Deus Ex 3 Confirmed ... Fack :)


A Smooth-Skin

Though plans for a return to the world of Deus Ex were revealed back in May, Gamasutra brings further confirmation that gamers will frolic through post-apocalyptic sci-punk landscapes once more. Perhaps frolic isn't the best word ("Behave like a professional, JC!"). According to general manager Stéphane D'Astous, Deus Ex 3 has passed proof of concept and will be the inaugural project for the recently established Eidos Montreal studio. "This game was very highly rated at its release in 2000," said D'Astous, "and we have this great huge mandate to do the third one, and everybody is very excited."

We sincerely hope the team also plays great huge disappointment, Deus Ex: Invisible War, and brings the series into the current generation with aplomb. No specific platforms have been announced yet, but the studio intends to churn out "only major AAA games, using only next-gen technology." As it's adopting a 24-month development cycle for its initial titles, don't expect more about the game until next year at the earliest. In the meantime, try to guess how many of the game's fictional technologies will be explained away with nanobots. It's always nanobots.

post-apoc is the new bloom
oh my :) whats next ?
Holy Fack.

My three favorite games being remade now.


Deus Ex

Metal Gear Solid

Of course... im not sure about fallout.
i'm not sure about either. but just like fallout i'm glad the previous games are getting attention .. well.. the one game thats worth the attention
Hello guys,

I also just saw a teaser on a Dutch game site, but to be honest I don't know what to make of it.
These days sequels to existing games seem so distant from the originals that they might as well be completely different games.

Its not my intention to talk doom and gloom but I have so much the feeling that this game will be even more screwed up than Invisible War.

Body: meh
Music: w00t!
Text: w00t!
Voice: meh
Blah: meh

Total: hmm...
well, i loved DE1 and kinda liked DE2, lets hope they learnt a thing or two from the mistakes in DE2...
I hope but hold no belief that DE3 will be any better than DE2. The developers indicated DE2 would emulate its predecessor but did we see that? No, not even close.
The story line for DE2 was an emulation from DE1, but the whole system was.... say.... Not good. But DE2 is for me a "unique" game that i enjoy for its own reasons.

Helios has spoken.
I'm glad that at least they're trying to make a sequel to one of the BEST games of all time... (the first DX that is :) ) Hope they get good voice actors, cause most of the voice acting sucked in IW... The Teaser looks good and the guy... ehm.. they got time to make improvements... :D How many days have we got 'till 2009? :D

Best of luck Eidos Montreal! (hope you remain faithful of the original, not like other developers... *cough*)
Also been reading on these guys on earlier mentioned Dutch gaming site.
The thing is, they really sound like the people at Bethesda, there is no mentioning of any people in the team that worked on Deus Ex but they all do know a lot about the previous games.

I am now waiting for the article in which is mentioned how much Deus Ex 3 will be an improvement over the old games, pleasing the old fans and attracting a load of new ones by slightly improving the gameplay.
Interview with the manager of Eidos Montreal about DX3:

Everyone knows what worked well on the first one and what the second one tried, but now we're five years later, even seven years later from the first Deus Ex. I think we have the possibility to have a fresh look. I think the franchise is at a turning point in its life where new blood will be good, but also respect for the history of that great franchise. With the new technology available now, we really want to give a second wind to this franchise. Games don't last forever.

I didn't see that coming :roll:
Oh my, oh my, oh my...

I really hope they won't botch it up, and don't repeat the mistakes of IW.

What I can say is that we spoke to Warren -- several people from Eidos did. Very often in life, it's a question of timing. As you mentioned, he has his own studio now that was pretty much bought up by Disney, and he's also working on personal projects. There was a lot of interest on both sides, but at the end of the day it's a question of timing. That's really all I can say.

So, does that mean Spector can be involved in the project at one point, or what? :scratch: