death of PC gaming

Ratty Sr.

Ratty, except old
i regret to inform all members of this forum that PC gaming is dying and little can be done to save it. PC is about to experience the fate of Amiga, but not because of technical inferiority to dominant gaming machines, but for entirely different reasons.
years ago, when Justified ancients of MuMu ruled the world and PC and Amiga ruled the video gaming, new and imaginative games were released on weekly basis. action and arcade games, flight sims, racing sims, sports games, cartoony and FMV adventure games, RPG-s, strategies... virtually every game genre imaginable could be found in the market. the games were low-budget, technically weak, but original, playable and imaginative. there were very little gamers in the world, and they were a very picky and refined bunch, who settled only for high quality titles which they didn't judge by their graphics but by their (re)playability.
this all changed with the arrival of Playstation. small, stylish and powerful, PSX quickly found its way into many homes, and made many kids, their parents and their grandparents happy. the mass production of games for the new market could begin.
in years to come, game production changed from a profitable business into an industry. and characteristic of every industry is that products are mass produced for purposes of increasing profit and therefore it is simpy unacceptable that products are designed with care and imagination. "imagination" and "originality" were main guidelines for small and enthusiastic teams which reigned the gaming production in the past. but when gaming became an industry, it had to accept basic principles of capitalist economy, the most important of which is that production is dictated by demand on the market. now we come to the main cause of our gaming disaster - the market now accepts ever shit that is offered to them! that's right - we can't blame Lucas Arts for turning Sam 'n Max and Full throttle into action games, we can't attack Lord British for releasing a half-finished semi-product called Ultima: Ascension, the mutilation of Fallout BOS isn't Chuck's or Feargus's fault. gamers are the one to be blamed! "but", i can hear you say, "how can we be at fault? we don't want Fallout or Baldur's Gate to be released on Xbox." now it's time to come to a painful realization - WE (and by "we" i mean true, educated and dedicated gamers) are a minority! just look at the sales of PC games last year. almost one third of sold games are either children's games, educational titles and family games. less than 40% of games are T or higher rated (i.e. 60% of sold games contain no violence whatsoever) . all of these are either strategy games (vast majority), first person shooters or roleplaying games (minority). this shows two things: first, most of current PC "gamers" are kids and housewives. second, only three gaming genres exist on PC. what happened to flight sims, adventure games, racing sims, arcades...? i don't know about you, but i'm sick of playing only FPS's, RTS's and RPG's, which all use either Quake 3 or Unreal 2 engine and are about as innovative as mexican soap operas. and this was just an overview of PC market. it's time for another shocking piece of information - ONLY 20% OF OVERALL SOLD GAMES ON ALL GAMING PLATFORMS ARE PC TITLES! 80% (EIGHTY PERCENT!!!) of gaming market belongs to consoles! i shouldn't even bother to descibe an average person who owns an Xbox or PS2, but i will anyway. such a person decides whether or not to buy a game by examining the screenshots on the box. his sense and knowledge of a good game are about as great as my grandma's interest in quantum gravity. phrases like "role playing game", "Wolfenstein", "Civilization", "dungeons and dragons", "all your base are belong to us" are completely unknown to him. it is therefore no wonder that 85% of sold console titles are action, fighting, racing or sports games. they are all designed to be eye candies, all looks and no imagination, like a sexy blonde with "i wish these were brains" written on her t-shirt. they're clones of clones, rip-offs of something that may have been good and is now exploited for greater profit.
after the initial creative wave of 3D PC games triggered by the introduction of first good 3D cards like 3dfx Voodoo, the production practically died and became more or less symbolic in past three years. don't believe me? how many REALLY good and memorable games can you name that were released since 2000? i can only name five: Deus Ex, Europa Universalis, Operation Flashpoint, Sims and Mafia. Deus Ex is one of the best games i ever played, it has great action, great atmosphere, great level design, great storyline and great characters. Europa Universalis is almost revolutionary with its complexity and flawless integration of politics, diplomacy, economy, warfare and historical accuracy. Operation Flashpoint is the most realistic and immersive war game ever made. Sims is a great idea which could potentially have become a fabulous game, but was ruined by mindless exploitment for business purposes. Mafia is already a legend, with its amazing graphics, cool characters, incredible atmosphere and overall great feeling of participating in a gangster movie. and that's it! only five great games in three years. some other projects in past three years were good attempts, potentially great games, but lacking certain...immersivity which differentiates legendary games from hits that play well and sell big but are quickly forgotten afterwards. these numbers are tragic - during the 90-ies, dozens of new titles of very diverse genres appeared every month, many of them being very good, and every few months there would be at least one game so great, so imaginative, so flawless that it shadowed all others that were made before and became a legend remembered by all gamers for all eternity. Elite, Wing Commander, Herzog II, Wolfenstein, Doom, Arena, Wasteland, Metroid, Secret of Monkey Island, Red Baron, US Navy Fighters...these games will be remembered forever and it pains me horribly when i see their names exploited by greedy developers, who use them to label their crap and attract older gamers like us, in addition to the regular bunch of ignorant souls who have nothing better to do with their money than spend it on below average titles.
some optimistic PC gamers today claim that new renaissance of PC gaming is now beginning, and are using announcements of "promising" games like Enter the Matrix, Brute Force, "new" Full Throttle, HALO and ISS for PC as arguments to support this claim. they fail to realize that all these "great" titles are in fact designed primarily as console games and will only undergo some minor adjustments to make them more "suitable" for PC. in other words, we'll be getting shit that falls off the console table! promising announcements, impressive presentations, breathtaking trailers and screenshots - these are all methods that developers use to decieve us into thinking they've only been temporarily neglecting PC, but will now make up for lost time by releasing tons of great games that'll make us happier than ever. right. i don't know about you, but console ports and unimaginative rip-offs aren't my idea of great games. this "renaissance" will just give greater boost to careless money-driven development and flush innovative design further down the toilet. the outlook looks bleak. the only good news is that there are still some small and experienced teams who put actual effort into their games and believe that gaming culture still survives and has strength to struggle with prevailing gaming industry. at least one of those titles will see the light of day, and that should be enough to keep gamers from completely giving up hopes for better future. or maybe we should just send everything to hell and buy Xbox?
I'm guessing this is your computer engineering thesis? :P

