Disappearing stat points


First time out of the vault
I'm new to Fallout, this is the first time I've ever played, and I could use some assistance, if possible. I created a custom character, I gave it the Skilled and Gifted traits, and the initial stats 05/08/05/08/09/06/06 (verified from an early save).

I'm in Junktown now, and inexplicably I just got -4 PE, -3 CH and -3 IN in the message box after waking up from resting (after doing the Skum Pitt quests if that matters). Even more inexplicably, my stats before that were at 05/10/05/09/10/06/06, though I didn't notice when they became modified -- from the saved games that I have, some time between finishing the Water Thief quest and being in the hotel in Junktown (no quests done)

I don't understand why my stats keep changing. Based on my initial choices, I should have a total of 7 * 5 + 7 (Gifted) + 5 (initial) = 47 stat points, though now I only have 41. My understanding from reading the manual is that stat points are locked in except by item bonuses and chem effects; I haven't used any chems and my items are just the Metal Armor and a shotgun.

My character is level 5, and his one perk is Swift Learner.

I'd appreciate any help -- thanks!
Are you absolutely certain you haven't used any chems? No mentats, for instance? Because it seems to be a clear case of mentat abuse.

Otherwise, this might just be a case of radiation, but that is very doubtful.
What would happen if I used mentats? I'm 99.9% certain I've never used them, but I guess I might have accidentally used them instead of selling them? I don't know...

Would there be any notice on the character sheet for either of your two ideas?
Give us the version of your game (can be found in the bottom corner of the start menu). If it is unpatch it could possibly be the radiation like Sander said. Where have you been?

If it is patched and you think it could be drugs, wait for a few days with the sleep button (z), maybe even a week or two and see if they go back to normal.

If you've got any mods or unofficial patches installed then firstly, this is the wrong place to post, but never mind, and secondly search in the MODDING section for name of mod and a few keywords like low stats etc.
Ok, so I tried resting for about 5 days, and then I got +2 back to IN/CH/PE, so I guess I accidentally used mentats? Is there going to be any lasting effect that I should be worried about (ie. should I go back to my save in Vault 13 before this happened)?

The only places I've been so far are Vaults 13/15, Shady Sands, the Raiders camp, and Junktown (and a couple attacks in the desert).