Do you believe in communism?

Pisis said:
Ummm, actually, do you really believe in Communism? It's an utopia... plus not mentioning the fact that you're depiciting a man who is responsible for over 43,000,000 people death and other tens of Millions of destroyed lives...

Your fight.

BTW, excellent Old Fashion Boy, phomax!


Does anyone really truly believe in communism? People without ambition believe in communism, "if the rest of society is forced to have nappy hair i will not have to take a bath" seems to be a bit o shady logic if you ask one human being is truly created equal to another in social-economic scale and it is that way for a reason. Its like this: you work your ass of through 4-8 years of college so you can get a good job, then you show up for work on time for a few years and get a promotion. WHY? so you can retire and raise your offspring (if you have any) in a safe and protected environment. In a communist state nobody but the ruling government has any money and your college education might as well mean nothing. In order to make ends meet you are driven to barter for survival for light bread, light bulbs, and many other basic needs.....Or am i the only one that has cracked open a history book? Marxist idealogy wasn't a leap forward it was a leap backwards...punishing the "evil" capitalists for existing to gain wealth or material things. Sure exploitation of the working class happened and still does but the total destruction of capitalism wouldn't solve a damn thing. Regulation of company policy and pay/treatment of its workers is what will stop the exploitation of the working class. Its a proven historical fact that where "communism" in what ever form (stalinism...ect) rules people are oppressed under a government of fear and violence.
Ronald Reagan became President of the United States in the 80's and soon after it became clear what his goals were, his intent was to wage war against communism. In 1986, a man by the name of Robert Conquest was chosen to write Reagan's anti-communist propaganda. In Robert Conquest's book from 1969 called "The Great Terror" he stated that the death toll during the Soviet famine in 1932-1933 exceeded 5 million people. During Reagan's anti-communist propaganda in the 80's the same death toll exeeded 14 million people! Robert Conquest presented his spurious nazi propaganda and lies as fact. Robert Conquest was a British agent working for the notorious IRD, Information Research Department battling communism. Robert Conquest was identified in 1978 by the Guardian as a former British agent. Before, at the time, the IRD supplied many respected British newspapers with material. The famine in Ukraina as portrayed in Robert Conquest books is a fraud. The Canadian journalist Douglas Tottle have investigated these so called "facts" in his book called "Fraud, Famine and Fascism, The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard", published in Toronto 1987. The journalist who supposedly took footage from the affected areas, a man by the name of Thomas Walker, had in fact never been there! These shocking facts were discovered by the journalist Louis Fischer. In fact, Thomas Walker, whose real name is Robert Green was an escaped convict from a Federal Correctional Institution in Colorado. Robert Conquest's role in the IRD was to fabricate lies for facts.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, nazi symphatizer and reactionary, is another ideological friend of Robert Conquest. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn stated that the war against Nazi Germany could have been avoided if the Soviet Union had made a compromise with Hitler. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel prize for his book "The First Circle". Solzhenitsyn was made to appear as a freedom fighter and democrat in the media, however, they never mentioned his Nazi-sympathizing. Solzhenitsyns constant lies and reactionary views such as advocating military intervention in Portugal, lies about millions of innocent people being executed in the Soviet Union, thousands of American soldiers being prisoners of war in Vietnam, and the list goes on and on. This man is clearly not a reliable source of information.

Solzjenitsyn gave inspiration to the Rambo movies, starring the American actor Sylvester Stallone. Solzjenitsyn share his idea of democracy with men such as Joseph Goebbels. How did Soviet critics go about with their research? They took population growth into account, then they estimated how many people people are missing based on population statistics in the Soviet Union. If we take Robert Conquest's numbers into account, it would mean that only during 1937-1938 over one million people were killed in Gulag camps! And during 1938-1939 over 3 million people killed. Logic clearly proves that Robert Conquest is a liar. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that the number of political prisoners in the Gulag system exceeded 25 million in 1953! These numbers are fabricated lies. But when Gorbachev opened the KGB archives in 1990, none of Solzjenitsyns and other Soviet critics word proved to be true. Research presented by Russian historians such as Zemskov, Dougin and Xlevnjuk did not get any attention in western media. In reality, there probably never was more prisoners in the Gulag than there was in US prisons at that time. Several Nazi war criminals went free because it was uncovered at the trial that American scientists had done the same kind of immoral experiments on prisoners and mentally retarded in the US as the Nazis had done on innocent people! Robert Conquest, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and other Soviet critics estimate that over one hundred million people died in the Soviet Union in Gulag during 1930-1954. I believe any intelligent person should be able to see the absurdity of these estimates.