Dirt cheap video cards


Half-way Through My Half-life
8600 gts
8800 gts
2600 xt
2900 xt

Which one should I get to replace a burned out X1300. Not opening boxes to put in teh good stuff in this hp. All of them well under $100, which would perform the best for the price.
They all suck. The 2900 xt is probably the best choice. It totally owned the 8800gts in benchmarks.
Why don't you go for a 8800GT? It's prolly a bit more expensive than the gts but it's totally worth it.

Edit: Turns out, they made a new version of the gts that is slightly better than the gt. It is also more expensive and needs more power, I don't think it's worth it. So I'd still totally go for a gt.
I know they are shit cards, but they're replacing an X1300 that don't work anymore, so it'll be a vast improvement over X200 integrated. And I don't want to waste any more money than I must to get by.
welll...it's a tie between the 8800 GTS and 2900 XT .
if you look at the benchmarks you can see that in some games the 2900 xt is stronger and in some games its weaker.
be also aware that you will also need a good PSU for the 2900 xt.
but if you are asking me, i think you should save some more money and buy something decent.
It's not about affording it, it's about wasting money on this hp.

Besides I ordered an 8600 gts for about fifty bucks, look at my last post.
Why is 8800gts shit all of the sudden? It can still play most games on max without a problem. At least my G92 one can. I even play Crysis with most settings on very high at 1280x960 pretty smoothly. Of course the choice like this also depends on other parts of your system, so if it's an old machine you probably made the right choice with 8600gts.
Go for the 8800 GTS, but ONLY the 512mb version, as it is superior to the other GTS, all the GT and it matches (even sometimes outmatches) the GTX.
$160? That's pretty expensive, given that the 9800 GT is just a revamped 8800 GT. Even if it's overclocked a bit.
I paid full retail at a big box store, probably could have gotten it for 120 online somewhere.

It moooooooves though. Benched on my machine faster than 8800 GTX.