Disapointment with the Vertibird... (spoilers)


It Wandered In From the Wastes
This makes no sense, why can't you fly one??? I've loved the things since seeing one in Fallout 2, and there's no reason why you won't be able to fly one in F3 too. The in-game AI certainly has no problem using them to take off, land, fire a gatling laser and even unload Enclave troops!
Bethesda didn't want you using vehicles. (probably because it would cut the play time in half but at least it would have been nice to see the wasteland from a motorcycle)

But don't worry about it, you can see the vertibird flying, landing and that it's destructible, so I'm sure someone will make a mod for them to be ride able as well as cars and bikes.
they originally tried to put in vehicles but they couldn't figure out how to get the oblivion engine to stop making them neigh