Definitive Proof That Bethesda Has INSIDIOUS Motives


First time out of the vault
The Vault Dweller
The Chosen One
The Prisoner
The Courier
The Warrior

You see that? They all have four syllables. Seems harmless, right? I thought so too, until...

The Lone Wanderer
The Sole Survivor

You may be thinking right now, "So what if Bethesda has some kind of sick affinity for having 5 syllables in the titles of their player characters? They aren't hurting anybody." I thought so too, until I learned of the name of Fallout: PoS's protagonist.

The Initiate

It all made sense with that realization.

Fallout: PoS was the reason why Interplay went bankrupt. Interplay going bankrupt was the reason why the rights to the Fallout franchise were sold off to Bethesda. Bethesda makes money off of Fallout. I refuse to believe any of this is just mere "coincidence" or "chance." I knew something was wrong... but what that something was wasn't clear. I felt lost.

I knew I had to start thinking out of the box. I cross referenced the ENTIRETY of the Fallout Wikia to a byzantine string of networks that have been offline since the late 40's. After decrypting multiple motherboards of data, I have found the amount of syllables in each title varies from each developer to developer. The more competent developers choose 4 syllables... while Bethesda has 5. This would only mean one thing: Bethesda was responsible for the demise of interplay.

The INDISPUTABLE truth is that Bethesda planted incompetent writers and game designers into Interplay at the time of Fallout: PoS's development. Countless hours of my research have been paid off with this groundbreaking discovery; the shady business practices of Bethesda will finally come to light.

And it would have all went unnoticed had Bethesda resisted the urge to name their player characters improperly.
You know what else has 5 syllables? Illuminati.

Bethesdalluminati confirmed!


See how this man got rid of AIDS with only...

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Bethesda has 3 syllables in it. And Interplay also has 3. Coincidence? I think not!
Todd Howard is a body snatcher.
More like idea snatcher.