Diablo 3 for the ps3??


First time out of the vault
Hey so im guessing everyone knows about the upcoming port of diablo 3 to the ps3; and i must say, i am very excited. Any one have any thoughts on diablo 3? any one going to get it? im hoping that i can find some people on these forums that would be interested in gaming together at some point, because i want to beat it on nightmare
Meh, D2 was better. I had fun with D3 for a few weeks, but now in the aftermath, I realized that I probably won't play it ever again. A little shitty, considering I paid 60 euro for it, urg...
the interesting part is, that the console version will have all the things people asked for on the PC. You dont have to be always online to play, it will be possible to play it as coop with your people, again without beeing online all the time, it will not feature a real money auction house (as far as I know). But not everything is awesome. For example, in Diablo 3 on the PC everyone has his own loot. If monsters die, you dont see the items from others, and they dont see yours. So no reason to "rush" to pick them up like in Diablo 2 where everyone could pick up everything. On the console version this seems to be the case again. More loot, but people will have to "fight" for it again.

I am not sure what to think about the console version. While I dont believe that they had only the console verison in mind, it does somehow for some reason it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. I mean Diablo 3 is really not more then a mediocre game. And it feels like all the changes so far have been always just an attempt to "fix" the experience instead of "improving" the game you already have. Diablo 2 was sure not perfect, but I had always the feeling that the patches actually improvent an already good game, while the patches in Diablo 3 feel like band aids. And now they come up with the console version.

Well. At this point most of my hopes go to the expansion.
I have it on PC. It was okay. Diablo 1 is still my favorite out of the 3, still not sure why everybody likes Diablo 2 so much as the gameplay was kind of broken in it with the way gems worked, but regardless...

The PS3 version does look like it'll be the better version of the two because you don't always have to be on and there is no RMAH or any kind of auction house for that matter.

Maybe when it drops to $20 I'll double-dip, but I feel I gave them enough money already. :p
I'd love to get a remake of D1 which incorporates a few of D2's features. Because yeah, D1 has some fancy atmosphere going on, which is missing in D2, imo.
FearMonkey said:
I have it on PC. It was okay. Diablo 1 is still my favorite out of the 3, still not sure why everybody likes Diablo 2 so much as the gameplay was kind of broken in it with the way gems worked, but regardless...

The PS3 version does look like it'll be the better version of the two because you don't always have to be on and there is no RMAH or any kind of auction house for that matter.

Maybe when it drops to $20 I'll double-dip, but I feel I gave them enough money already. :p
hmm? Diablo 2 sure had a lot of "stupid" stuff. But I cant remember that "gems" have been any problem at all in the game. But I have to say I started playing Diablo 2 seriously in the latter stages, with the Lord of Destruction expansion pack.
I honestly don't see why Diablo 2 is worshiped so much. Yeah it was fun but it had so many annoyances. The fight for items. The ''hostile anywhere'' thing because apparently ruining ohter people's fun is part of the game. Hell difficulty being an exercise in frustration because of stupid immunities. The absolutely non-existant balance. Only one part of the game commonly played per Act (Tristram, Tomb of Tal Rasha, Mephisto, Hellforge, Baal runs). The ''economy'' based on dupes and/or items about 2% of the playerbase actually has (not that an AH is better but still).

I guess if you're the kind of player who likes doing the exact same thing over and over and over and over again (what did Vaas call that, again?) it's a great game, but apart from A) the AH and B) the always-online BS I really don't see what makes Diablo 3 so massively inferior to D2. Not as good because of those things maybe, but some act as if a pile of excrements had flown at their face as they opened the D3 box.

Never played D1, however. I should get on that someday.
The PS3 version will work offline so there goes Blizz's paper-thin "durr auction house" excuse. They did it because they wanted DRM.