Do you think Fallout has some of the most realistic gunplay?

Why would you even question if the series has "some" of the most realistic gunplay when your PC can survive being shot in the head with a shotgun at point-blank range?


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I think you have some what of a point there. It'd be the same way if you got shot in the torso with a 30-06 Springfield. A round that's more fitted to hunt half a ton bull elk. In real life probably wouldn't survive being shot once or twice with a 30-06 in the torso. That gives me some ideas. I should add the M1 Garand and 30-06 into Fallout 2 as a mod. In reality a 12 gauge let alone a 10 gauge are extremely lethal at close range. So no one would survive a direct blast in the head from a 12 gauge buckshot. I don't even think the Combat armor would survive one hit from a 30-06 AP. And I would have to consider the Combat armor in Fallout to be basically be Type 5 Body armor if they've come as far along to use liquid ceramic layers that harden upon impact. But there's only so much punishment those things can take and it can only get but so hard to the put it gets brittle and breaks.
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Fallout has fun combat but I wouldn't say realistic. But it is fun, which is surprising for a turn based combat game.
Hell no. The most realistic ones tend to be military sims, be it as an FPS or something else. Fallout doesn't try to shoot for realism.
Fallout has never had realistic gunplay.

However, Fallout 1 and 2 do have pretty satisfying combat. People like to shit on them for being clunky, but I always felt great satisfaction from blowing apart an enemy into a neat death animation.

It does look like Fallout 4 will have actually good gunplay though, so there's that. Benefits of streamlining it into an open-world action game I suppose.