Deus Ex


Vault Fossil
hey guys, i just got Deus Ex and let me tell you, what a freakin cool ass game. If you have any taste in games, you'll love it.
'freakin cool ass'??? I don't like freaky ass, and I don't like it cool ;-)

[img align=center" src="//" name="nukebutton" onClick="document.images.nukebutton.src='//' ]
[input type=submit value=Click for Nod Ending music" onClick="window.location.href='//]
When I try to execute it, a message pop-ups saying that there was an assertion failed error somewhere...

I didn't tried to fix it, though...

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Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
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'Freakin, cool ass games' you mean freakin 'k3wl 455' like Diablo2?
One of the things that pisses me off about DX is that all the mêlée weapons have the same range. As in a 5 inch knife has the same range as a 4-foot sword. DX is just loaded with little irritation like that. The AI is just plain stupid, and unrealistic. IMHO, the unreal engine was a bad choice for the game. The game itself feels very unfinished. There are no major plot twists, that you can influence (but everybody says that you ‘make’ the story yourself), there are also *audio* logs with no audio, just text, lol. I think the game failed to create a believable living-breathing world. Still it’s a good game, it just doesn’t deliver all that was promised.
first of all your dumb for using melee weapons. you should use the sniper rifle or the GEP gun. i dont excactly know what was "Promised" but i just know that its "fucking bad ass" (is that better? i didnt know we were in english class, jesus)
Hey don't tell me what to do, DX is supposed to be a *role-playing game*. I should be able to do whatever I want.
well its just that if your dont like deus ex, it shouldnt be because of the melee weapon system. thats about the stupidest complaint on a game ive ever heard. i know the the combat in the game isnt amazing but the cool part of deus ex is that it makes you feel like your the hero of some really cool movie. well, thats the way i feel at least. maybe you just had to be an x-files fan.
Erm, I liked Deus Ex a lot, but Desert Ranger is entitled to his own opinion of the game. Don't be an asshole.