Do you still use CDs?


First time out of the vault
Do you still use CDs or do you prefer digital copies of the game? I'm asking 'cos I've just found a whole bunch of my old CDs and I kinda miss those times when we used to exchange with friends with our games and play together and help each other to walkthrough tough places in a game. Yeah, so what's your opinion on CDs?

P.S. Ooops! Wrong sub-forum, could you please move it to General Discussions forum?
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I generally stopped using CDs since I've started using GoG/Steam - it's not worth it. Buying a DVD case with nothing but a disc in it has no real "feel" to it. However, there are certain companies - like Blizzard and CDPR - which still pay attention to the physical product. Nice boxes with extras in them etc. I like that and I buy those games, if I'm interested in them, of course. Otherwise, I avoid them - unless the title is cheaper than buying it on digital platform, which is sometimes the case.
I still use CD's as it saves on my hard drive space. That and I grew up buying games in CD form so I'm kinda used to owning physical copies.
Ah, I'm so disappointed some of my CDs are damaged so I can't install anything from them. Although, finding and checking out old CDs make me feel like an explorer :D
I have all my games through Steam and Origin, but I'm an avid collector of music CD's, and I listen to most of my music from them. Guess I'm lucky that my home town has 2 well equipped record stores.