A Smooth-Skin

KurganFr said:I agree that the first time I played through the game I occasionally felt frustrated at being channelled through the story, but if you accept that constraint there are many decision points throughout the game that give a sense of freedom.
Problem is i can't find any decision points that give a sense of freedom aside the way i handle mission objectives. Even in NPC interaction, there's always something that doesn't quite add up. A certain freedom to decide what i do or say is good, but the results tend to be less than satisfying, or as constrained as the story progress. To me the main problem with main freedom is that i may be given the opportunity to do a lot, but is it actually being taken into consideration by the gameworld? Spector's premise of creating a gameworld based on very few scripted sequences, and that works essentially based on player actions on the gameworld doesn't come off as well implemented as it could have been. Freedom doesn't mean anything if it's detached of consequences to actions. The idea of cutting on scripted sequences for instance, gives me the freedom to kill kids, bums, police officers, UNATCO troopers and everyone inside the Free Clinic and overall area of Hell's Kitchen and Battery Park - but the game doesn't care. You can kill all those people and Manderley won't chew your ass off. Why? I was supposed to be preventing terrorism, not promoting it. Meanwhile, kill just one civilian (any civilian) in the Underworld Tavern, and you get the heat. These kinds of discrepancies often detract alot from the game. There's a certain level of freedom, but its nothing if your decisions, derived from said freedom, aren't really that important.
I found the voices in Hong Kong more amusing than annoying, but that's probably just me.
To each his own of course, though it's not that they annoy me, its just that, like the French voiceovers, they fail to actually make them convincing and the end result is just... awful *shivers*