Well, it seems to me that you have a lot of examples that are useful to your main point, but the main point itself is missing something. Saying that console gaming will be the death of PC gaming is very similar to claiming Apple computers will be the death of PC computers. Yes, there are the masses who buy the console games because they are relatively quick and easy to play. Unfortuately that is the very reason why they have system limitations. The PC on the otherhand is always a hop and skip ahead of that market. The possibilities for games on the PC are enormous and the people who CAN build great games are usually the same people who know HOW to do it. There will always be imagination and creativity out there. Hardcore PC gamers will never just give in to the lower-quality market either.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

P.S. How have you been doing, my fellow engineering rat?
not yet, but some day, who knows? :P

i agree that PC offers greater possibilities, has far lesser limitations, and i also agree there are still a lot of creative developers who have plenty of ideas and are able to realize them. of course hardcore gamers will never give in to crap that is offered to them, more now than ever before. but fact is that statistics are going strongly against us. with only 20% of overall sold games being PC titles, and only a rather small percentage of those being "serious" games and not some version of backgammon or a brand new cooking simulation, it is quite obvious that vast majority of market is oriented towards sloppily produced semi-finished games who are aimed primarily at creating profit. PC is a very modular machine with huge possibilities, but the fact that it gets brand new hardware every two months is all the more reason for concern - what's the purpose of having the latest Radeon 9800 Pro with v2.0 pixel shader for 500$, when there isn't a single game out there that uses its potential, so it's a better deal if you get Xbox for 200$, which has lousier graphics, but there are dozens of good games you can play? so even though real PC gamers still insist on quality and inovation, gaming industry will always be oriented on the profitable console market, whilst powerful and modular PC hardware will remain unused, the technical progress being slowed down by the constant need for games to also work well on technologically inferior consoles. so even though every once in a while we will get a PC game that is worth playing and remembering, those days when new gaming breakthroughs were made every few months, when genres were created and revolutionized, when history of video gaming was written on PC, are now long over. all roads no longer lead to Rome.

P.S. i'm fine, thank you. i did good in a physics test yesterday, which gives me an excuse to get drunk and not study for a couple of days :P how have you been? still having trouble with professors being bastards? :wink:
I see.

Well, you're right, mostly, and a nice piece of writing it is, but I'd like to interpose two points:

1. Console gaming can not "kill" the PC gaming industry anymore than cars can kill the tv industry or, as Ozrat said, PC vs Mac. It can cripple it or, with some luck, smooth it out. Less is not always worse, if there are only a few gaming companies left, chances are they'll be the dedicated ones that want to make it and for the only audience left for PC; us.

Also, I can name one game made since 2000 that's memborable, 2001's Gothic. Every serious CRPG-gamer should try this, anyway you can. Download it if you have to, but I'm telling you, it's pure genius.

