Dear denizens of NMA: in need of communist references in Fallout


Still Mildly Glowing
*Title reads "Fallout" but I'm actually talking about Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas.

It seems to me one of Bethesda's favorite aspects about the Fallout setting (their interpretation of it, at least) is the Red Scare of the pre-War world, that permeates into the post-War world.

I've played Fallout a couple of times, and Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 just once. I have played Fallout: New Vegas extensively, however, what surprises me the most is that most of the "commie" related stuff I can think about originates from Fallout 3. The most prominent examples is the giant robot that goes around shouting anti-Communism propaganda.

My request is as follows: do you guys know of any communist references in Fallout and Fallout 2, as well as New Vegas? For the sake of consistency, I don't want things such as "the Shi are Chinese", but rather specific "anti-Communist" messages or direct "Communist" references. Basically Red Scare related, as opposed to simply "Great War related" (thus the Fallout 1 intro cinematic doesn't count).

These are the ones I could think of, from New Vegas. In red lettering are those references that are strictly Post-War. In green lettering are those references that are strictly Pre-War.

- No-Bark Noonan talks about commie ghosts occupying the REPCONN facility, saying they are "hoping to steal our rockets so they can fly up and paint the moon pink and draw a Lenin face on it."
- The unique battle rifle, This Machine, has an inscription on its side that reads "Well this machine kills commies".
- A Helios One terminal entry talks about the dangers of discussing work related information with friends, family, and coworkers: "One day at school, Ivan Bullykov will get more than lunch money out of your kids. He'll have national secrets!"; "Are they friends... or *comrades*?"

I'm interested to know if there's anything of the like to be found in Fallout and Fallout 2.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Enclave had such a mention, but IIRC they just call people muties. The first two focused on what became of the world, not the world that was, so it's not a bad absence but they could have done a lot with it. That would have been a good way to develop the Shi imo.
There are some communist insurgents in the Van Buren tech demo.

But I guess it's just the usual lazy Bethesda shit taking everything from the 50s and turning it into Fallout lore.
Bethesda is incapable of nuance. It's all or nothing. So any vague commie undertones in the series' lore is turned up to a million by Beth. Black. White. Those are the only options in a Bethesda world.
I don't know about references, but it wouldn't surprise me if Tim Cain was himself a communist or at least a socialist, given what Fallout satirises and what Arcanum is about.
I don't know about references, but it wouldn't surprise me if Tim Cain was himself a communist or at least a socialist, given what Fallout satirises and what Arcanum is about.
I hope not :/ I wouldn't want to have to hate and despise the man responsible for one of my favourite franchises.
here my boy

As the Courier ran through the X-8 facility multiple times, the computers analyzed the test subject's movements. Rather than performing a superficial observation, they realized the subject barely knew what Communism was - or even what a high school was.


Borous in particular based many of his experiments around the fact that the Chinese were presumed to be Communist spies, and had no qualms about having cyberdogs eat them.

Must be more there. Can´t remember well, I have not played this game for some years.

Dont remember any refs in FO1 or FO2 at all.
I believe in new vegas there was the HT tools facility or something where they were setting up turrets and robotics inside the facility or something to prevent espionage by requiring folks to have badges on at all times or risk vaporization. I think thats a rather extreme version of the anti-communist aspects. But yeah, its harder to find that kind of stuff in fallouts 1 and 2.
If I not mistake, the traps in HT (who were armed by Robert House's brother BTW) was to kill House himself. It's been a while since I've been there.
I know that one of the pre made F1 characters was the daughter of some Russian diplomat or so
here my boy


Must be more there. Can´t remember well, I have not played this game for some years.

Dont remember any refs in FO1 or FO2 at all.

Ah, this makes sense: I haven't played Old World Blues, so for the sake of enjoying the last DLC I've yet to play for New Vegas I will not read the entirety of those entries, but thank you!

Anyhow, judging from the comments so far it seems my initial impression of FO1 and FO2 was right. The games did a great job at wiping the slate clean when it came to pre-War conflicts. It's a shame Bethesda decided to ruin that.
H&H Tools was just psychosis. The dude had a magic hat he wore to protect his vitality.

Commies are human. They just believe in the honor system entirely too much.
Your opinion inevitably leads to death and suffering bucko.

Did... Did you... Did you seriously necro a year and a half old page to insult me?

I either feel flattered that this is the longest brewing insult or laugh that it took you a year and a half to come up with such an insult.
Your opinion inevitably leads to death and suffering bucko.

Who cares? What system doesn't? No system is clean, innocent, pure. Our meaningless lives are filled with made up explanations and systems anyway, if some wanna go far left, they go, and if some don't, they don't, and then they engage in competition. That's never going to stop.

We have not seen the last of any system. Monarchism, Theocracy, Democracy, Liberalism, Nationalism, Socialism, Anarchism, Communism, Fascism, whatever. Especially as this world becomes multi-polar and shifts from the West and its direct colonies to Latin America and Africa and Southern Asia. Get ready for that ride.