First time out of the vault

Here's a funny thing I discovered, being the formula nerd I am.
Even the excellent Per Jorner's guide actively recommended Finesse, calling it a decent trade-off, despite it's actually... detrimental to a typical player in most scenarios, esp. where it counts the most (early game). And that is literally under the best possible circumstance, that is shooting at the eyes.
Let's take a Super Mutant with 5 DT and 40 DR against "normal" damage and assume you're shooting him in the eyes with a .44 magnum using JHP. Which is actually the strongest weapon till Gauss pistol and one you may want to use for the majority of the game.
SM's DR is 40%, but it is increased by +20% from JHP modifier and from additional +30% from finesse.
We arrive at 90% resistance for finesse, 60% without it.
A regular shot will do 2,5 dmage (finesse) and 10 damage (non finesse) on average.
An eye shot will have 68% crit chance without finesse, 78% with it. This is assuming you're playing a typical powergaming character with 8 LK.
Without better criticals, the average critdam is 56 dam (Finesse) or 63 dam (without).
With better crit, assuming it does not instakill, the average critdam is 74 (Finesse), 80 (without). I've taken the instant kill effects off the equation for simplicity sake.
One has to mention that armor piercing critical does not fully penetrate armor, it merely cuts both DR and DT by 80%, and that is multiplicative (so you divide the final DR/DT by 5).
Adding it together, until better criticals (so at levels where it matters most), you are actually reducing your average per-shot damage by around 5%. And after you get better criticals, you improve it.... by a whooping 1%.
It doesn't really change much when you're shooting against a 0 DR creature. roughly same results. The higher DT, the more damage you can squeeze of Finesse tho. Against a Deathclaw (10 DT) Finesse still reduces your damage pre-taking "better criticals" by 4%, but improves it by 2.5% after taking BC.
Now remember, all of that is assuming you shoot them in the eyes. If you target anything BUT the eyes, Finesse will start hampering your damage WAY more due to the "non-armor-piercing damage component" of damage calculation becoming more dominant. This mostly matters early on in the game where you may not yet have the skills/weapons to hit the eyes of every and each critter you encounter.
In other words, finesse is a total waste of time! Pick Small Frame for the +1 Stat point instead
Just some funny maths for nerds.
Even the excellent Per Jorner's guide actively recommended Finesse, calling it a decent trade-off, despite it's actually... detrimental to a typical player in most scenarios, esp. where it counts the most (early game). And that is literally under the best possible circumstance, that is shooting at the eyes.
Let's take a Super Mutant with 5 DT and 40 DR against "normal" damage and assume you're shooting him in the eyes with a .44 magnum using JHP. Which is actually the strongest weapon till Gauss pistol and one you may want to use for the majority of the game.
SM's DR is 40%, but it is increased by +20% from JHP modifier and from additional +30% from finesse.
We arrive at 90% resistance for finesse, 60% without it.
A regular shot will do 2,5 dmage (finesse) and 10 damage (non finesse) on average.
An eye shot will have 68% crit chance without finesse, 78% with it. This is assuming you're playing a typical powergaming character with 8 LK.
Without better criticals, the average critdam is 56 dam (Finesse) or 63 dam (without).
With better crit, assuming it does not instakill, the average critdam is 74 (Finesse), 80 (without). I've taken the instant kill effects off the equation for simplicity sake.
One has to mention that armor piercing critical does not fully penetrate armor, it merely cuts both DR and DT by 80%, and that is multiplicative (so you divide the final DR/DT by 5).
Adding it together, until better criticals (so at levels where it matters most), you are actually reducing your average per-shot damage by around 5%. And after you get better criticals, you improve it.... by a whooping 1%.
It doesn't really change much when you're shooting against a 0 DR creature. roughly same results. The higher DT, the more damage you can squeeze of Finesse tho. Against a Deathclaw (10 DT) Finesse still reduces your damage pre-taking "better criticals" by 4%, but improves it by 2.5% after taking BC.
Now remember, all of that is assuming you shoot them in the eyes. If you target anything BUT the eyes, Finesse will start hampering your damage WAY more due to the "non-armor-piercing damage component" of damage calculation becoming more dominant. This mostly matters early on in the game where you may not yet have the skills/weapons to hit the eyes of every and each critter you encounter.
In other words, finesse is a total waste of time! Pick Small Frame for the +1 Stat point instead

Just some funny maths for nerds.
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