Desktop thread

Atomic Postman

Vault Archives Overseer
PrintScreen your desktops and upload them to this thread! Share,rate and compare!

Here's mine.


I have a folder full of desktop wallpapers on constant rotation every hour, I'm trying to expand my library a bit. This hour is Moon Knight.

I try to keep my desktop clean and somewhat minimalist, but if I unchecked "Hide Desktop Icons"'d be an understatement to call it a mess.

So anyway, post and share!


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I have trouble finding a good wallpaper, because I use two monitors with different resolutions. But since I rarely see the large monitor's desktop I just have it set up for the left, smaller monitor.
I don't have any desktop icons besides the recycling bin, and even that is not on there most of the time. The desktop gadgets are nice, though, although I could get rid of the CPU and RAM meter.
On the large screen there's usually either the browser or something else in full screen, so I don't care if the picture doesn't fit.
The pic is a sunset on Mars, taken by the rover Spirit.
I'd like a different picture of Mars, but since my monitors have different resolutions it doesn't to work the way I want it to.
PrintScreen your desktops and upload them to this thread! Share,rate and compare!

Here's mine.


I have a folder full of desktop wallpapers on constant rotation every hour, I'm trying to expand my library a bit. This hour is Moon Knight.

I try to keep my desktop clean and somewhat minimalist, but if I unchecked "Hide Desktop Icons"'d be an understatement to call it a mess.

So anyway, post and share!

I'm tempted to steal that Moon Knight from you.
Do you want us to use Mac?


"How do you know if someone is a Linux user? Don't worry they'll tell you!"

Linux is nice, but it hasn't got the compatibility I need/want. If Linux had all the available programs/games of Windows, I'd switch in a heartbeat.

Anyway, Windows isn't so bad. It's not as bad as iOS.....

But let's try and stay on topic.

That sentence is very true.

Jokes aside, I'm using Win 7 on my desktop and Linux for my laptop. The said compatibility is the only reason why I haven't fully converted to Linux too, but once Microsoft drops their support for 7 (which will eventually happen), I will probably drop Windows for good...because these newer versions of their suck balls, and I don't see something as a new XP appearing on the horizon ever again.
Besides, most of the Linux-based various OS' seem to be, unlike Windows, actually moving forward, so in a moment of cautious optimism, I will say it is only matter of time before any compatibility issues remain between the systems (I personally only have problem with some of the older software - more and more of the new stuff is made native for Linux too, and emulators seem to be doing the work otherwise).
Why would I switch to an operating system where most of the sofware I use for work and entertainment doesn't even work?
. The said compatibility is the only reason why I haven't fully converted to Linux too, but once Microsoft drops their support for 7 (which will eventually happen), I will probably drop Windows for good...because these newer versions of their suck balls, and I don't see something as a new XP appearing on the horizon ever again.
I said that about XP; and I said that about Win2k [best version of Windows so far]... Just updated to Win7; hate it; using Classic Shell and a host of other 3rd party fixit APPs & XP VMs to make it usable. :cry:
Blender works fine though... It's the only reason I switched from XP*; Blender has dropped support for XP.

*FO3 was the only reason I switched from Win2k; (talk about kick in the teeth).



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Well, I've been playing around with Windows themes and I ended up settling with this slightly cleaner more minimalist style. I opened up some menus to show off the customized GUI.



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People with no desktop icons are people that use 3 programs at a time.
or "School".

who downloads porn anyway.

btw porn is really bad for your mental health.