Did you "screwed up" on your first playthrough?

Fallout 1:
- I thought deathclaws would be feasible to kill, early on.
- Died at the glow, of course.
- Joined the Super Mutants.

Fallout 2:
- Didn't talk to Sulik. I must have thought it was Torr.
- I arrived at San Fran. After a while in there I had the urge to start all over.
Killed Dogmeat, totally missed half the Hub map (including Harold) and broke the time limit.

Do i win or what?
PowahAwemah said:
I accidentally didn't deliver that meal in time in Fallout 2. :(
Nice. :lol:

As for me, my adventures with Fallout were really mixed at first. I played Fallout first, gave Ian an SMG and died a lot along the way, got to Necropolis then ran out of time, started again on it and ran out of time again. Then I played Fallout 2 (unaware of the bugs), lost my car, lost all my companions, and stopped playing.

I eventually went back to Fallout 1 and played all the way through it, had loads of fun with it. The first time I got to the glow I was misinformed and didn't have any Rad-X so I died almost instantly. Then I played Fallout 2 again with the unofficial patch and completed it. After that I thought Fallout 2 was the best Fallout, then I up until now I have completed Fallout 1 like 10 times and like it more. Fallout 2 gets boring for me before I get to Frank Horrigan.
First time playing Fallout: I ran into Junktown with Ian and started shooting everybody. Ian got killed by a brahmin, and I was killed by a guard.
Fallout 1:

- First major screwup was my first time playing the game. I got to Junktown and met Gizmo, who offered me a good deal for killing Darkwater. So I killed his assassins while at Kilian's shop. He thanked me....then I killed him, looted the shot as much as possible because I wanted guns. Then I learned how easy it is to have the entire town turn into gun-firing maniacs.

-Second screwup was I never talked to Set in Necropolis and killed him immediately. I then realized how important it was to make sure none of the other Ghouls picked up his gun immediately. I then learned the value of running due to being quite outnumbered....

-Third screwup was facing the Mother Deathclaw..with no explosives to toss. Yeah, that was a major test of my patience. I basically attacked-saved the entire way through facing her. Otherwise, it killed me almost immediately.

-Fourth screwup was that I never ever got a chance to speak with the Master. By the time I got to him all he did was smack me with a telepathic faceslap.

Fallout 2 - First major screwup of this game is that I'm yet to really play it fully XD Next to that was immediately facing a golden gecko after leaving Arroyo. Third was detonating the nuclear power plant. Fourth was getting as far as Vault 13 without finding a single gun....
nemetoad said:
Fallout 2 - First major screwup of this game is that I'm yet to really play it fully XD Next to that was immediately facing a golden gecko after leaving Arroyo. Third was detonating the nuclear power plant. Fourth was getting as far as Vault 13 without finding a single gun....
Destroying the power plant isn't that bad, but arriving at Vault 13 unarmed is hard to believe!
Rough estimate, really. And blowing up the Power Plant was when I didn't want to :P I had a lot of fun trying to negotiate and fix the relationship between Vault City and Gecko.

-I never knew there was more to necropolis than a bunch of random ghouls. No water chip for me.

-I took Bloody Mess.

-Don't know how, but I managed to piss Shady Sands off so I had to kill them all.

-Only saved in one slot.

-Ended up pissing off the Hub, and then saved before I got into combat and realized what happened. Got sniped REALLY hard from all of the assault rifle guards.

-Got blocked into a room by Ian in Vault 15 and had to kill him.

Ton of other fuckups, but it'd take forever to list them all here.

Fallout 2:

-Took Bloody Mess. Again.

-Stole from *everyone* in Arroyo.

-Pissed off Lynette and got booted out in the first conversation.

-Gave Sulik an SMG.

-Still only saved in one slot.

-Tagged Energy Weapons, Barter and Steal.
Considering I could barely understand English before Fallout 1, I had some hilarious difficulties.

I thought the water chip was inside Vault 15 and kept amassing explosives to blow up the cave in. Frustrating. I just discovered the location when happening upon Patrick the Celt, in the desert, who revealed that Necropolis used to have a vault. Not that it was easy to figure out that the sewers had something to do with it.

I tagged three non-combat skills and fought in the Military Base using a Minigun, while having very low big gun skills.

I saved during the fight against Decker under the Maltese Falcon. Serious bugs ensued.

I joined the master.

I looked for the water chip in the special encounter with the aliens. Even had a save to look there more.

Etc etc.
Not only did i f*** up by not knowing about the many of the games weapons,items,quests and npcs, but by choosing the wrong perks,traits as well as skills, God bless The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide! :)

- Having the IN of 4
- Tagging Gambling
- Checking out only the entrance section of the Hub
- Going to the Glow with no RadAway or Rad-X
- Not realizing that bottle caps were money...
- Choosing the laser pistol instead of power armor after rescuing the BoS initiate...
- Trying to slaughter the Gunrunners

Fallout 2

- Trying to slaughter the Navarro base...
- Trying to take a shortcut between the Den and the San Francisco
- Sleeping with Bishop's wife/daughter
- Trying to "walk off" the jet addiction
- Getting sodomized by a super mutant
- Wiping out the Deathclaws in Vault 13 after opening the first door...
- Not preparing well enough before heading off to the oil rig

That's all I can remember
Fallout 1:

1. Not knowing how combat worked, died surrounded by rats in the cave out of V13.
2. Started the journey to the Glow with 30 days left on the Water chip count down and without RadX or RadAway, or a Rope...
3. Attacking the Master with combat armor, didn't know how to get Power Armor.
4. Not finding the .223 Pistol till the 5th playthrough, which occured AFTER I completed fallout 2 first time.
5. Picking the skilled perk with 4 INT (which is a double oops).

Fallout 2:

1. Spending all my cash 'n gear on the 14mm pistol, thinking it would be an awesome weapon (as it was in Fallout 1). After 2 clips of 6, the only weapon I had left that was usable was a 10mm pistol... (after finding out that my 14mm pistol did half the damage of my 10mm...)
2. Picking skilled trait to counter the Skill Point penalty of Gifted.
3. Withdrawing the Virus in SAD, thinking its the weapons the Wrights wanted to wipe out the other families. Later on I had to wipe out a map without any NPCs....
In Fallout 2 I joined the slavers on my first toon. No idea why but noticed later on that everybody hates slavers.

Spent ages searching for Holy Hand Grenade, I was sure it was hidden somewhere. No, it wasn't.

Prolly a lot of other mistakes but can't think of any major screw ups at the moment.
Rawden said:
I never talked to The Master.

Biggest mistake ever.

Yea, I think I just nuked the place. I wish i could relive that confusion I had the first game.

I never interacted with anyone in Junktown, I saw a shotgun at the entrance and I wanted it!

I had no idea you could right click on objects in the field to use an inventory item on it. Like dynamite plus pole plus mining car.