would get one infinite weapon but it was it. If you'd finish twice you would get another but not the 2 at the same time, that even sucked harder.

That's where RE2 comes in. Although RE2 had less spooky ambience than RE1 it had a lot more "story" and interaction than the first game. Also, unlikely the first one, you would be able to play 2 scenarios with 2 different chars and the game would have different methods if you played it with different starts (1rst:Claire, 2nd:Leon and 1rst:Leon, 2nd:Claire). Suming to that you could have 2 extra chars after 6 scenarios (something like the recent mercenaries). Lastly you could have special costumes which would change the shooting physics of the chars.

For me RE1 and RE2 were the best but i choose RE1 as the best over all mainly because of it's immersive ambience.

Heh, i miss my times with ma old psx.

Those times made me a sony fanboy, "i" spent around 1500€ during the time i had that one. Then it came PS2 where i bought bunch of games too, might have around 20. And lastly, PS3 came out, which i bought the first version (500€) with two games, and those are still the only 2 games i own from PS3. Might have been because of growing up, might have been because of having a computer when in my psx era i didn't, might have been the narrow diversity that we've came into.

I miss the times when a survival horror like the first Resident Evil made me afraid enough to the point i didn't want to play it alone, not like today when Resident Evil 5 has became a franchise just to sell to the masses: arcade and boring, just bang bang.

Just like PC games, just FPSs and MMORPGs. Where's the creativity? The vision? I see only games based on the same subject; "It sells? Let's make a bunch of them with different stories and different enemies!".

Maybe i'm just getting old to enjoy the new games, nostalgia hitting me hard.

As for the game who marked me in fear was probably Silent Hill, because it's more of a psychology fear, not really many enemies, but the dark and not being able to see most of the scenario, makes it creepy. Also the first time i played it i had 13 years old or something.
Jet1337 said:
I beat this game and got all the achievements. It was great. Can't wait for the second.

Heh, achievements are a part of what kills the atmosphere for me. I mean, aren't you simply suppose to survive, instead of trying to kill 3 enemies with the same rocket or some other bullshit?
I worry about achievements after the first playthrough.

I play videogames for two things; to enjoy them and to show my accomplishments.

You can say that you've beaten the game on the hardest difficulty, but I have the achievement to prove that. What do you have? Have a good time running fraps without the game chugging like a fat man. xD
Jet1337 said:
I play videogames for two things; to enjoy them and to show my accomplishments.

Why does anyone have to prove themselves when playing a game...just play and enjoy, screw trying to impress someone with your skills…otherwise you might turn into this

LOL. I play Halo 3 on a regular basis and I'm over that screaming retard shit.

I like getting challenging achievements because it feels good to have people tell me that it's badass. I actually have a friend who thinks I'm an RPG prodigy because I have all the achievements in Fallout 3 and Borderlands! xD

I like to enjoy videogames, but the fact is that I'm gonna be playing them until the day I die. When that day comes, what do I have to show? What about the progress i made? This is why I refuse to play MMO's because some day the server shuts down and all my hard work goes with it.
I haven't played Deep Space but I'm considering buying it to my PS3.

I used to play Thief 2 and it scared me at times. The character is pretty weak in combat and you're supposed to sneak past your enemies (zombies and the like, though not as much as in part 1 of the game, which I haven't played).

Even Fallout 3 scares me a little sometimes. I hate bugs so being attacked by giant scorpions and ants is pretty unpleasant. And the atmosphere in the game is generally fairly dark, with destruction, desperation and desolation everywhere etc. I like that.
The same thing that you'd have when what-ever-entity holding your gaming achievements is destroyed, Jet.

Admittedly this is the first time I can recall anyone suggesting that in-game achievements are a method to validate one's existence and explain the choices one makes for their entertainment . . .

"Why'd you collect 0xA478 rusty cans in Fallout 3?"

"To prove to you that I COULD!"

"But it took you two weeks . . . "

"Two weeks that I didn't have to see you!"

Herp durp.



To actually stay on topic, I suppose . . . least the admins threaten strikes . . .
As a newer survival-horror for the PC, is this game worth looking into? Or are there those that do it better (even if the graphics may not be as grand)?
Didn't take long for this thread to derail into RE discussion. :)

On the subject of RE: I loved the original Resident Evil (also bought the DS version for car trips and such), by the way, I bought the REmake re-release for my Wii last year but never got really far in it because of the damn Crimson Heads. It was really damn hard for me, guess I was just away from RE for too long to remember how to play it properly, though I'll probably get around to it eventually.

I played Dead Space a while back and was considering getting Extraction, but then I figured I had more important things to buy. I don't like how Dead Space 2 is sounding though, EA make it sound like they're going all Resident Evil 4/5 on it, with a more action-packed theme.