death animations

Well, they aren't horrible, but they certainly aren't as good as in Fallout and Fallout 2. I did like the bloodstains, though.

Want to have a good laugh? Try overdosing some critter! Give them lots of Voodoo or Psycho or some other drug and watch. They'll eventually pass out, but they'll leap back up when you give them the fatal dose! Ha! Ha ha!

So, yeah, I guess you're right... the death animations kind of suck...
Sure tatics has its faults but i for me, the biggest letdown are the Death Animations, followed by the horrible plot and finally the pathetic ending.... other than that... pretty good game hehhe.
I definitely like the graphics. I don't even mind that the Deathclaws are hairy. And I like the environmental armor too, it's a nice addition.
I never found much use for that armour. I think there was maybe one point in the game where i used it but apart from that it had little use.
RoGuE HeX said:
I never found much use for that armour. I think there was maybe one point in the game where i used it but apart from that it had little use.

I think there was one of the maps where having a group in Enviro Armor made assaulting the base easier. I can't remember for the life of me which one it was though.
No use for the Environmental Armour? Ha! When you wear it, your poison and radiation resistance goes way up! It's very usefull to walk through radio-active sewage. You can take short cuts that way on some maps, like Osceolla and Jefferson (there are underground passages). The Environmental Armor Mark II sucks, though: it lowers your perception. Anyway: I also think this set of armour looks pretty cool (like the white guy from Michelin).