2. You know how people like to shout "the lines between PC and console are fading" and/or "the division between tv and computer is becoming smaller", well, that's because it's true. There will be a time when the difference between a PC and a console will be so incredibly gradual (i.e. PC has its own screen, console uses tv, or something rediculous like that), that the industries will have to follow suit and...merge.
Look at the radio. It's still here, because there is a niche for it. Same with PC gaming. Whether or not PC or console games will dominate the industry is subject to debate.
I would even go as far as to say look at books ... they are still here, even tough they don`t need to be anymore.
Its not that bad

For me, playing games is like being alive. I have seen digger in its golden age, or perhaps Prehistoric, or Lotus racing??? Yes its true there aren't many PC games that worth playing, but at least... so do the Consoles!!! I can tell you what good on consoles is... NEXT TO NONE! Of course we've got all the good stuff on SNES, but on this "golden age" or so the industrialists say( bah!), i doubt it. FFX, i pass it. DOA Volleyball Extreme, ah, lets just watch Baywatch instead... MGS2? Hey... Lets just play Flashpoint...

Any other???

Its all sucks!!!

Thank god i got Fallout2.... (after five years... ahhh)

as NAMCO says on the remake of PACMAN

"Game need not to be high tech to be high fun".

True, but none listen.
I would suggest for all to duplicate, no, triplicate your FO1/FO2 copies since this is a game that'll be worth playing for a long time...
Kharn said:
2. You know how people like to shout "the lines between PC and console are fading" and/or "the division between tv and computer is becoming smaller", well, that's because it's true. There will be a time when the difference between a PC and a console will be so incredibly gradual (i.e. PC has its own screen, console uses tv, or something rediculous like that), that the industries will have to follow suit and...merge.
it is clear that consoles are evolving into something very similar to PC, but console games are not. merging the PC and consoles also merges the gaming production for both platforms - at PC's expense. someone mentioned books - in my country, over 50% people haven't read a single book last year. yes, the books are still there, yes, many of them are good, but what's the point of it when almost everyone spends their time watching soap operas and Jerry Springer show?
i'm aware there will always be small and creative teams out there, who manage to resist the temptation of money-driven production. Troika, Bethesda, Lionhead, Croteam, name a few. but only a few of them will SURVIVE long enough to make their vision come true. just remember what happened to Looking Glass Technologies (System Shock, Flight Unlimited...), who were closed down after Eidos Interactive cut their funding. why? Eidos got in financial difficulties after financing bunch of crappy games, so they shut down their most prominent team because they weren't "profitable" enough - which means they refused to release unoriginal half-finished games that were quickly cobbled together in a couple of months (sounds familiar, doesn't it?). then there's also Bungie (the makers of Myth, ONI and HALO). they were very creative PC developers who were practically stolen away by Microsoft and their titles are now released exclusively for Xbox. those that do remain make games for a rather small number of refined and picky individuals, but it will often be difficult to tell really good and imaginative creations from loads of shit that floods the market. therefore it's important that we stay sharp and read reviews (and i mean objective and neutral reviews, and not that shit on GameSpy) before looking at the screenshots. they say a picture speaks in a thousand words - in this case, it's not true.
Publishers are just going on defensive. Eventually someone will realize that treating games like hardware is leading the industry to a point where you'll have to pay millions and millions of dollars to develop a game that will be only marginaly better than other contenders. It'll be an equivalent of hitting 32 bit color barrier for video - a limit for human eyes.
i didn´t really read it but one thing that i now, is that ratty is a HELL of a writer. I get exoused youst looking at it. Puh!
[PCE said:
el_Prez]what do you think is the last GREAT PC game to come out (dont say fallout 2)?

the thing whit PC is that it has Variation

There is no ultimate PC game.

We think Fallout 2 is the greatest game in the world.
Some people think the same about DiablioII.
Others think that Counter-Strike rule.

No PC game appeal to everyone, but everyone has there favourite game.
I have a PS2 and i still think PC is a better format
[PCE said:
el_Prez]what do you think is the last GREAT PC game to come out (dont say fallout 2)?

I just said what: Piranha Bytes' Gothic (my very own site, that, very snazzy, but the server's been giving me static and I'm shutting it down soon).

Gothic was ignored internationally, not sure why, the international release wasn't too flashy, though, Piranha isn't exactly a big company. It was a huge hit in Germany, from what I understood, though, and deservedly so. Despite the non-coverage on this game, it's one of the best.
I wouldn't say that "Gothic" was ignored. I know a lot of people here and abroad who either played or heard about it.
APTYP said:
I wouldn't say that "Gothic" was ignored. I know a lot of people here and abroad who either played or heard about it.

Really? I've heard nothing about it until a German friend of mine pointed it out, got hooked in a second, especially enjoying the few sentences they missed in the International version:

"Hey, man."
"Lassen wir der streich vergessen, ja?"
(I know the conversation seems to make little sense, to the Germans out there, but you have to see it in context)

P.S.: Don't I know you from the olden days? Somehow, I can remember seeing your name and always thinking "I wonder if this is A Player Type Called Arthur (ed: another old regular, I think)", though you're probably not.
Aptyp is around this place for almost 4 years (you were here as a registered member a year before me Aptyp, and i registered three years ago, although i used to lurk a bit earlier).
Wasn`t your nick Arthur for a while?