Destoryable Doors


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I know that the amazing requiem_for_a_starfury has made an excellent sprite pak with the files, my question is how do we properly implement then in game? (I searched around for awhile, couldn't find squat)
when i set door to breakable they tend to be etheric even when they are closed - i tried some doors - they all had the same problem. you can walkthrough em even though they are closed
I played around with it a little bit, my characters wouldn't walk through the door (when it was whole and closed) but upon attempting to open the door the game crashed. requiem_for_a_starfury do you know anything about this ?
guzer said:
when i set door to breakable they tend to be etheric even when they are closed - i tried some doors - they all had the same problem. you can walkthrough em even though they are closed
You need to download and use the edited door sprites.

VFSniper said:
I played around with it a little bit, my characters wouldn't walk through the door (when it was whole and closed) but upon attempting to open the door the game crashed. requiem_for_a_starfury do you know anything about this ?
Which door sprite are you using? There was one that was corrupt, you can find the working version in this pack.
Ok so no problems (yet), I have another question though is their any way to control how much damage a door can take before it breaks I can only get explosives to break the doors.
Ah that makes sense, this means that any ammo or weapon with an explosive damage will break the door. Thanks
Is it possible to make a character look like scenery? If so, you could potentially make an actor that blocks the doorway until it's killed. Not that I have any real idea what I'm talking about, mind.
Nimrod said:
Is it possible to make a character look like scenery?
You don't need to use an actor, you can make a breakable entity (i.e. the barricades).

Nimrod said:
If so, you could potentially make an actor that blocks the doorway until it's killed.
Though this is the real sticky point, does the door need to be functional? If not then you can just skip the middle man and attach the door sprite to the breakable entity. But if the door needs to be opened then the blocking entity becomes an obstacle needing triggers to move it out of the way if the character has the right key.

If you have a problem with a lowly frag grenade taking out a heavy steal door then probably the easiest way is to either limit the availability of grenades before that mission or change the damage type of the weapon entity.
What about destroyable floor tiles? i.e. creating an entity that the player could destroy via explosive charge
You can walk across a door or breakable entity if that's what you mean. You can't click on the entity, but will have to click on tiles past it to cross. If you want an enemy to drop when the 'floor' is destroyed you'll need to make the breakable (and/or explosive) do enough damage to kill the actor as well.

Any sprite that has two states i.e. whole and destroyed can be used with a breakable entity.
So all I have to-do is create the sprites and a new entity to make this work. I'll give it a try and see what happens.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Nope, doors don't have hitpoints and it's the explosive damage type that kills them anyway not the amount of damage.

Woo~I got different point

doors did have hitpoints~and can be made into "only kick can destroy it" or "only bullets shoot ..."

I've made one~ 8-)
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Even if the screenshot worked I still asked how, not show me a pretty picture.
the words to how on this picture

without picture only words my lord no use~so be calm down~and see the picture