Discussing Beer


Background Radiant
master_of_flamaster said:
Here'a another one about Polish people and drinking :P

I can personally testify that type of beer sucks.
I'm afraid I'd get infected with something.

Also, I regret to inform you, Warka Strong sucks donkey balls.
Wooz said:
Also, I regret to inform you, Warka Strong sucks donkey balls.

On second thought, you're right.

It's too fucking expensive.
I mean, a buck? Find some Knightly. Or Crystal. Save your home budget.
Meh, the only good Polish beer I drank was the one in the blackish bottle. And Crystal is the name of a Flemish beer, you damn foreign fakers
I betcha this Flemish beer doesn't cost 33 cents ;)

Which was the one in the blackish bottle?
I`d tell you, but unfortunately every two Polish words sound exactly the same to me.
Yeah, Oak Strong is cool. But
still too costly and also made me
vomit hard on one occasion.

Knightly Strong is the one way,

Also, this should be stickied.
Spaten is the best European (and by extension world) beer, followed by Guiness and Newcastle.

Although absinthe is the best thing from The Czech Republic. So I've heard. And is it referred to as *The* Czech Republic or just Czech Republic?
Best European beer is Kilkenny, followed by Orval and Duvel, punk. Guiness isn`t even beer - it`s a draught.

And we still say Bohemia. We`re not in to that modern stuff.
Jebus said:
You just can`t hold your beer because your from Gdansk, you wannabe-Pole.

As irony would have it, the beer "Gdanskie" is the worst liquid shit this side of Alpha Draconis.

Still, a beer that writes "Strong" can't be bad. It's just that Knightly is superior to Oak in both taste and pricing.
Murdoch said:
Spaten is the best European (and by extension world) beer, followed by Guiness and Newcastle.


Murdoch said:
Although absinthe is the best thing from The Czech Republic. So I've heard. And is it referred to as *The* Czech Republic or just Czech Republic?

The Czech Republic, though preferably written in all caps and followed by three or more exclamation marks.

Czech beer is the best beer in the world. To be specific, the home brewed ležak of the Prague pub Pivovarský Dům is number one. Pilsner Urquell takes a strong second place, followed closely by it's friends Krušovice, Gambrinus, Staropramen, Zlatopramen, Starobrno, Kozel, etc. etc. If it's one thing the Czech know, it's pilsner.
Luke said:
Murdoch said:
Although absinthe is the best thing from The Czech Republic. So I've heard. And is it referred to as *The* Czech Republic or just Czech Republic?

The Czech Republic, though preferably written in all caps and followed by three or more exclamation marks.

Actually, the official long name of the country is "OMG TEH CZECHZ0R REPPUBLICQUECK!!!!1111111111111111111eleventyoneandabunchofampersands K LOL"

Really though, all the country names that contain a common noun such as "Republic" or "Kingdom" or "Marshmallows" should be "the". And then some - the Netherlands, the Ukraine I think, etc.

ležak... Pivovarský Dům... Krušovice
I have them on my keyboard, but how do you manage to type them? Are you really that 1337? :shock:

As for beer: I don't drink alcohol. I'm a bad patriot :(