Do you agree with the death penalty?


Doubtful whether it's the truth for most people and probably not part of human nature. Part of some people's nature maybe, but not all people. Those who murder, deserve to be locked away or shot.

What's my point. Some asshole decided to kill someone because he wants to get laid, or is pissed off, or just because he's an asshole. Because he has family, or kin, they start into the habit of revenge. Because no one is safe if murder is accepted than there is war begun by some asshole. This is your idea?

You're right, fear of punishment probably hasn't stopped people. Hell, it's probably gotten some people to commit acts of violence. So what? That's why we have prisons and the death penalty, to get rid of those assholes.
There is a difference between murder being socially accepted and murder being a silver bullet for fighting all injustice.
That's just silly.

Murder as defined is the crime of killing someone without legal authorization.

If murder were socially accepted, it wouldn't be murder. If it were legally sanctioned, it would also not be murder.

As for murder being the silver bullet for fighting social injustice, unless you're getting your logic out of a marvel comic book, I am not seeing your point. Yes, we have all seen stories were a person takes the law into his own hands to fight social corruption. But in terms of making it a general policy- murder is a crime because it contradicts the core of a civilized society- peaceful and ordered social interactions.

So what is your point?
Hmm... Right now I'm thinking Minority Report...
This is a thorny issue... if the legal system would work perfectly and the criminal was unredeemable... maybe, and if the death punishment would be applied I think the individual should be entirely eliminated, like you just threw him down a memory hole, no fame or glory for the serial killer, just oblivion.... but killing him solves very little, perhaps it would be much more interesting to keep him in prison for life, study him, much like an animal, a freak of nature. Make him part of the tour! :lol:
or not. Just because they killed someone doesn't mean they're not human.

And glory/infamy (?) will always be linked with serial killers in a society controlled by the media. Also, just because what they did is considered bad doesnt mean it shouldnt be remembered (Hitler)

right now I'm thinking of the atomic bomb lol
I didn't say that
I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman
:lol: I said he should be studied and made to feel like one, like a twisted punishment. Maybe we could more accurately find out what makes them tick, of course the reason might vary from individual to individual. If one can understand them better they could be stopped in due time. Profiler shit and all that...
I thought they already did 'profiling' as it exists. Are you suggesting someone who mabye took drugs should be experimented on?
Minority Report was can't tell for 100% that a person will murder someone...and as well all saw, it is easily corruptible. And I went to it, thinking it was going to be about a reckless crusade against minorities.
Paladin Solo said:
And I went to it, thinking it was going to be about a reckless crusade against minorities.

Would have made it more interesting..

I saw it on TV last time i was home visiting my family.. the movie had some good parts, but needed more killing, or at least severe maiming.
The problem with killing is that the more people are exposed to it, the more they do accept it as part of nature. The less they are exposed to it and socialized to think of it as extreme, the less they are likely to do it.

Psychological studies of children in war-torn areas or areas of high crime find that people who are more likely to experience violence on a regular basis are more likely to become insensitive to it or practice it.

That said, and for the reasons pointed about about the notion of "peaceful order" as being good for mankind, are two of the reasons why murder should be condemned.
I'm for the death penalty... but for crimes in which it is proven for they are guilty. I know its iffy as we have discussed, but look at McVeigh... I think it should be for more severe crimes, and I think the US is becoming too lenient. Take for example, murder. Mind you, life imprisonment is a long time, and keeps the person off the streets. Now, murder can get you out in 10 years with good behavior. I dunno about you, bt that means that a possible murderer is ack on the street, and they HAVE become multiple offenders. I think when someone gets locked up for a BAD crime, they should NOT be released until proven INNOCENT.

I would like to point out that the numbers show it costs LESS to keep someone in jail for a life sentence than it does for the death penalty. Using the electric in the chair, or getting the chems for the injection is more expensive. By the way, lethal injection is more human than firing squad, and can be faster than hanging. Not all victims die immediately by hanging, and the same with firing squad. Also, I believe it would cost more for firing squad, as the bullets and men take money. Not to be crude, but remember, originally Hitler used shooting as his main method of killing, until it became too expensive and time consuming. But of course, that's on a much larger scale and higher pace than the death penalty is used.
You do know that Timothy McVeigh is now dead right?

MadDog said:
I think when someone gets locked up for a BAD crime, they should NOT be released until proven guilty.


Whatever happened to working hard labor? Now some convicts have dvd players in their cells...why the hell does a society spend time and money, wasting it on someone, if they decide not to punish them? What is the point of punishment when you no longer accpet it as civilized and humane? Just let them keep on going. Twenty years from now, some of us may be arguing on whether it is "humane" to even jail criminals, I bet. If they did the crime, they pay the time, or die by nine.

Everytime someone dies by gunfire, people blame guns...I can't stress this enough....there are plenty more methods of murder people, it's just what the criminal wants is what they're going to use. It's not the tool you want to punish, it's the user.
I'm for it, put the criminals on a secluded are, or island, and let them live for theirselves.
What secluded island? There used to be Australia, but then the Brits started using Australia exactly like that, and we now have a nice little country there. Hmm...

What I see in most people in thios thread is the willingness to look upon punishment as a means of revenge. That's not really what is useful, nor even moral. What does help is trying to reform these people, and you can try to reform in jail, in special programs and with other things. That helps, not going around and killing a bunch of people who may well become valuable parts of society.
I think revenge is pretty darn dope. Like if someone stole off me, I'd want compensation. If someone murdered me I wouldn't think 'oh well, he might become a valued member of society'. What if someone kills off a whole bunch of valued societicians? That isn't very productive.


but yea. They should just send them to mexico.
"An execution is not simply death. It is just as different from the privation of life as a concentration camp is from prison. It adds to death a rule, a public premeditation known to the future victim, an organization which is itself a source of moral sufferings more terrible than death. Capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders, to which no criminal's deed, however calculated can be compared. For there to be an equivalency, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life."

Albert Camus---"Reflections on the Guillotine, Resistance, Rebellion & Death"

<3 Camus
MadDog -[TO said:
-]By the way, lethal injection is more human[e] than firing squad, and can be faster than hanging. Not all victims die immediately by hanging, and the same with firing squad.
The actual process from when they inject you, when compared to from when the trigger is pulled, may be quicker. If you include all the preparation beforehand, then I'm sure it's not. And not all "victims" die immediately from lethal injections.
There is no perfect method of execution, and it should not necessarily be a perfectly humane process. There is something solid & real about hanging, or a firing squad which I think is lacking in the currently used methods (in the States at least, I'm not talking about methods practiced elsewhere). Lethal injection would be surreal, almost like an operation (which I suppose it is). The Electric Chair is like something out of a nightmare or a horror movie.
Azael/Albert Camus said:
For there to be an equivalency, the death penalty would have to punish a criminal who had warned his victim of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had confined him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life.
The long wait on death row, to me, seems to fall under "Cruel & unusual punishments", which, IIRC, is prohibited under US law.
The long wait is to prove innocence though...

I think beheadings work well as death penalty. Can't go wrong there, gravity does the work.