Sad Fact

Sad Fact

1972, Once George Mc Govern was nominated Democratic candidate, Nixon's re-election was assured.

Watergate. It became the true measure of Nixon's character.

Sad Fact.

The burglary was not necessary.

The lying was not necessary.

The deeds were done, and can never be undone.


Well, there are "probably" - no - absolutes under this political 'son'.

Revisionism might exploit a political (correct) expedient, stroking the vanity of this politically correct present. AND, deny and steal from his cold dead hands, the redemption Nixon earned by stepping down.


As for pissing on the graves of the Baby Boomers.

The young snots of present are "entitled" to carry on the attitude of the young snots of the past. The more romantic will "'inherit the wind"', I just wish the methane content could be put to better use. What the nasally congested do with the boogers to be generated, I am sure their creativity will do their moms and dads proud.

Sanctimonious self importance has always been a tedious sham. Youths' bitter humor is as much appreciated now as it was "back then." You young and pretty Babies of the Boomers "thanks for sharing". What garnish do you advise when one eats their parents' .... Social Security and Medicare? This reveling in, NO, ... THIS RAVE!, of moral superiority is as self aggrandizing, as it is self congratulatory and most assuredly justifies the number and location of your piercings and tattoos.

In this post (place your agenda here) age.
We are more than welcome to shape our facts to fit our ideology. Even mold our boogers into idols that deify our self image.
Once Political Correctness deems Creation Theology a science. The WMD's become "real", and MUST BE hiding in Syria, France, or some soon to be disclosed Blue State.
Once the permanent Republican majority packs the courts, I imagine any politically correct revisionism will be possible. For there are "probably" - no - absolutes under this political 'son'.
Once a passion play of hubris with just a touch of treason to enflame the 'constitution' of the viewing public. Soon. We shall be soon, be CORRECTLY entertained by the talking heads with their divinely, warm and personal antidotes of ""THE GOOD NIXION"".

A 21st century remake of ""The Man That Never Was"".

Thanks 4too.

And until Woodward and Bernstein confirm it, I don't believe this report.
Malkavian said:
Link or it didn't happen.

What is it with young people in the world? Is there no trust?

"W. Mark Felt was 'Deep Throat' and helped us immeasurably in our Watergate coverage," Woodward and Bernstein said in a joint statement posted on the Post's Web site.

Funny how he revealed himself, though. Ego got the best of him? Family pressure? Who knows? Who cares? 's not like he killed JFK (or did he? Dum dum dum da dummmm)