Deus Ex

Warren Spector went on a sick run there when he pumped out System Shock 2, Thiefs and Deus Ex. He was on fire.

Time to let Romero/Ion Storm off the hook. The lasting appeal of Deus Ex far outweighs the fleeting distaste of Daikatana.
sea said:
Ninjerk said:
Sticky cover is fine (I guess), but why the third person switch? With the exception of the dialogue sequences, Deus Ex didn't try to remind you that you're playing a really "badass" character in a video game. You were JC Denton and immersed against your own will (the shooting mechanics notwithstanding).
The reason is that it's kind of disorienting to have a sticky cover system (or melee attacks) in first-person. You want to understand where you are in relation to the environment, and pulling the camera back provides clear feedback while also improving situational awareness (since you can't really stick your head around a corner in a first-person game without exposing your whole body). I'm not the biggest fan and wish they just had the option to lean around corners, but that doesn't seem possible considering the game's console heritage.

As hard of a time as I have making this argument (because I'm a big MGS fan mainly), I really don't feel like cheating is fun. I prefer to trade safety for situational awareness instead of having the omniscient god camera hovering over my back so I can't get hurt.

It's probably a big reason why I like Bad Company 2 so much: you're never really safe.
Warren Spector and John Romero worked at two separate Ion Storm studios and neither had much to do with the other. The one in Dallas was Romero's whacked out game developer playground where they got very little done besides dick around with Daikatana and somehow finish Anachronox. Then it closed. Spector and his team worked at the Austin studio where they redeemed the Ion Storm name but blew it a few years later with Invisible War, then just barely got Thief 3 out before closing their doors as well.
Yeah, I don't mean to give Romero credit for Deus Ex, only so far as he probably greenlighted it, and for all Ion Storm's notorious faults, their strength was in giving developers a wide berth. As opposed to the intrusive corporate model that seems the norm today. (and I'm sure this will be self evident in the difference you'll see between Deus Ex to IW to DX3.

But the other side of that coin is that a wide berth gets you over-budget, over-schedule, over-hyped, over-indulgent games like Daikatana...
Ah, Dues Ex.

Another game I keep going back to.
I loved all the parts of the game where I felt like I was actually immersed, Hong Kong being a major standout.

My favorite pastime involved shooting the silenced pistol at pigeons in the market.
When I play Deus Ex, and considering I've played it at least 10 times, I like to challenge myself...therefore the game must be played on hard setting, and the kills done by the knife only, no other weapons - (Grenades for the bots). I tried playing the sequel, but gave up after 1 hour, who knows I might give it another try, one day...
Heh, I always try to use as less lethal force as possible. That's why my main weapon is that cattle prod thingy. Also because you are more or less silent with it and the enemies don't notice you that fast.

I think it's super interesting. As soon as a game offers me the possibilitie of not killing my enemies, I am always trying to go this way.
Ah, one of the few games where the sneaky bastard had an edge over what I now call 'CoD' style. That, and you never seemed to have enough ammo. It's so full of useless flavour info I found it quite tasty.

I just fear it's gonna be mutated into a cyberpunk CoD.

(Note - I don't actually don't have anything against CoD. It's just that I have played enough online to know that 90% of the players are running around randomly shooting off assult rifiles - no tactics, little accuracy. Quite a few games I have played recenly seem to have become little more than Rambo-style bulletfests)

Invisible War is quite good. I'd give it another crack, if you have a spare few hours and have it lying around. I'm currently re-playing all my old(er) PC games 'cause I finally have a computer which can handle it at the max specs...
KarmaPolice said:
Invisible War is quite good.
I wouldn't go that far, more like marginally playable. Expectations were way too high for IW, but the hype machine is responsible for that.
I too dusted it off recently, never finished more than a few hours before. IW isn't horrible, but it's typical of what happens mechanically to consolize a game, that let's face it, was pretty light on the RPG elements to being with. It's very... clunky too. Which, it pisses me off if you try to make a better mainstream shooter at the expense of RPG elements, but can't even do that well.
They did nail the setting and factions pretty well though, I'll give them that. Not as well realized as the first, but there was some pretty meaty cyberpunk fodder in there. I love the idea of NG Resonance, that's right out of Gibson's Idoru.

If you held a gun to my head I'd recommend The Nameless Mod over IW. Great mod, if you can get over all the in-jokes.
KarmaPolice said:
Ah, one of the few games where the sneaky bastard had an edge over what I now call 'CoD' style. That, and you never seemed to have enough ammo. It's so full of useless flavour info I found it quite tasty.

I just fear it's gonna be mutated into a cyberpunk CoD.

(Note - I don't actually don't have anything against CoD. It's just that I have played enough online to know that 90% of the players are running around randomly shooting off assult rifiles - no tactics, little accuracy. Quite a few games I have played recenly seem to have become little more than Rambo-style bulletfests)

Invisible War is quite good. I'd give it another crack, if you have a spare few hours and have it lying around. I'm currently re-playing all my old(er) PC games 'cause I finally have a computer which can handle it at the max specs...

More Gears of War than Call of Duty, I think.
Alphadrop said:
Unless you try running it with a dual core processor without a throttle program. :V

You don't need any kind of cpu throttling program. Running it on a single core works just fine in that department.

Getting it to properly display ultra high resolutions on the other hand takes some hex editing.
so apparently a playable prebuilt version of deus ex 3 has been leaked, featuring about one third or so of the final product. from what i have read from people who played it i gather that the game might actually be good and true to the original. that keeps my hopes up!
Funny enough, this "leak" seems to be on purpose, as devs are encouraging people to play it and share their opinions on the official forums. IMO it's even better than making normal beta tests, because probably only hardened fans of the series spent their time and energy to discover and obtain this leaked copy and their opinion is most valuable for the publishers.
Yeah. They don't even bother in deleting leaked gameplay videos from youtube. That's pretty cool from their side.
I am pretty sure it's because the game / leak gets lots of praise from all sides.

Funny though, in the players start inventory is a pretty good silenced sniper rifle, where in the description is written **pre-order only** or something like that. Wonder if this will boost their pre-orders now (additionally to the positive feedback boost, that might happen now).

I've pre-ordered now too, by the way. :P But not because of the weapon.
Lexx said:
I've pre-ordered now too, by the way. :P But not because of the weapon.

same here. had my doubts after the colossal fuck-up that was IW, but after reading up on some comments (by trusted sources) about the leak i just placed my pre-order for the augmented edition. besides, can't argue wih 39€.
What I wonder is how long the game will be. What I saw of that preview build looked really good, but if this (approx 10 hours) is half of the game (going by 20 hours), it would be really short. Really hope that it will have more than that.
To be honest, at about 30 hours, I felt the first game dragged on a bit, a couple of levels seemed a bit like fodder. If HR has several paths for all levels, changing the experience each time, 20 hours doesn't seem to be that bad, if it doesn't take too long to get to the real good parts like it's ancestor.

But the footage does indeed seem real good, well it looks pretty much exactly like the gameplay showcases Eidos has released, a very good sign, and I definitely get the Deus Ex vibe. Not only that, I think I dig the new art style more than the old, even if it's a bit of a retcon that everything is so technologically advanced.