Do you Anime?

Hey, Katario, if you are still here......,

I just saw Metroplis not so long ago, it's errily close to AI, or Key the Metal Idol, and other similar themed story. It's greepy in a beautiful kind of way, sorta like the Pet shop of Horrors.

By the way, see if you can remember this song...., I just dug it up not so long ago:

Brings back memories...., enjoy.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
Macross, if my memory serves me correctly. It's a nice song, in a somewhat old-fashioned way.

Sorry, going to post a longer reply, a bit more in-depth to your previous questions. Though too many things are going on, not to mention my computer crashed the last two times I started composing it.

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard
Took long enough, but I'm back with a full reply.

I get my stuff at any location I can (legally). Some of it I download, some are copies from friends, some are bought, some are rented, some have gone through American studios, some have been Fan-Subbed. Can’t always complain about American studios, but you can most of the time. I’d get original stuff (like I do for music), but as I have said, I have a certain lack of knowledge and ability in languages.

I didn’t know that DNA^2 and Video Girl AI were done by the same artist, thank you for the tidbit. I’ll look into getting the manga on your advice, shouldn’t be too hard (I have some friends... well, they fit the stereotypes in Otaku No...). As for Pet Shop of Horrors, I think the rabbit/daughter episode. They introduce the characters, which was memorable. Of course, I don’t really remember the second tape (saw it after 3 hours of Takashi’s Castle). Been trying to see it again, to share with my friends, but I haven’t had success, yet at least.

I’ve heard bad things about Samurai-X, so I have been staying away from it.

I have heard the same Disney rumor as you have, and I wouldn’t put it past them. They released them once, but clamped up after that. Have you heard of Winnie the Pooh? Turns out someone else bought the original rights, much earlier than Disney (which had bought the rights from a relative). Getting their just desserts.

I sort of liked Sanctuary, the only thing that got me was the... well, as you said, darkness. My tastes are light-hearted, but Sanctuary has style. It more than makes up for the darkness(in my eyes, as only I can speak for them). Very interesting, I hope to eventually own copies, so I can go through in detail. As it is, I saw it when I was running a display booth for my local Otaku club, not the best area.

I have seen the original manga, even seen articles written about the artistry in City Hunter manga. I would agree wholeheartedly that it is some of the most amazing work going.

Tank has bemoaned your loss at the Feelings Online forums, now moved to Duck and Cover. Can't believe I didn't recognize you from Vault13. Interesting that I only found out recently...

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard
I wouldn't worry about it too much, since I am the resident doc of the site ever since they moved. I perfer to use the same name across the board if I can. Tank is actually holding up very well as a president.

This has to be short. Cus I am on a web cafe's account.

I'll try to get back to you later since my adsl doesn't work.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."